Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4428 Dusk

"Yu Ding Supreme, I will join hands to kill this small thief." I promise you to double again later, ok? "

The Dawei Mili smiled.

When I heard this, Yu Ding was slightly happy and shook his head: "Now the sword is unparalleled, but it is not a threat, but he is alive."

The voice falls, and Yu Ding is indifferent. Step by step towards the sword. Walking, preparing to show the last killing attack.

Daily God Emperor and the emperor are walking on both sides, the eyes are murder, and the mouth has tick the happy laugh.

Three people together, quickly move towards the sword.

In the distance, all people watching this scene, suddenly could not be slightly changed from the face.

"When you are shameless, the sword is unparalleled with a first-class supreme, but also join hands?"

"This big day, the emperor, or the Lord of the Force, the top supreme, I can't think so, the front is not the sword, and I have a sword without double hand gap sneak attack."

"It seems that the Great Day God has been in the sword without a hatefulness, and it is all right."

Some people say it.

Others are sigh, shake their heads: "This is no big day, the sword is unparalleled. Since the decision came to the big day, it should be thinking about this scene."

"It's just a pity that the sword is unparalleled, so the sky is the same, this should be that my universe is the treasure, I can't think of it here."

"The sword is not too conceited, too arrogant, if I am him, hide in the dark, wait until this ancestral ceremony, all guests leave, then find the opportunity to slowly kill the big day . Just unfortunately the sword is unparalleled, I have chosen a highly arrogant high-profile, and it is also the most easy to have a huge way. "

Everyone whispered, and the words were different, but in general, almost all are unfortunately for the sword.


Every step in the Daily God falls in the empty space, it is a sudden sound, which is just a gradual approach to the death of the sword.

"Sword is unparalleled, are you not the first day of the universe? Are you not going to flatter? Do you want to look at it again?"

The emperor is extremely a smile, and the opening is satirized.

And Yu Ding Supreme is a faint expression: "The sword is unparalleled, this seat admits you very strong, but unfortunately, you choose the wrong opponent, shouldn't be enemies with this seat."

In the eyes of the three, it is a different bright light, or indifferent or sorghum.

They are confident, and they are unparalleled in three people.

The rain of the sky is gradually dissipated.

Three people are unparalleled with swords, but they are ten.

At this time, a calm voice rang from the smoke that has not been completely dissipated.

"This sword, I didn't want to use it, I plan to leave it to Ice."

"But why? Why?"

"Why are you not looking for death ?!"

! ! !

The next moment, the rain of the sky, suddenly all shock, revealing the sword without a double indifference.

His chest was blocked by the Great Japan, and he had completed the original, and it was exuded with a bright golden light. It seems to be a perfect God body.

In his hand, the verticalness of the Nouri Sword Handle position is more and more expanding.

A huge sword pressure, released from Ta Luo Shenjian.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

In an instant, Yu Ding's Supreme Triple is a footsteps, and the pupil is laid.

I don't know why, they have no pairs in the sword, feel a breath that makes them palpitations.

The sword is unparalleled, but he doesn't pay attention to them, but looks up and looks at the stars, then slow closes your eyes, silently said:

"The third style of Mo Luo", dusk. "

call out.

Between the sky, it is windy.

The sword is unhappy in the hands of the Naro God, starting from the sword tip, one inch of sand, gradually disappeared.

The whole world is static.

It was originally suspended in the universe, as if lost the gravitation, began to fall, as if to fall into the abyss.

"what is this?"

The Da Ri Di and the emperor were obedient, and the brow could not help but wrinkle.

A feeling of heart palpitations, constantly enlarged in their heart.

Just, no matter how they release the Shenli spread around, I can't feel that this is born, I only know that there is no relationship with swords.

And Yu Ding Supreme, it is a big change in his face!

The big day, the emperor and the emperor didn't know what the situation is, but he witnessed the people who got to the universe, and how would it be?

This is one of the five scholars of Ta Luo to respect the universe that year, the sword!

At that year, Tara Supreme once lended three major races with dusk swords, and the universe was shocked!

Originally with the fall of Tara, this shocking and goddess of the swords of the gods were also seal.

Unexpectedly, today is actually opened by the sword again!

"Quick escape !!"

Yu Ding's sacred eyes were circled, and he sent a burst with the emperor and the emperor.

At the same time, his right foot is heavy, and the dust is suddenly turned into a handle, let him step on his feet, flew, fast to pole.


The Da Ri Di and the emperor were short, and then he understood that Yu Ding was a dangerous existence.

So, two of them also showcase, want to escape.


The sword is unparalleled slowly, at his feet, the void slowly sags, forms a huge pit, then spreads out with a very fast speed.

Rumble ~~!

This pit is like a huge beast, opens a big mouth, and a shares have no resistance to resist, from this pit center.

There are countless stars, countless glory, and all within the universe, the control is general, falling in this huge pit, and then silently annihilated.

The night will be replaced by dawn, and the sun will eventually fall into the arms of the night.

This is a dusk!

"Hey ~!"

I have seen this scene, and I suddenly screamed, and he licks.

next moment!

He was the movement of the front sprint, and the huge suction of all pits that was annihilated in the world was like an invisible arm, and he died back.

He clearly maintains the movement of the front sprint, but the whole person is constantly retreat, then fall below ... and fall ...

Until in the entire pit.

More than him, there is a great emperor, and the people who have a little nearly nearly will fall.

This is still not finished.

Including that the first reaction, Yuding Supreme, the farthest, the farthest, is not a sorrow, and it is also awkward, and the pit is falling.

"No !! The sword is unparalleled, this is no longer intercepted, you let me leave!"

When I will fall into the pit, Yu Ding is dead to the sword, and said.


The sword is unparalleled and shakes his head, and the eyebrows are cold, then the lips are lighter and spit out.


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