Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 400 is because of this sword!

When I saw the speed of the sword burst into this blood river, Wua's sword was no longer no idea.

He understands that the sword is not a double in the war, but it is a monster level in other ways.

He wants to kill a monster, it is impossible at all!

"Fast, quickly robbed the crystal stone, how much can you grab." Uta low.

The strong people of the Yinyi Army never want to block the thunderstorms, only the biggest possibility, collect some albicite, but they are in the blood river, the speed is too slow, completely Thunder knives they contain their noses, and they are really small.

Blinking, those who floating on the hall, there are four purple governments falling into the hands of the strong people.

The two major camps with the Yinyi Army were suspended from each other on both ends of the hall.

The parallel colors of the Yinyi Army are hard to see.

"How many clear crystal stones have you got?" Utah Xued.

"I got six." Before the sword is unparalleled, when Huang Quan Road, that is not subject to the slightest white robe.

"I got one."

"I also got one."

"I am lucky, I get two."

There are three people opening, as for other fewers, they have chosen silence, which makes Uta's faces more silent.

Their camp, seven collisions, all added together to get ten clear crystal stones, plus one of his own, a total of eleven, is not enough one-third of the whole albicite.

As for the four purple letters, only the Uta gotten, and the other three have fallen into the hands of the Qingjun.

"It is him, because he!"


"This sword passerve, really damn!"

These strong people of the Yinyi Army include that Uta has a bit of resentment of the sword.

They hate!

It is clear that they are more than one person than the iron knife, which is clearly a great advantage. As a result, because the sword is unparalleled, because the domain of the sword is unparalleled, they have a big loss.

No matter how they resent the sword, there is no big hand, but even the Wu Tak, when you look at the sword, you are full of helplessness.

He personally shot, and the result is that he can't make a sword unparalleled. The latter's life is, unless it is a reversible sky or the top's third-order strong, it is likely to kill it, but it is just likely Not absolute.

In contrast to the Yinyi Army, the many of the iron knives, but they are all eyebrows.

"Haha, this time, our harvest is big!"

"Made big hair!"

"Hey, all this can be losing a swordsman, if there is no resort in his domain, we have a loss, but we are."

Thunder knife, Shi Ling a few people smiled, even the young face is full of smiles.

Just a competition, they not only got a lot of albicite, and the four trillings, three are falling into them.

This gains to be more than going to Uta.

The sword is unparalleled, and suddenly a breeze has blown, and there is a movie in front of them.

"Lord people."

Seeing the people, the sword is unhappy, and it is immediately greeted.

Come on, it is the iron knife.

At the same time, there is a cold man wearing a loose silver robes. The cold man appears is in front of the commander of the Yinyi Army, and its identity is the silver winner.

The silver wing lord appeared, first perceived that the blood river that has been filled in the main hall.

"Very nice domain" means, even me, I have been influenced. "The silver wing is slightly horrified, but the look is still recovering.

"The Lord is adult." Uta after the Yinyi Lord is immediately shouted.

"How is it?" The silver wing lord came with an explanation.

"The next time I just came to this big temple, I saw that there were ten kinds of dead crystal stone from the palette of the main hall, and there were four people entered the inner layer of this cave. When I was robbed with the iron knife army, As a result ... "Uta sounds low, but continue to say:" As we have gotten the eleven kindtite stone, the four trillings, and only one, the other fell into the hands of the iron knife. "

"Well?" The silver wing lord scorpion is cold, the folk flashed, and the heart is shameful.

"The Lord's adults, the following is all exhausted, but it is too difficult to get wrapped in the field of swordsman, and the next person is in the same way, but he is very terrible, and the next life is not dead. Uta is somewhat helpless.

The silver wing lord looks, along the blood river, and the sword is not double.

Lord by the silver wing, the sword is unparalleled, and it has been filled in the surrounding blood rivers and begins to slow dissipation.

"Iron knife, it seems this time, your luck is more than I want." The silver wing lord voice is indifferent, can't see mood.

The iron knife league is free to smile, but the eyes are the blue military owners next to it.

"This password of this cave, you got three?" I asked the iron knife.

"Yes." The Queen of the Qing army.

"It's good." The iron knife looked at nodded, and he also watched the sword unparalleled. Subsequently, "gave the letter from Dongfu to me, as for those tee, you go Allocation is. "

The Lord of the Qingjun did not hesitate, even if the three purple letters that will be got will be given to the iron knife.

"Iron knives, we should be able to talk." The silver wing lord once again.

"I have to talk about it, but now I entered the inside of the cave, there are three in my hand, but you only have one, in the chips, I have an absolute advantage." The iron knife lingering laughed.

This will make the silver wing leader mouth, not helpful, "You just have a good luck, and it is a good thing."

The iron knife is not a smile, and then turned and turned to the sword and wate and others. "There is no matter what you have here, you will go back first."


The Qingjun's main with the swords and other people nod, and then they are talking, and walking towards Dongfu.

The same is to leave, as well as those of the Yinyi Army, these leaders of the Yinyi Army have a little low, and the camp of the iron knife army is completely inverse.

Once again, the long bluestone corridor is again, and the pedestrians have no danger in the way to leave the cave.

After leaving the cave, the voids above the magic heart valley will gather together, but they are beginning to allocate the albic stone.


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