Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 399 of the life of life is the first!

Astonishing! sluggish!

Feeling the huge pressure from the blood river, these leaders of the Yinyi Army were shocked.

Previously, the sword is just a combination of ten and killing domains. Although the field of outbreak is strong, it is still within their acceptance.

Now, Huangquan Road combines with the ten critical world, the domain of killing, and the field of power has skyrocketed, even if they are the second order of the second order, the strength is suppressed nearly 30%.

It is all of them being suppressed so much. What is this concept?

And the side of the iron knife army is a surprise, and the blood river is crazy, but deliberately avoids them, so they have not been affected by a little.



Thunder knife, Shiling, including the surprise of the Qingjun's unparalleled sword.

"Don't say so much nonsense, hurry to charge the crystalline stone and letters." The sword was unparalleled.

"Haha, hurry to snatch." The thunder smiled, the body shape was directly toward a crystalline stone.

The monarchy of the Yinyi army wanted to stop it, but the endless blood river was shocked, so that their speed was sharp, and they could not keep their speed.

And thunderstorms are fast, and it is natural to collect albicite.

This sudden change, the head of the head of the Ying Wing Army is now allowed.


The Uta sound is low, and the cold eyes are also directly in the past.

He knows that in one fell swoop, it is to show the sword in the field of blood river, and want to recapture the initiative again, the method is only one.

That is ... killed him!

There is no sign in the Uta, there is no sign, and his body is separated from the sight of the Qingjun's sight. It is not parallel to the sword. It appears in front of the sword.


A explosive drizzle was sent out from the Okakou, and this Uta is hovering a hot flame, as if everything can be burned in the world, the palm is clarified into a punch, suddenly force, thus is a must-pace of the sword Dark bombing.

The air is burned to the sound of the rumor.

"not good!"

The many collars of the Qing army, the iron knife, have become large.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the moment of Uta is shocked, and his eyes flaws a horrible variety.

"Third order!"

The sword is not bored with a stunning war, followed him to sword.

A sword that quietly sounds, is condensed with the sword and swords with the momentum, and directly waves.

This sword, at first glance, did not have any movement, and no sword light burst.

But when this sword is hit by the front of the Uta-explosive fist ... Boom!


The terrible energy has formed a surplus sweep, swept to the luxurious ornaments in the main hall, and the decorations were quenched into the powder, dissipated in the air.


The sword is unparalleled, and there are dozens of feet long, and the stone wall of the main hall is, so that the stone wall is a shock, and the Ogua, his body shape After being shocked, I took a step back.

Although it is just a step back, it is still incredible in Uta.

Everyone around it is also surprised.

"Can you force Uta to retreat?"

"Second-order top, this sword passengers, absolutely close to the second-order top war, and even get close to the third order!"

"The swords he just show, the power is strong!"

The third order, with the second order, the gap is large.

The sword is unparalleled with Uta's positive counter-balance, which has been forced to go to the Uta, which has shown that the sword is unparalleled. It has the second top of the top, and it is very close to the third order.

However, only the sword is unparalleled, this Uta is purely because of the suppression of the blood river, the strength is sharply reduced, so the collision is just that he is forced, if there is no blood river, Under the front collision, even if the sword is unparalleled, the first style of the swordsman created by Jianzu, I am afraid it only has a complete failure.

"I will show Huangquan Road, the triple field oppression, and the first style of the sword is, it is in the absolute spoil. It seems that I want to truly compete with him unless it is a bridge, or the power of the sword." The sword is unhappy.

The power of the bridge with the soul of the sword is his basement.

The bridge, the power is huge, but it is too great to consume spiritual power. If he is not necessary, he is not planning.

As for the power of the sword, if it is not a threat of life, he will not use it.

After all, Shenzhou is not more than Nanyang continent.

In the Nanyang Mainland, he condenses the soul of the soul, the power of the sword soul is also there, the strong people in Nanyang mainland do not know the existence of swordsman, and I don't know what the sword soul is representative. The sword soul can be understood.

Like the highest level of "anti-sky level" in the ultimate in the Holy Grout, the top power of "soul" is awakened. If the sword is unparalleled, if you have the strength of the sword soul, you have to condense the soul of the soul, and others will immediately recognize him. I woke up the soul of the double, this is too high, and it is also very attractive.

In the big temple, the sword has no double pat the sleeves, and I will come again.

And Naha, there is a bit of horror looking at the sword.

"I will go on this, you don't lose weight?" Uta was surprised.

The sword is unparalleled by him, and the stone wall is on the stone wall of the temple, but the sword is unparalleled, there is no injury?

"Haha, Uta, you are afraid, I still don't know, the swordsman of my iron knife army will lead his life, but in all commands, the strongest! If you want to kill him?" Not far away Thunder knife laughs.

"The first power life is the first?" Uta couldn't help but feel awkward.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is blinking in Uta. It is also filled with a heavy rider. He also turned into a lightning, in this blood river, like the fish in the water, fast flip flashes.

I saw a picture of a phantom that emerged, and it was unclear.

"This speed!"

Uta is shocked by those commanders with the Yinyi Army.

The speed of the sword is unparalleled. It is really too fast.

If they are the peak, it is not a way, and now they are in the oppression of the blood river, and the speed is sharply reduced. If you want to deal with the sword where this speed is unparalleled, it is a luxury. .

In addition, the sword is strong, and they are also teaching.

Before the blue stone corridor, the black arrow was directly impacted in the sword. The chest was only barely broke the sword unparalleled skin.

Just collided with the sword where there is a positive collision, the result is no loss!

So strange domain tool ...

So amazing speed ...

It is a horrible flesh ...

Said that he is in the military skills in the iron knife!

Be deserved!

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