Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4429 Four Seasons


The sword is unparalleled, and the hands are quickly smashed and cold and cold.

When this sentence falls, the pit is like a black hole in the desert, and it began to collapse.

Arrived at the sword, there is now this point, the sword is unable to stick to the sword!


In the universe, a loud noise sounded.

First, the stars that were swallowed in the pit were started, and it was a crushing annihilation, turning into a virtual, followed by the most weak, the strength, the unstruthful emperor, as being squeezed by heaven and earth, and the body was instantly crashed.

"Father to save me ~!"

The emperor is amazing, shouting loudly.


Next, the emperor's shape is finally defined, leaving him, constantly echoing in the universe.

" !!"

In an instant, the big day god emperor wanted to crack, and the eyes were blown.

Since the Emperor is unparalleled by the sword in the starry sky, the prince is the last heart of the Great Japan, and the emperor of his emperor.

Even if there is no such thing as a sword, the Daily God is already preparing to be in the ceremony, launching the emperor to serve as God.

He loves the pole, even very little emperor!

Now, the emperor is in his face, and die in the hands of the sword.

The last rescue of the emperor is like a sharp knife, pokes into his heart.

He is an emperor, he is the top supreme, he is in the universe, and the tenth day of the thousands of life and death.

But he is a father.

At this moment, the death of the emperor's eyes in front of him, the big day, the emperor, instant!

"The sword is unparalleled, you should die !!"

The Da Naki looked up, through the huge deep pit, the death of the sword was unparalleled, and the grievances in the eyes were very good.

"It seems that you are very painful?"

The sword has no face to look at him, and the corner of the mouth pulls an indifferent arc.

"Don't worry, soon you will reunite your son."


The collapse speed of the pit is getting faster!

A shaft is destroyed by the sword, which is constantly in the pit, harvesting the vitality.

Dussen, all things are witnessed.

It is falling in the world from this world.

This is the true meaning of dusk sword!

Hey! !

The Dawei Mili runs unparalleled, dead resistance to the attack brought by dusk, and continuously emits roar.

In his body, it was like a fizzary day, it was fast, and it was also expected to open the crack and decreak the gas.

Temple time passed.

The big day gods finally started inch inch, and finally only had a head and stared at the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can't die! This king is full of yourself to go to Huangquan!


If he finishes it, the head of the Great Day is like a broken watermelon, and the explosion is over.

This is dissipated by the vitality of the Great Day God.

At this moment, there was still a bang loud noise in the pit, but the people who watched the battle seems to be deepened, and they looked at this scene. The mouth is big enough to plug down an egg.

It's been a long time, and some people have a lip slider:

"Da ... Daily God Emperor, a generation of ?"

"Daily God Emperor, but in the universe, the little poker standing in the peak is so dead in the sword."

"The little emperor is dead, the emperor is dead, the big days are dead ... I am afraid that there will be no big days in the universe."

"It is terrible, how much is the sword?"

There are countless people shocked.

They turned to look at the swords and unparalleled, and only deep awesome colors were left.



Dusk swords, did not end, but still continue.

Because there is a person, it is still being supported, and that is Yuding Supreme.

Within the pits, a shares are destroyed, and the Yuding Supreme is constantly implicit.

And Yu Ding is sitting in the knee, and his hands in his hands spread quickly, and then wrapped in the same egg housing, and wrapped the Yu Ding's Supreme Pack.

"The sword is unparalleled, this trick is indeed, but unfortunately, or that sentence, you have a difference in me, you can't play this trick, otherwise, a photo will be killed. "

Yu Ding shook his head, and then said:

"The sword is unparalleled, now the big day, the emperor is dead, your hatred has been reported, it is better to put out this seat? It's hard to do, you have been with this seat?"

When I said here, Yu Ding hooked up the meaning of slightly.

The sword has no double-sided no expression, has to say that this Yu Ding is indeed strong, even a trick, you can't completely kill it.

Silent, the sword has no double opening: "Yu Ding, do you remember what I said before?"


Yu Ding is a word, and I asked, "What?"

The sword is unparalleled. I looked at him, calm replied: "I have said, if you block me, I will kill you! You think that I am talking to you?"


In an instant, the deep pit of the burial will disappear.

Ta Luo Shenjian, re-condensed in the sword.

However, there is no such thing as a lot of jade to respect, and suddenly be discharged from a panic!

"Ta Luo Sword, the fourth style, four seasons!"

The sword is not born with the cold staring at the Yuding Supreme, and the Senkah is open.

Time, the entire cosmic regeneration change.

The whole stone is temperate, suddenly lowers!

Four sides, blowing strong wind and snow, frozen Wanli star field!

At the moment, the world is like a cold winter.

Countless snowflakes, exudes the coldness of the bones, falling from the air.

Every snow flower is a four-season sword! !

"This ... this is the four seasons sword!"

In an instant, Yu Ding is surprised.

If you say that before the sword is unparalleled with dusk, he is just shocking, so now, he is a panic!

Four seasons swordsmanship, seemingly flat, there is no top three swords to recruit, but no matter in terms of intention, it is still a force, but it is not the top three swords.

It can be said that from the four seasons of swords, it is a huge watery!

The four seasons are like a needle in cotton in cotton, and it is nothing to prevent, and it is the most losses!

! !

A beautiful and beautiful snowflakes, Yu Ding is rising in the hands of the hand, just to stop, see the snow, directly passing through the dust, is reflected in his body.

In an instant, his body was touched by snow, it was directly frozen, even the power could not run!


Yu Ding is instantly changed, and he doesn't wait for him to change. The four seasons of swords have changed!

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