


The terrible is enough to tear all the swords and lights, and the strongest to the treasure warfare, even if it is the strongest to Bao War, in this sword, there is a deep white mark, at the same time A strong power can strike the top of the dupigraphy.


The Lord is eye-catching.

He was a horrified found that the sword was unparalleled, and he was directly annihilated with three percent of the power.

You must know that after he summoned the magic flame, his body body has skyrocketed, before the sword is unparalleled, so many swords, every sword will make him lose the power of more than one thousandth, because of this, Half of time, he only annihilated four made of strength.

But now, the sword is not annihilated directly to the three percent of the power?

That is to say, the sword is unparalleled with the swords and light, which is even more than dozens of times more than before.

"The top dominates the battle!"

"It is definitely the top prizes to have an attack, and it is still the top of the top of the attack!"

The heart is completely panicked.

He has the strongest to the treasure war armor, and summoned the body of the magic.

Even if you encounter a general top master, he will not be too afraid.

Before the sword is unparalleled, although there is no top dominating force, his body is too much, showing the swordsmanship that is constantly cutting into the fire, so that he can't resist it, can only become a living target, so the sword is unparalleled before He brings a threat that is more powerful than the normal top.

But this threat, he can still face it.

Nowadays ... swords are unparalleled on the basis of the unbelievable body, and the attacking power will instantly skyrocket, reach the top-dominated level.

This is definitely a devil.

"The Lord, is dead!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the muanuang fantasy shading method is displayed, and the lightning is shot.

I saw a strange and strong sword light connected to the main chronicle. In the blessing of the original universe, the swords he showed, even the only ordinary swordsmanship, the power has reached the top-dominant level, and this sword, The lunar is not able to resist it, and it can only rely on his own body but hard.

As a result, a sword was bombarded, and the speed of the Pupil consumed was more than a few times faster than before.

You know, he has only 50% left.

"no no!!"

"Fast, the Lord of Seminar, you will hold your hands!"

The Lord is finally anxious, finally fear.

He can very clear and feel that his own power is crazy, terrible is the speed of this lapse, he can't stop it, it can't change it.

The sword is unparalleled, but there is no intention to stop.

Three holograms have passed, and the power of the has only 30% left.

Six interests, the power of the ...

At the eighth year.


The sword has no double-eyed kills, and the Huangquan Shenjian in his hand takes an unprecedented violent meaning.

The sword is squatting on the body of the dupid.

"Do not!!"

The owner issued a sound in a hous, and his eyes were also rolled, and the eyes were full of horror and despair.

And this sword, directly annihilated the last part of the last part of the Lord, and his voice was immediately disconnected.


"Is it finally dead?"

I looked at the lungery, the sword was unparalleled, and I had to say that this turkey was really difficult. I can say that I have taken all the means, I barely kill it.

And so long killed, especially just urgent the original universe, even if he is not easy, the power consumed is a lot.

Of course, he consumes more power, but the power is still in the peak.


The sword is unparalleled, and the original universe around the surrounding is beginning to converge.

The darkness of the original universe quickly disappeared, returning to the original appearance.

Subsequently, the sword came to the void of the owner, where, floating a red rush, a war armor and a Qiankun ring.

These are all left, as for the daughter of the Lord, and the death is naturally collapsed.

The sword is unparalleled, and all the things left by the lord have incorporated the Qiankun Ring, and the bottom is thought.

"This is the Lord, although it is not very good, just just the first grade, but his life life is getting, and there is also a lot of the card in his hand, especially the last promotion of the magic flame, indeed It seems that he has also got a lot of opportunities in the three battlefields, and I have to check his Qiankun Ring. "

At first, the first grade, the sword is unparalleled is not killed.

Like the three first-class master of the magic cloud, they are dead in his hand, and the sword is unparalleled and also explored the three people's Qiankun Rings, but did not get anything.

Moreover, the three master strength of the magic clouds is not weak, but the card in the hand seems to be more general.

But this, his life, the ability to live, but it is not true.

"Jian Tian Hou."

Tianhou Xiaoyou. "

The Lord of the Skyregor, the main hall, who has been in the temple, has not been passionate.


When the Tianzhi master came to the sword, he couldn't help but praise. "What is the means you just show, so that your strength has skyrocketed so much, then there is about 50% left. God, it was killed by you in such a short period of time? "

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, if the old man doesn't look wrong, you have just shown, should it be a unique secret?" The Tempral Temple also looked over.

Seeing these two people asking, swords are unparalleled, "Two, I don't think about it, I originally refined the small star boundaries of Qi Xing Shen, and the universe rule personally came to me. The universe is not only single. Give me a strong will of power, and I also give me a talent. "

"I have just shown is the talent god of the universe."

"Talent Magong?" The Lord of the Shengzhi and the main side of the Time and Space Temple looked at each other, and the two were very surprised.

"No wonder is so good, it is the universe rule personally give it." The Temple of the Temph Temple sighs, but the eyebrows have an envy of hidden.

See this, the sword is unparalleled: "The two don't have to envy. Although I am getting a talent, there is also a small limit. For example, this day, God will be able to display once every twelve times, and each Second exhibition, the top can only continue to end. "

"Ten interest? That is also very good." The Zeng Zhi smiled.

He also understands the Tempral Temple, so powerful talent, if it is not, then there is no change, it is too much.


PS: Today is more coming!

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