(The first to come!)


"The Lord of Swords, is the master of the Seminar of the Star Palace !!"

"The Lord of Blood Sword, but the strongest in our holy, the rules of the rules of the rules, heard that he is also in this third continent, and now he should have received the rescue of the owner of the ancient idiography. It is only very convinced. "

"The Lord of the Sword is coming, this is a good show, but can you pay the power of the Lord?"

"It's hard to say, although the strength of the sword is very strong, there is invincible in the rules of the rules, but he has no resort from the elderly, and he is in front of a dominant, I am very hung."

The many rules around the surrounding rules are talking about them.

The mains of these rules, the impression of swords, still staying for more than 10,000 years ago, in the magic smoke valley, swords and unparalleled powerfully on the battle of the five rules.

At that battle, the sword is unparalleled, although the power of the rules is, but compared to the main slaughter, it is still two different levels.

So most people, whether the sword is unparalleled, it is full of doubts.

"The predecessors of the bones, we will then narrow the old, let me first send this donkey to send it." The sword is unparalleled.

"The line, this is not weak, you can be careful." The old man is stunned.

The sword is unparalleled is a relatively easy picture.

As for the Lord, when he saw the sword, he didn't know why it was directly in it.

Yes, he really stunned.

So, he is not a sudden arrival of the sword, but since the state of the special treasure on him.

I don't know why, when the sword is unparalleled, the special treasure on him is in front of him, and it is entirely crazy.

That is an unprecedented excitement, unprecedented desire.

It is like a wolf that has been hungry for ten nights, and suddenly I saw sheep.

The treasure on him, this is the hot and crazy.

"what happened?"

"The main body of this blood sword, there is something, it will make my treasure so excited !!"

"It's too crazy, since I got the treasure, I have never seen it so excited and eager."

The eyes of the dupe are also extremely hot in an instant.

But this is hot, soon he is covered by him.

On the void, the bones have given it to the side of the empty, only the sword is unparalleled, the ancient idiots are standing there.

The sword is unparalleled with the ancient people to stand together.

"The Lord of Blood Sword, the strength of this, is indeed very terrible, and it is absolutely very strong in the first grade. My strongest sippo is now being broken by him. It is not in a short time. The law will be displayed again, and in his speed, I also can't escape from his face. "

"So, you can only join hands, think about it." The owner of ancient idiography said.

If you can't show the firefighting method, the owner of the ancient idiography is definitely no way to cross the holy.

But he knows that the power of the sword is very strong, and the two will join hands there will be a certain vitality.

After listening to his words, the sword is unparalleled, "" The Lord of the ancient idiography, you step down, this is the Lord, give it to me. "

"Give you one person?" The owner of ancient idiot.

"I am enough." The sword is very self-confident, "retreat."

The main gaze of ancient idiots was slightly condensed. He looked at the sword and didn't think much, but the rear of the rear.

It doesn't stop what you want to stop.

After the sword is unparalleled to this void, the ,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, ., ,. .

Even if the owner of the ancient idiots turns around, he will not be chasing again.

For him, the sword is unparalleled is the first goal.

"The Lord of Blood Sword, the strongest of the main rules of the rules of the rules of the star field." The Lord grinned. He glanced at the old ancient times, and his face smiled more. "It is going to be alone. Come to the seat, hey, it is really arrogant. "


The sword is unparalleled but only a light smile, but there is a very exciting.

I don't blame him excitement. I have to know that since he breaks through the rules of the rules, he has never truly comparable to the master of the master.

Although he is holding his hand with Tian Peng, with Tianzu, when it is too early to gain, it even killed three dominates.

However, Tianpeng is the master, he is just passive blocking Tian Peng dominates three attacks.

And the ancestors, it is just a simple understanding of him, so that he has a basic understanding of his strength.

As for the three dominates that the gods of the gods, the three dominant were limited by heaven, and the strength could not be played.

So even now, he didn't have a masterpiece who had an outstanding master.

Until now, this lord, standing in front of him ...

"The Lord, this star area, the strength is a first-class master of standing at the top." The sword flashed this dupigital information in the boulder.

Pupil, not single strength, and there are many treasures.

It is said that he does not only have the strongest to Bao Shen soldiers, and even one of him is the strongest to Bumen War! !

In addition, his life is not weak, even if he encounters high master, he can also be afraid.

Such a powerful master, there is no double for swords, and it is exactly a suitable opponent.

"This is the first time I am fighting with the master level in the Cosmic Battlefield, and there are so many people around the surrounding ... this battle, I took the Lord to Li Wei."

The sword is unparalleled. ! "

This contains Herch's explosion, fiercely fried in the world.

This void is quiet.


Everyone is silent, and I am glad over the eyes, and I looked at the sword.

They just said, the Lord of this Blood Sword and the main two of the ancient idiots, I don't know if there is hope that I want to block the Pupthorn.

Who once thought that the Lord of this Blood Sword arrived, but it was a lot of people who had to hand over three peaks to treasure.

He has not yet caught the situation on the field?

Even the owner of ancient idiography, this is also wrong, unclear.

"Kid, good !!"

The hostess is extremely angry, and the whole face is twisted.

He didn't have a little nonsense, and he took it directly.

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