Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4261, seventh, leadership!

(The first to come!)



The six leadership columns and sitting, and the eyes are curious to have the sword unparalleled. I want to see this three swords to kill nearly invincible, and forced to retreat, there is a special place.

However, they are disappointed, and the swords are unparalleled. They can't see more, and they can't see how weak, as if they are all ordinary people in all sings.

In the face of this kind of watch, the sword is unparalleled, and the heart is not polishing, but it is only random to speculate on the strength of the overlord.

This tyrant is full of joy, and it is afraid that some monks who are nearly invincible, even nearby are eligible.

"Is this the strength of the giant?" The sword flashed.

The strength of this overlord is definitely invincible, and the three emperors, etc., the three emperors, etc.

It can be said that all the ultimate domains seen in the sword have, in addition to the nine robbery kings, this person can be called the strongest!

Even if it is the first to dominate the realm of the ultimate dominance, it is estimated that this person's strength is only a line.

"Blood sword, no need to be polite with this king." Overlord faintly.

The sword is unparalleled, nod should be.

"Blood sword, listening to the mountain said, this time he can get the god of the gods, you are not small, if you don't shoot, the two people, the red leaves, this piece of God, early Just fall into his hand. "Overlord continued.

The sword is unparalleled, slight smile, modest: "Overlord said, I just did a little bit of power, not enough to affect the overall situation."

"Oh? Blood sword, you are strange, others are trying to take the merits to yourself, you are afraid to have a good thing." The overlord is a lot.

Justually he saw the masters, almost everyone will use their own skills in front of him, boasting yourself, no matter how big a little credit, make yourself to take themselves, just see how you can look at them One.

And the sword is unparalleled. After getting started, it will not only see him, but there is nothing similar to the excitement of excitement. When he takes the initiative to praise, the sword is very calm, and there is no one more. Color.

This is not forbidden to let the tyrants, I have highly seen the sword in my heart.

It is not shocked, and Taishan has collapsed before, this is the same as the big.

Overlord once again got a sword, just when he was just ready to say something, he suddenly suddenly suddenly, like an incredible thing, his face slightly changed.

In the eyes, he fiercely shot three inch golden light to sword!

Next moment, the overlord recovered the golden light in the eyes, and she said: "Blood sword, if the king has not read a wrong, do you only have the fifth-level number of dominances?"

This voice fell, and suddenly the room was shocked!

"What? The fifth number master?"

"It's impossible! The fifth number of numbers killed almost invincible, this is simply in the night, there is no possibility!"

"Taking the fifth level, killing almost invincible, this kind of experience is not unknown!"

"Wan Duan, I have never heard who can repair the fifth level, kill the deeds of almost invincible dominates! Even the supremes of the universe today, I am afraid that when the fifth level is dominated, Can't do it! "

"I want it to be a big man who is wrong! Yes, it must be this!"

Six major collar expressions are very serious.

Even the intersection of the mountains, they all shook their heads and couldn't believe it.

During the number of eyes, the sword is unparalleled light slightly flashing, can't think of it. He covered it, it is actually seen by this tyrant.

Slightly sinking, swords are unparalleled, no longer concealment, nod to reply:


After that, a single belonging to the fifth level, and suddenly spread from the sword.

Feel this breath, the six major universities are like lightning strikes, and the body is mad.

"It's really the fifth level master!"

"With the fifth level of the master, the three swords killed nearly invincible level! How can there be such a enchanting person?"

"This is too crazy!"

In an instant, the entire Overlord is sensational!

The six leaders are all eye-catching, and the eyes are shocked.

Even the tyrants, after getting a confirmation of the sword, it is a lot of money.

"Sure enough, it is the fifth level," I am marked in the king mouth. "

The sword has no double three swords to kill the seating, it is already horrible, and the sword is unparalleled only with the fifth number of modes. What is the concept?

As we all know, the fifth level dominated the sword of the ultimate dominance, with a huge gap, extremely difficult to pass over.

Once you dominate from the fifth level, it will be promoted to the ultimate dominance, and it represents the integration of Jiudao rules, and the strength will have a leaping!

The sword is unparalleled in the fifth level, and it can easily kill you, then you will be promoted to the ultimate dominance, what will be the concept?

Suddenly, the six major universities are born, they don't dare to think about it.

Overlord he took a breath, the expression gradually became calm. He is one of the strong people who dominate the universe. The fifth level of the sword is killed, and although he shocked, it is not yet. Let him not say something.

"Blood sword, you can go to this king, count the blessings of this king."

The overlord laughed, and continued to say: "Blood sword, you can kill the seal, then represent you have a nearly invincible dominance, and in our eighth city, it will never be invincible to dominate the hierarchical battle , Called leadership, often such a combat power owner, will be a leadership position! This king is the same. "

"I don't know if you are willing to serve the seventh striking?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are flashing, and I will smile nod: "The blood sword, thank you, thank you,"

"Hahaha, after lifting the two words, I don't say it. It is nothing more than you with this king, winning each other."

Overlord heroic, then got up from the dragon, look at the main hall, Shen Sheng:

"Come on, pass this king's order! From this day, the blood sword is governed, and the blood sword is the throne, the seventh righteous!"


Suddenly, there is a long time outside the door.

A Shenliwei has a black chair in the hands of a black iron chair and placed next to the six collishers.

After the sword has no double, the overlord will once again open:

"Then the blood sword cosmine is 10 million, Shen medicine is 100, three-piece, the law is treasure!"

"Yes!" The door came again.

A Shenli wants hands on the jade plate and lows.

On this jade disc, you are quietly putting a black Qiankun ring!

This Qiankun ring, representing the status of the sword without a party, the gift of 10 million universe, and hundreds of god medicines, etc., it is also here.

This big hand, even the sword is unparalleled, it is slightly picked up, and it feels some accidents.

And this is still not finished.

The voice of the overlord is again.

"Three gave blood swords, Feng Shenmun!"

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