Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3712, Hongyun

(The first to come!)


"Since it is a disaster, why is it a few such a surprise?"

The sword is unparalleled.

Some people in Xuanzhao saw this, but they said.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, you don't know, this red cloud is in the mist, it is indeed a disaster against Red Shishan, but under this disaster, it hides the huge opportunity." Xuanzhao said.

"Machine?" The sword has no double look.

"One of the biggest opportunities in the Red Cloud, Hongshi Mountain." Xuanzhu Dao said: "After each Hongyun fog appears, the Hongyun industry will reproduce the world, and when all cultivators can enter the red cloud industry, stay in the inside Ten thousand years. "

"The red cloud is full of endless opportunity, as long as the luck is good, there is a strength, you can get these firms."

"Since the three major battlefields, there is a lot of red clouds in this star, and there have been many times. Under normal circumstances, the red cloud fog will only have a hundred million people will have once, the red cloud, nature It is also tens of millions of years will be opened once, but this time is not specified, sometimes it has been separated, like the longest, intermittently across eight million years. "

"And each Hongyun is open, this star field will be uniform, and it will be crazy, enter the Red cloud industry, and of course there are many people who have got over the big machine."

"For example, a few billions of years ago, there is a rule of the rules, it is very good, but it is good, in the Hongyun industry, I got a big machine, I stayed from the Hongyun City, I was directly Dotted the master level, and the strong secrets, the war can directly match the top of the top! "

"There is still someone, I get a very precious inheritance in the Red cloud industry, and I also fly here, I have reached the topmost of this star field in just 100,000 years, and then I ran to the depths of the universe. "

"Of course, this is the kind of rare opportunity, these machines, not only only Hongyun industry, there are many places in the three battlefields, but they are hidden with this big firing, but those big firms have a big crisis, and the traffic cloud industry It is relatively easy to encounter, and the crisis is smaller. "

"Can be treated by the treasure ... Every time you reproduce the world, there will be a large number of universe to Bao, like the universe of the top, the peak level to the treasure, whether it is attacking the gods, the Bao Bang armor is the field, suppression, flight class Wait, there should be, and there are many quantities, even the strongest universe is treasure ... "

"Every time the Hongyun industry is born, in this 10,000 years, there will definitely have the strongest universe to the treasure, and there is not only one, but the foot of ten, although it is more than the attack, but A, and other special types of the strongest universe to treasure, it is also there. "

"Like the ancestors, his strongest universe to the treasure ax is that when he appeared in the last Red cloud industry, he was in the inside." Xuan Shen said.

"Haha, I am very lucky, just encountered a strongest universe to the treasure, and just I can use it." Tianzu smiled very much.

On the strength, the Tianzu is in the master level, it is quite ordinary. Under normal circumstances, his first grade, unless there is a big force support, otherwise it is not possible to have the strongest universe to treasure, but day The ancestors are lucky, in the red clouds, get a huge ax that is just suitable.

And I heard the dialogue of the two, and the sword couldn't help but excited.

As the people of Xuanzhu said, the big firms contained in the Red Cloud industry did not have much attractiveness to the sword.

After all, those big firms, in general, only those who really got the Universiade have the opportunity to get, under normal circumstances, the Hongyun industry is born once, there will be a person who has a big firing is good, the sword is unparalleled, I don't think I will Have so big luck.

But the Hongyun industry brought to treasures in this 10,000 years, then let the sword have no double heart.

A large number of top hierarchies, the universe of the peak level to treasure, even ten strongest universe!

The strongest universe is to the treasure, that level of the treasure, but it is enough to make the master of the master.

You must know that in this star field, there are many master, and there is no strongest universe to the treasure. These dominates are extremely long and tears. It is like a Tianzu.

On the weekdays, they sway in the three battlefields. Although there are indeed a lot of strongest universe in the three battlefields, it is likely to be born, where is the red cloud industry ... As long as the Red cloud industry is open, it is 10,000 years In the time, there will be no more than ten strongest universe.

This opportunity, who is willing to miss?

It is also no wonder that the parties of this star field will be so desired to the red cloud.

It is also no wonder that Xuan Shen people will be a few of them. At this moment, it is very surprised.

The red cloud industry, whether it is the mains of the rules of this star field, or those who are on the master, are a huge gospel.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, your current strength is no weaker than the high master, but in the treasure, although you have the strongest to the Baojian that gets from Tianpeng, there is also your Master to leave the mountains and rivers. Zhen Tianmun, but the mountain river social map and town monument, you are now afraid that you can't master it or show it, and a single hand is the strongest to the Bao Shen sword, and it is still a bit for you. "Xuanzhu Dao said.

The sword is unparalleled.

He also understands that if you put it in your own star field, you can have Huangquan Shenjian's most attacking the soldier. At the same time, there is a mountain river social figure in hand, the town Tianbu him can master the day, absolutely a treasure is very rich. .

However, his enemies are finally from distant magic clouds, which is the magic cloud.

The Magic Cloud Star is a controller of a second star boundary. He has a lot of resources. Various treasures must have, far more than yourself.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled to find a way to get more to the treasure. At most, he also has a good thing to have a good thing to be a treasure warfare?

"This time I will be born at this time. It is absolutely good news for us. This means that we can do more than Tiao Xiaoyou in this 10,000 years. When we come, we can also win more. "Xuanzhu Dao people.

The sword is unparalleled.

"Take the god of Xuan, the number of treasures in the Hongyun world, I don't know if there is a treasure of ice-hearted glazed jade?" The sword is unparalleled.

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