Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3760, the strongest base card

(The first to come!)



The face of the Lord of the Skyregor and the Tempral Tempi is extremely ugly.

Hong master, that is an incomparably, an old, strong master.

On the war, he has not reached the top priest level, but it is absolutely the strongest batch in the high master.

Most importantly, this flood dominates extremely difficult.

Like the sword, the body of the body of the body is extremely good, but the sword is unparalleled, because his body swordsmanship.

The land is guarded, even if it is the top domination, it cannot be forced to break.

And this flood dominates, his body's ability, relying on his body.

Hong master, it is a special ethnic group, and there is a rare gold stone.

The golden stone is not good at attacking, but the body is congenital, and after the high master level, this flood domain is absolutely stronger than a lot of top, and he has been in the three battlefields, the opportunity It has been able to have a very powerful body secret, which makes his body more terrible.

Although he is not the strongest to the treasure warpad, but it is just a peak to the treasure warfare, but it is still enough to make a lot of top prizes.

He once also held his hands in front of the top, and it was still two, and the two top domain took him a little way.

Such a terrible master of its own strength, strong body strength, is about to resist this battlefield, but also the rescue of the Lord?

This is not a good news for the sword.

"Ten thousand miles, with the speed of Hong dominates, I am afraid that I will be able to arrive at the moment, there is a help of Hong's main slaughter, we have no chance to kill this ."

The sword is not a double gaze.

The arrival of Hong is the arrival, this is the sword unparalleled.

You know, this donkey is not very good in this star area, and he has a lot of strong power, and he has never heard of him to make friends.

Unexpectedly, the Hong's main slaughter has owed the human situation, and that flood is just in the third continent, so it can come over in such a short period of time.

"What should I do?" Yan Tianzhi's main brow wrinkled.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, don't go to leave, wait for the next time I want to do it." Temporary Temple is the way.

If you are alive now, no matter whether it is a Jade Lord or a time and space, you must be very unhappy.

But I don't want to be willing to have a way. When the dupigans don't know where to get the powerful base card, it is enough to perseve it in the sword, and look at the current situation, the sword is unparalleled before killing the Pupthorn. That Hong dominates, will definitely arrive.

"Haha, the Lord of the Sword, you still don't give up?" The whole body flame rolled, but his eyes were full of unprecedented crazy.

The sword has no double eyes, he stared at the pupil in front of him and feels the breath of the lord.

"It's hard to force this dyshone to now, if you give up, then he will definitely be very vigilant next time, and then hard to find such a good chance to kill him." The sword is unmainted, down I made a decision for a moment. "It seems that I can only use that trick."

The sword flashed in the buddy, followed by him.


Vacant slight shock.

A large number of black airflows, suddenly swept, and the blinks covered the surrounding void.

Day, dark.

Without the blossoming blood cloud, there is no light, and the whole world is falling into an absolute darkness.


The whole world is a silence.

"This is here?"

The lunar is still standing in front of the void, but at this moment, he is full of horror around.

Not only one of him, and there is also the main two people who are empty next to the empty temples.

They don't know what happened, they can dominate, but they can feel very clear, at this moment, the sky has just been very different.

Even they feel that they are as if they are not there, and even the universe.

"That is the rule of the universe, is the breath of the universe!"

"This is a means of implication of the universe rules? Scorpio."

The Lord of the Skyregor is stunned with the Tempral Temple.

Although they are unparalleled with swords, they don't have to say more about the relationship with swords.

But they don't know how to have some bottom cards for swords.

For example, the tricks of the sword are unparalleled now, they have never been known before.

Now I see the sword has no parallel, that is full of a strong consecutive, and the two are shocked.

"Talent Magong, the original universe !!"

The sword is unparalleled in this dark, the whole person is completely integrated with the dark sky around, and his face is with a touch of excitement.

The original universe ... The cosmic law came, and he gave him a talent.

This trick is the strongest bottom sign in the sword.

Since getting this day, he has never really showed it, not to mention people, even if he is on weekdays, he has no chance to show the power of this original universe.

Until now, in order to kill the dupe, the sword will really show this trick.

The original universe appeared, the big void covered by the black airflow was in the sword.

The sword is not a sense of absolute control. This kind of control is like him. If there is a rule of the rules, no matter how much he can instantly, not for a few points.

At the same time, at this moment, he is also integrated with the original universe, and the overall strength has also reached a new level.

"This feeling, so powerful, it seems to be."

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the heart is also excited.

But excitement is excited, but the sword is unparalleled, but it will not forget what you should do now.

"10 interest!"

"The original universe lasts for only ten interest!"

"Within 10 honey, you must kill him!"

The sword has no bisector.

The mysterious macro shades will be displayed.

No before the original universe before, there is no good to the sword where the sword is unparalleled, but now it is naturally no resilience.

"Falling Huangquan!"

The sword is unparalleled.

Ice cold, ruthless, seems to be able to tear everything in front of it.

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is more in the case of a universe.

Under the blessing of the original universe, this cold and ruthless sword light is directly smashed.

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