The universe is within the stars.

The sword is unparalleled to drive the universe boat, and it is constantly moving.

His knees are sitting in the cosmic cabin, and there is a frost between the eyebrows.

Ice Supreme!

This person is definitely one of the people who want to kill in the sword!

If you say, the bloody hall, the big god emperor, the Chung Yanyu, etc.

Baihu Supreme, it was only forced to be self-explosion by Ice.

He is with the hatch between the ice, does not share the sky!

I don't know how many times, the Ice Supreme League came to strand him, as if the universe is the wilderness area, if it is not a white hair, I am afraid that it is already dead!

There is also an earlier star ancient road, the prison dragon is the ..... .........

Of course, there is no regrets for this sword and no fear, but he is in the heart of the ice, it is already awkward!

"Is it waiting to kill me?"

The sword is unparalleled.

This is naturally listening to the discourse of Ice Supreme to the entire universe.

This makes him a hierarchy of the Supreme Killing, I have a level!

Even when I went today, this ice is to respect his heart, it is still not dead!

"Very good, my sword is unparalleled, how do you take me!"

The sword is unparalleled, flashing, flashing.


Too embarrassment.

The ice is sitting on the throne, and the mouth is laughing, and the hands of the Sen Blue Sword Sword Blade in his hand.

This sword, famous god.

In the same year, he killed the sword in the universe. As a result, he killed the sword in the middle of the ancestors, his handle of the sword, and his synonymous, the same name, is more inch Swallow.

And this sket is called the sword of the god, it is he took a lot of money, bought from an invincible to the respect of the respected hand, and the power of the power is not inferior to the original ice sword, even more stronger.

"The sword is unparalleled, take you, come to sacrifice this sword!"


The ice is the right hand, and the sword pointers fell to the temple, and the hunting is cold.

"Hey, don't wait for this seat to break through the invincible supreme, otherwise, what life is the godhouse, what is the hegemony old ancestors, you have to give this to death!"

He is cold in his heart, to destroy his god sword, a boxing flying a hegemony, and is equally ignorant.


After a while, he put away the sword and called outside.

Da da da.

Suddenly, a disciple of a Temple, even busy loudly.

"This is asked you, now the sword is unparalleled, can you have any abnormalities?"

That disciple squatted, heard:

"Suddenly, the god of the gods, the sword is not coming to the Temple Temple, and there is no exception."

"Ah That's good."

The ice is nodded, and the whisper is soaked:

"The sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled, so eager to find a dead, this seat is still seen in the universe."


The sword is unparalleled to drive the universe boat, which is constantly approaching too fascinating.

On the way, he did not have any obstacles to cover the breath. Therefore, all his income is a burst of exciting.

"You see, this, this breath is the sword is unparalleled!"

"The sword is unparalleled, it is really too embarrassing!"

"Hey, Ice is not a good, this battle is good."

"The sword is unparalleled, but the ice is the same as the hard bone, and the half-step invincible for the ice, the half-step, can be more, the sword is unparalleled, you can take this hard bone, it is really difficult to say, The sword is unparalleled. "

"If the sword is unparalleled to kill, pay attention to killing the ice sued, then the sword is unparalleled almost, now he is the first person in the endless supreme!"

"Walk away, this battle is simply called the ancient times, and the ancient times is rare, I can't miss it!"

"Fast rush to Too Temple, this time!"

"I heard that all major power have all sent people to watch the battle. Once the sword is unparalleled, they will support the sword without double as the new king!"

There are countless people feel enthusissuous, and they discuss them.

Subsequently, they are all rigging, and they are flunding towards the Temple of Temple.

Among them, there are representatives of all major forces, have already put a mirror, intend to record this battle, all of which.

Even, the sword is unparalleled, the Water, who is saving the people in Ta Luo, is from the extremely distant universe, and comes to the sword.

There is also Jinwu Emperor, Jingshan leaders, star dust, etc., one is another person who has no doubles with swords.

This battle, all expectation!


Three months later.

The sword is unparalleled to the star field where the Temple is located.

The Taifu Star Field has long been filled with countless people from the four-sided eight parties, and the flag is rolling, and it is fluttering.

The sword is unparalleled to stop the cosmap, from the cabin.

A noisy voice in the ear, and many familiar faces.

"Blood sword, come on!" The ember dominates his face excitement and stood in the distance.

"Blood sword, you will win!" Wushu dominated three people, the face rose, and crowded in the most periphery of the crowd, and the flag was helping.

"The sword does not abandon your, careful!" The star dust that has been alone, clenched the fist.

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes swept from a familiar face, and the spins smile.

"rest assured."

The sword nodded, and then turned his head to see the central position of the Taiwan virtual star field, quietly suspended the temple, and took a deep breath.

This suck is like a long whale, and it will be inhaled in the mouth.

next moment.

He moved his mouth, if the sound is like a thunder, rolling and falling, shocking nine days!

"Ice, still don't roll to death ?!"

boom! ! !

In this case, Wanli Starry is shaken by it, like a tsunami.

"Hey, swords are unparalleled, this is dead today!"

The radius, a cold voice, from the center of the , ,,,,,

call out!

A white stream is shot out, falling in the sword without double front.

The stream is broken, exposed the ice supreme figure.

"The sword is unparalleled, I am two today, only one person can live out this star field."

The ice is standing, and the eyebrows are indifferent.

"I am working with me."

The sword is not a double eye, the murder is flashing, and the right hand holds the Naro Shenjian, and the inch will pull it out of the sword.

A magnificent sword pressure, instantly coming to the audience.

"Then come."

The ice was so cold, and the right hand turned down, the figures scarlet, the demon evil arrived, and the sword was condensed in his hand.

There is no nonsense between the two.

Two powerful gas fields, such as forming substances, constantly impulting, and set off a horrible void storm!

Everyone who watchs is obvious, and the double eyes are smashed.

they know.

The battle of this earthquake is about to kick off!

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