Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4396 Layout World

In this regard, everyone couldn't help but hold, it was full of envy, and suddenly petrochemical, and the tongue was unparalleled.

This is this refusal?

There is still someone, can I refuse the Zhen Zhen?

They looked at the sword with a fool-like gaze. That day, there was a laugh in my heart.

The sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled, you can't even can't even catch this anti-sky.

Have you had a teacher?

Your master is strong, can you still have a strong people? !

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled in their hearts, and then adds the word 'idiot'.

"Is this?" It's as usual, if you think about it, you will be unparalleled.

Suddenly, he is like finding anything, the eyes are flashing, saying: "Child, you will make me care about it."

The sword is unparalleled, but it is still in the past.

The spirit of the Zhenqi, the fingertips are gently thinking about the sword, and it is eye-catching.

A soft force, flourishing into the sword without a bodhimony.

After the number of interest, the disturbance opened his eyes and his mouth was once again called.

"Hahaha, it turns out, the original, the old man understood."

He once again looked at the sword, and the expression became a little wonderful.

"I have to recognize the old man as a teacher, it turned out to be homed by the old friend, refused to be the old man."

During the Lingxiao Palace, others will be a confused, and I don't understand what I mean.

Only sword is unparalleled, I can't help but live in my heart!

"The neighborhood of the Zhenon, can you know my teacher?" The sword has no double voice has become a bit heavy, and a pair of eyes keep watching the Zhen Zhen.

Xuanyi is the deepest secret in his heart, and his greatest embarrassment.

The Zhishen smiled, did not speak, but his voice sounded in the sword.

"Your master ... old man and he is aware."

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart understands that the matter about his master is a secret of the big, so the "The" God will tell him through the way.

"The neighborhood, then you can tell me, is my master?" The sword said without a loud.

The Zhen Shen said, then shook his head: "The old man has not seen your Master for a long time, nature will not know where he is. The old man only knows that before he disappeared, he is putting a game. Very big chess game, all things, chess pieces. "

Donned, the Zhen Zhen smiled slightly, continued: "Child, your master is moving mysterious, you don't need to speculate his trail, if you need you, naturally will come to you. And you need to do it, Just do everything possible to enhance your strength. "

The sword is unparalleled, and it can't help but sneak.

I don't know the trace of my teacher.

Moreover, the universe man said the teacher in the chess, what is the purpose of this chess game?

I am just a piece of chess, who is just a piece of chess?

One time, the sword was no double five flavors.

After a deep breath, the sword was unparalleled with the Southern Neighborhood and got deep, and the gang said: "Thank you from the adults."

"You can stand in front of the old man, it is a causal robbery, you don't want to thank." Zhen Zhen smiled and said: "Okay, sword is unparalleled, you step down, prepare for the second round of test."


The sword is unparalleled.

The god looked up, watching the people, saying: "All the position, please rank the second test in the first rankings, come forward to the second test."

The voice falls, in the trial of the years, the top three in their respective realm, the face is coming, and the mood is excited from the various cases.

They know that they will advance the second round!

There is no top three, such as the Supreme, Emperor Chung Emperor, and Sunday, such as the funeral.

They know that their roads of the universe are coming.

That day, Luo was heard, and I was happy. The ultimate dominant is in the realm, as if he and swords are unparalleled, according to the meaning of the Zhizhen, is it not promoted to the second round?

He just got up and stood up and prepared to go out.

Suddenly, the voice of the Zhenon sounded again.

"The ultimate dominates the realm, only the sword is unparalleled, you can."

In an instant, there is a panic red, which is full of redness.

One is watching him, all is full of mocking.

"Ming, understand."

Tiao has only re sit down.

One time, coupled with swords and unparalleled, 16 strong people stand in Ling Xuan Palace, powerful to the extreme.

They play each other, all of which are understanding, in which sixteen people are destined to eliminate, only ten people, they can truly hold the qualifications of the Hearing of the nepher.

The nephew sidelines and smiles, the eyes swept from these sixteen people, slowly open: "You are all the strong people in their respective realms, and you are our highest. You are us. The midflow column of the future of the universe is an immortal logite.

Now, the old man wants you to grasp the opportunity and complete the second round of exam. "

This words are falling, and the sixteen people are facing each other, and the eyes gradually pour.

"So, you will start from Longqing first."

The god opens.

Long Yintton stepped out step by step, tightened his fist, waiting for it.

"The old man asked you, what is the Tao?"

The Zhen Zhen said the content of the second round of assessment.

Long Qing wedd, and the pupil suddenly shrunk, did not answer, but after thinking, Shen Sheng said:

"If you return to the neighborhood, I think it is invincible to crush down, and all enemies in the world! It is to persistence in my heart, don't hit the South Wall."

The ocean sprinkles thousands of words, and Long Qing explained his own way.

Just like his character, what he thinks is, it is a must report, I have invincible.

I listened quietly, I didn't speaking, I can't see the sadness on a face.

Until the Long Qing said, the never took out a bamboo card, handed over to the disciple to let him be given to Longqing.

"No, let's talk about what you think."

Zhen Shen continued to look at the people next to Longqing.

This person is also a half-step invincible, but a foreign integrity, a total of a thousand chaotic disciples, in half-step invincible, ranking second.


This name is not part of the supreme coming out, and it has also begun to tell him what he thinks.

"The Tao is the world, the road is the universe star ..."

The time is slow, in the Linguan Palace, you sing me to debut, each talked, domineering and unparalleled, such as swallowing thousands of miles.

Some people say chaos derived. Some people are the universe, a magnificent, as if the competition is not the understanding of the respective pairs, but rather than who said the biggest pattern.

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