Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4434 Decisive Battle

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I saw that the Chung Mangjun's arms were taken behind her eyebrow. He began to tremble dramatically. The powerful breath suddenly saved, and the pain on his face.

Chiang Yanyu, the whole person is constantly aging, constantly aging, and the vitality begins quickly, less than a while, full of mottled wrinkle pleats.

The sword is unparalleled, and the expression is calm and looks at the Chung Yanyu, and it does not stop.

Have to say, Chiangyang God is a rare person, because if you change the general power, you will directly figure it out before the sword is not a double future, enter the stars, where is the sword Looking for him?

As for what kind of people, the people's disciples, even if the sword is unparalleled, how is it?

As long as he is still there, everything can come back.

But he did not choose so.

It is a person who does one person, sacrifice yourself, and preserves the incense of the Achi Yang.

For this, the sword has no double-proclaimed.

However, just just appreciate it.

The blood sea of ​​life, the blood sea of ​​life, the countless undead of the life of the godberg, forgive this person!

In order to protect the swords, the sword is unparalleled, how can the sword will let the enemy killed their enemies?

After a few words.

Chunjun's life is broken, and the body is gradually dissipated.

At this end, he looked at the Nagan Palace, and he had a good breath with the whole body:

"You remember the words you just said! After the seat left, I immediately quit the depths of the universe, and they were guarded by self-adapt, and they didn't have to kill! I couldn't mention half of the truth!


Otherwise, I am dead! "


The voice falls, the body of the Chunjun of Premium from the head to the foot, a little bit of sand, and then blown by the wind, dissipated in the void.

Chiang Yanyan, another big arm of the sky, the big arm, fall!

Time, the heavens and the earth, the avenue is sorrow.

In the palace of the Episode, countless people crying into a piece.

The sword has no double-sided no expression, and it looks down at the Empress in the Emperor of the Chung Palace.

Next, there are no number of swords that can be seen, and they are shot from the sword without double, and the pen is straight to everyone in the palace.

These swords, they will not hurt them, but they will make the children of the Chung Qun, and they can't break through the supreme realm. They can only be killed in the ultimate dominance.

Only the only one, the middle-level first, the intermediate, and the ban on the bodies of their body, as long as the sword is unben, these swords will explode, they have to explode in the supreme body.

The Chung Yanyan gods obviously did not find this sword, and those supreme frightened were discovered, but they saw that the sword was unparalleled, and they didn't dare to scream. I didn't know anything.



The sword is unparalleled and the right foot is heavy, and it is turned into a streamer, disappearing in the territory of Prematurity.

Under another flash, the sword is unparalleled in the vast starry sky, releases the cosmic boat, and drives to the unbroken sea.


Chiangyang God is self-awaited in the sword!

After seventh, the universe shook again!

However, this universe is not so shocking. After all, the sword is unparalleled to kill Yuding Supreme, the fall of the Chung Qun, in their opinion, basically it is already a nail.

It is only the only thing that is the only thing, and it is a rival of the universe in the neighborhood, and it is a bit feeling that it is a bit of the sword.

However, the discussion of the gods of Chung Yanyu did not last long, and the sight of everyone was taken away by the temple!

In the seven days of the Chunjun news from the Chunjun, the ice of the temple was the supreme, announced to the universe.

"The sword is unparalleled, I am waiting for you too embarrassing the temple, you will be skull!"

At this point, the full house is shocked.

They didn't expect that swords were not going to find too virtualist Temple, and the ice is actually jumping out, saying to kill swords!

Suddenly, there are countless people in the universe.

Everyone knows that there is a good show!


Life is the godberg.

Blood waves, giant ax, heaven, and the nine robbery of the next item, four major supreme high home seats.

Under them, several ordinary supreme, and the overlord of the god of life, sitting on the ground.

"Hey, even half-step invincible, now it is not a sword unparalleled opponent, this little guy's growth is too fast."

Blood waves sucking and smiling.

His strength, that is, between the half-step invincible supreme in the Bozhong, the sword is unparalleled now, and the side can also explain that the sword is unparalleled. The strength is already above him.

Others are also smiling.

However, after a moment, the giant ax sufficient, he said: "The sword is unparalleled is now strong, but the guy of the ice is not so good to deal with the role."

"Ice is also a half-step no enemy repair, should it be a sword unparalleled opponent?"

Fighter frowned and asked.

The giant ax is no longer a back, but the blood wave is a smile on his face. It gradually packed the dignity and shakes the head: "Not that simple, the hide, the hide, the past, there is a half-step invincible Supreme, And it is to kill the road, in the universe, there is no one in the universe, and it is a strong person who belongs to a bid, and the two can be more than the Yuling and Echuang. "

I suddenly said, the blood wave supreme continued: "The sword is unparalleled in the remains of Tara, I have went to the temple with the giant ax, and I have had a hand with Ice.

Just at the beginning, our life, the godberg and the temple, but also did not completely tear the face, so I didn't show all the best, and the hustle guy reveals the power than I used, I have some observed. If I am with Ice, if I am really dead, I will never be his opponent. "

After saying, the blood wave is said to have someone who is present, and it is necessary to suck a cold.

"The ice hide is very deep, I am afraid that the enemy is soared, and it is different ..."

In this case, in addition to the giant ax, it is as usual, and it is estimated that the other people are all shocking.

"Does the alliance are not dangerous ..."

The overlord is full of worry.

"Yeah, I have to let the sword will be unparalleled, and I will not be as good as long as I am waiting for it."

That day, I saw it, and I screwed.

Blood waves and swaying, swaying, shaking, smiling: "Of course, we don't need too worrying, the ice is not limited to invincible, and it is never invincible, the difference is the difference, the sword is unparalleled. It is his opponent, but it is very simple to think about it. "

Everyone heard this, and the party was slightly relieved.

But the concerns are concerned, and what they can't erase.

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