Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4395 shocked the audience


The sword has no face to see him at a glance, and then in all the attention, step by step to the jade.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have to look at it, how long have you been practiced!"

At this moment, Longqing, Tianlo, and others have been laughed.

"Little guy, press the hand."

The Zhike must smile.

The sword nodded, and she took a deep breath and reached out on this jade.

In the moment, the number of the base is 0, starting to change!

All people are all deadly staring at the value of usage.


A crisp sound rang.


When the first number appears, everyone is all in a glimpse, and the face flies on the face.

"Is more than 700 chaos?"

"Hahaha, what genius, practice more than 700 chaotic discipline, more than this seat is still long, but only the ultimate domain of the district."

"The sword is unparalleled, I have been practiced for tens of millions of years, but you have been practiced for more than 700 chaotic, what do you compare with me? Do you have any qualifications?"

That day, Luo was a laugh.

However, the next moment.

The smile on his face is a stiff.


The second number is slowly stationary.

"No, not more than 700 chaotic, should be more than 70 chaotic!"

The whole people are all stayed, more than seventy chaotic, is not long, many ultimate dominates, and practice more than this time.

For example, the nine robbery king, the light is the ultimate domination, and there are dozens of chaotic disciplines in foot.

"More than 70 chaos? Hey, that's it."

Tiaozi squinted, and the heart was porn and wiped.

More than seventy chaotic disciples, it is indeed a young, this is not fake, but it is too far more than the 79 million years.

The crowd flashed, and the face was brugging, and continued to look at the jade.

next moment!

On the jade, the specific practice of the sword is unparalleled, completely fixed!

700,000 years!

In an instant, the audience is dead.

Some are still a glass of wine, some are still discussing with the people around, and some are brought a laugh.

But at this moment, everyone is like a formation of styling, and is fixed in this moment, and the expression is sluggish, and the eyes are shocked to get down.

A short dead, radius, and boiling!

"700,000 years? I didn't see it wrong ?!"

"Hey ~~~! What is the concept of seventy thousand years? The old husband closes a time, you have to be a million years!"

"It's impossible! It is absolutely impossible! How can the sword are unparalleled?"

At this moment, everyone was shocked.

They looked at the clear numbers on jade, in the mind, as as a stormy waves!

It is still still the wind, and the gains of the group of groups, the face suddenly went up, other people such as Chung Emperor, the face was more difficult to see the extreme.

"It must be a mistake! How can the sword have only 20,000 years? It must be that this jade has a mistake, or the sword is unparalleled, there is a secret to the sky! I don't believe !!"

That day, Luo was rising, and immediately shouted.

700,000 years!

Even his zero head is not!

"Do you have a questioning old man?"

I still took a smile in the face of the city, but my eyes were squinting.

Suddenly, the Tiao is trembled, and even if you are busy, you can't do it.

And the other supreme, including Longqing, all the face is slightly changed, you see me, I see you, I have low, I don't dare to say, if I am awkward.

Just a thought, I want to be wild grass to breed in their minds.

The sword is unparalleled for seventy thousand years, and it can be the ultimate dominance, slaughtering the supreme, then let him practice a seven million years, 70 million years, even thousands of chaotic people, then What kind of scene?

Everyone didn't dare to think again, I only thought that a cold is cold from the head, and the thoughts are fearful, and the head is numb.

In the audience, only swords were quiet.

"Child, come over."

The Zhen Zhen smiled and won the hook, indicating that the sword was unparalleled to him.

"it is good."

In the face of the Zhenon, the sword is unparalleled, there is no delay, and I'm going to sit in front of him.

In the Ling Xi Palace, many supunations see that the Zhen Zhen sword is unparalleled to 'children,' let the sword are unparalleled to sit down under him, and suddenly the expression is complex.

Longqing and others, but also in the heart.

"Oh, you said before telling me, the good seedlings found in the star air road, is him?"

Zhen Zhen looked at the blue sky on the side and asked.

"After returning the teacher, I am talking about him."

Blue lone loudly.

"Well, it is true."

The Zhen Zhen is caressing, and then there is a slight sigh: "Okay, there is no such Junjie in this universe."

I thought about it, I thought about the sword, and I laughed: "Child, are you willing to be a teacher?"

It's not amazing!

In this case, suddenly, if you drop a bomb in Ling Xuan Palace, everyone is all in the body, the expression is extremely!

The gods gods actually opened their mouths, let the sword are unparalleled to worship him as a teacher?

At this moment, everyone looked at the sword. The eyes were condensed into substances, if they want to fire!

The sword is unparalleled, may not know what concepts are the word, but they know that the Zhen Zhen is the true day in the universe!

Once the sword is unparalleled, it is a teacher, it is equal to the sword unparalleled in the universe, there is a gold medal, the identity will be very distinguished!

At that time, Mo said that the dragon and other six majors have been dealing with swords. I am afraid that I will immediately fight in front of the sword, and I'm admitted, beg for forgiveness.

In front of the Zhen Zhen, don't talk about the dragon, even if it is ancestral resurrection, Feng Zu is reborn, I don't dare to let go!

What is a step?

This is called a step! And it's a step on the thirty-three days!


"Sword is unparalleled!"

At this moment, the overlord screamed, even the nine robbery kings could not keep calm, and the eyes were glaring.

And that again, it was more forgotten, and it was a double boxing, and the

In everyone like a flaky, the party sword is unparalleled. After a shock, it is not anxious to promise, but the face is flashing.

The Zhen Zhen is very strong, the status is very high, this is unquestionable.

Once the neighbor is a teacher, it can be said that he has got the biggest creation in the universe. I only afraid that his sword is unparalleled to see the wind. If you want to rain, you have rain, and you will be unbearable.

These, swords are unparalleled.


The sword has flashed in a moment, and then his eyes is firm and the gongs:

"The Nine people, thank you for your love, just that the kid has already had a teacher."

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