Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4262 Gifts



"Three gave blood swords, Feng Shenmun!"

The voice falls, I saw the overlord played, and a square is on the hands of the stone.

This stone monument rose, so soon, like a small rune, sitting in the central location of the main hall.

The sword is unparalleled, and I saw this stone monument, and the book was blocked.

"Blood sword", hurry to accept this piece of God. "Overlord smiled.

"it is good."

The sword is unparalleled, and the right hand is taken, and this seal will be included in the Qiankun.

"I have, I have a good fortune, I will have to support each other, and I have the same power." Six major guidelines, and congratulations.

The sword is unparalleled and a smile, replies: "must be sure."

Overlord looked at this scene, I couldn't help but niche. I immediately said: " , , cold wind ....... You wait six people, either choose ten ultimates from ourselves Master, hand it over to the sword command. "


Six major collars, and the sound should be.

Subsequently, the overlord commanded some things and orderd it.

After the sword is unparalleled and the seven major unparalleled, the Overlord is in the honest terminal, and suddenly it is in a quiet.

The smile on the Full face, gradually converges disappeared, moving towards the sky, the sky, the open mouth: "Flying shadow, what do you think this is the sword?"

The voice falls, I saw a thin black shadow, and I walked from the Ba Wang.

He shrouded in the black robes, and he couldn't see the appearance. He heard a single knee, the sound of hoarse, the sound of hoarse, "the power of the war sword, I can't see the strength, just a rough estimate, I am afraid. I have already touched the threshold of invincible domain. "

"Is there a threshold of invincible domain?"

Overlord stunned, looked up at the distance, nor did you know what to think, the finger is quite rhythmished in the dragon's armrest, and the sound of ''.

And the shadow of the black robe continued to open: "Overlord people, and ... I can feel that the sword should discover me."

Overlord he nodded, did not reply, it was half-awaited, and he slowly opened his mouth:

"This blood sword is not a simple generation, this king does not believe, a person who can be killed in the fifth level number, killing almost invincible, in the universe, silently.

Flying shadows, you go out, to investigate this blood sword in this king, be sure to give this king to be clear, this blood sword is Sheng Sheng. "


The black people have a sutter, and they are intended to fly out.

"and many more."

The overlord once again opened him, called him, and the eyes were flashing: "This survey, you are unlaminated by others, and the king has one thing, you need to treat you."

"What? Overlord, but said,"

"You go to the tenth city, find the person in the refining god tower, break through the eighth floor! If you find this person, the attitude must be lowered, tell him, this king has, invite him to gather "


After the black people are shadow, the overlord is sitting on the dragon, and the eyes flashed in the eyes, and then slowly closes the eyes.


In just a day, the seventh contest of the sword has been built, and it is created by various gods, which looks luxurious.

That night, the night hawwards, swords were sitting in a room, holding today's overlord gift to his Qiankun ring, flashing in the eyes.

Today, in the main hall, the tyrant seems to be a heroic atmosphere. In fact, the sword is unparalleled, but this overlord is obviously suspicious, after the king, there is a cold eye, and stare at him.

However, the sword is unparalleled and not going to my heart. After all, my appearance and rise are too abrupt, who is changed, and Zhangzhou will have some ideas.

"After some days, wait until Wu Jing Shenjian is completely repaired, leave here."

The sword has flashed in the eyes, and he entered the starry ancient road, eight cities, but not to give others to sell.

Immediately, the sword is unparalleled, and Wu Wei Shen Jian suddenly horing his knees.

I saw Wu Wei's sword contaminated with a block of poisons. It was the poison of Snake Langjun, which was dropped in Wu Jing Shenjian.

However, after the sword is unparalleled, the night will take the power to take the power, this poison has been removed, only some of the printers remain.

I haven't used it for a long time, and Wu Wei Shen sword can completely fix it.

The sword is unparalleled once again, two poisonous teeth, quietly suspended in front of him.

These two poisonous teeth are the essence of Tian She Lang Jun. When the day, Snake Lang Jun was killed by swords without a double sword, and only the two poisoned teeth were left.

"The two poisonous teeth can probably refine three drops of vessels, and as long as one drip fluid, they can kill the weak invincible dominances such as Nanwang, the Nang King, and the three are all out of it. The owner of the entrance body has to retreat. "

The sword is unparalleled, and suddenly the two uses, starting to refine the two toxic teeth.

Time flies, three months of time.

One day, the sword is unparalleled, and the door is suddenly coming to the laughter of the mountain.

"Blood sword, I am waiting for the ultimate master of six people, you have already screened, you come out."

In the room, the sword is unparalleled slowly, and a fierce is flanged from his eyes.

When the Bawang said, the six collishers chose ten ultimate dominates, and transferred to the sword without double. It is already a screening, it is already a screening.


The sword is unparalleled, and then the footsteps will take a pedestal, and the body is disappeared in the room.



At the same time, at the entrance of the tenth channel.

A black shadow conjunctive, followed by, he saw a monster that had a stab, and there was an entrance to the tenth cities.

"This is the tenth city? It seems that there is nothing special." This monster is slightly rotated, looking up and kicking the tenth cities, here.

This person is a prison dragon!

"Hey, dog slaves, you said the blood sword, is the tenth city?"

I saw him next to him, and there is a black chain, which is holding a white daily elderly.

This must be sent to the old man, the hands of the double-handed, and look at the eyes of the prison dragon.

If the sword is unparalleled in this, it will find that this old man, it is the city owner of the ninth city! The old name is ultimate!

"Yes ... Yes, but I don't know, the sword has left the tenth cities and entered the eight city."

The ninth city is the main tremble.

"Oh, okay, I can slowly find him."

The prison dragon grinned and exposed two-row ambulance.

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