Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3729 Blood Sword



"The bones are expectant, do you really want to work with this seat?"

"Is it right with you?" The bones were blessed, and they said: "In fact, the old man is not necessarily to stop you."

"Well?" The Lord God moved.

The Lord of the ancient idiots not far from the bones is not far from the bones.

"You may not know, you may not know that the old man has been in this red cloud, but it is not good enough, but now only two pieces of treasure, but it is just the first to go to the treasure, this harvest is really not good. The bones are old.

The eyes of the eyes are dark, and he looked at the bones, low Shen said: "How are you doing, let's talk.

"It's very simple, one of the top to Bao Wars, the old man will not take this one again." The bones smiled.

As soon as this, I immediately caught a turmoil immediately.

"This is old, he is really dare."

"Dare to be the Lord, to the mains, the rules of the rules, I am afraid that he will dare to do this."

"This is normally, the bones are more than the means, the life is strong, but it is hard to connect to the extreme. If he is not willing to make the way, the Lord is really a little way to take the ancient idiography, and Bone old monster for so many years, there is a lot of death, even the high-pronoun, he doesn't care, and you will care about a dupigant in this area. "

"I have to say, the Lord of a rule, dare to be directly dominated by the master, this bones are really admired."

Most of the many rules around, most of them have a high excitement and admiration.

Task, the rules of the rules, which is a huge watershed.

The main slaughter, high tall, and the Lord of the rules is in front of the master, but it is a crust.

In this star field, many rules of rules have been accustomed to the high height of the dominant, but today I saw a master of the rules in the rules, and the main people of these rules certainly feel that they feel comfortable.

That is the top color, it is extremely gloomy, even if he doesn't pay attention to his identity, he doesn't care about his face, but a master slaughtered by a rule, when this is a lot of people, it is less, but there are fewer or less. I feel that I can't go on the face.

He stared at the bones, but he was hesitant.

"What is the face, it is not important, the key is the interest !!"

"A top to the treasure war armor, is not much more precious, the old-fashioned field class for the ancient idiography is just a top-tip of the treasure, and there is a pacifier fight against the two pieces. Quite as Xuan Olympics, the value is very high than the general peak to treasure, if it kills him, I can get the benefits, more than one top to Bao Wanjia. "

"The most important thing is ... the main body of the ancient idiography, there is something that makes me a treasure."

The ,,.

Everyone thinks that he kills ancient idiots regardless of the identity, but in order to get the top of the top of the old man, there is also the net fire fight.

But in fact, it is not that simple.

This pupil, there is a very special treasure.

On the main body of the ancient idiots, there is something that special treasures desire, that is the most important reason.

"No matter what, you must kill this ancient chatter, get his Qiankun ring, as for a top to Bao War, there is nothing."

The old heart has made a decision, and immediately he waved, a silver armor that exudes the top to the treasure, and slammed directly.

The old monsters reached out, the consciousness enamed, and nodded slightly. "It is a master, the family is extraordinary, this is very big."

"Bone, the top to the treasure war armor has given you, now, can you let it open?" Asked the old man asked.

"Not anxious." The bones were still shaking their heads.

"The bones !!" "When the duprans suddenly became anger.

"Haha, don't worry, don't worry." The elderly is smile. Since you have given the top to Bao Wanjia to the old man, then the old man will naturally abide by the promise, no longer intercepted this, I haven't I am rushing to leave, just want to ask you, you don't worry your own identity, and even give the old man one top to the treasure warfare, but also to kill the owner of the ancient idiography, is it really only for the ancient people The top area of ​​the top is treasure? "

"Hey, single single-tip class is to Bao War, naturally it is not worth this, but the old man used to hinder my abstinence, but it is quite special, this seat is more interested." Pupil.

"Oh, is it really like this?" The bones were ignorant and glad.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" The holy mainly pressed the anger of the bottom.

The bones are old brows, and they don't think more.

In fact, there is nothing more, and the older is not a name in this star field. He will focus on the owner of the ancient idiography. It is also normal, not worthy of doubting.

"In this case, then the old man is now open, what do you want to do, but the old man is open, but if you can't kill this ancient chat, then you can't blame. "The bones play the taste.

"Hey, as long as you are not in the case, this is to kill this ancient idiograph, then no one can stop."

"Is it? That is not necessarily."

The bones were grinned, and his strength of his soul has been induced by one.

The Lord of the ancient idiots in the bones, and has also received a message, and the face also revealed a lot of surprises.

Not far from the void, a shadow has appeared, and the fastest speed is rushing to this void.

The bones have just let the bodies have been shaped, and the will continue to be the owner of the ancient idiography, and the shadow has come to this void center, standing on the side of the owner of ancient idiography.

"The owner of the ancient idiography, isn't it?" The sword did not ask.

"Nothing, fortunately, Mr. Pluto is timely shot, blocking the Pupthorn, but I am sure that you can't die, you can't come." The main road of ancient idiography.

The sword has no double eyes, seeing the bones, and then laughed: "The predecessor, thank you this time."

"Where, the old man is only for a top to the treasure war armor, but it is not because you, and the face of your Star Palace." The bones smiled.

The surrounding people, they see the arrival of swords, they are excited again.


PS: Today is more coming!

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