Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4436 compared to fight!

Boom ~! ! !

The sword is unparalleled with the ice, the opposite of the opposite, an extremely powerful breath, crushing the empty!

The void is constantly collapsed, and a storm is united. The powerful gas field is extruded to each other, directly changing the universe magnetic field gravity, and will be excluded from a star.

The sword is unparalleled, the black hair flutters, the sword is around, it is like a peerless sword to go out from the sky, falling to the dust.

The ice is standing, and a silver hair is slightly smashed, and the temperature is rapidly decreased, and a cold sword is suppressed.

The two are all the swords, before the sword has no double, the ice is called the first sword genius at the time!

"Good ... so strong !!"

"These two people are different on the swords, but they are equally strong, each has a thousand autumn!"

"These two people are playing, I am afraid that the entire universe will be tipped, and the mountain is shaken!"

"so horrible!!!"

"Invincible Supreme Can't, who can balance these two?"

Many people who watch the battle have taken a breath, and they said.

next moment!

Battle crashed out!

"The sword is unparalleled, I used to run in my hands, and now I'm calling."

The ice is so flaming, and the sword is in the sword.

Each step is stepped under, and the foot will fall directly into frost.

"Oh, practice thousands of chaos, Square is half-step invincible, I am, if I, I will find a piece of tofu."

The sword is not enough to float, a sword is horses, and it is the supreme!

"Hey, swords are unparalleled, let you have a spring, today you can't escape it."

The ice is so cold, and the hand is blocked, and the sword is unparalleled. This sword will be opened.

"It's hard to escape today, it is your ice!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the murder is murderous, and the whole body takes out the golden light, and the ice is soaring!


! !

The two people are fast to the extreme, and there is a hundred strokes in the eyes, countless swords, and they are stranded all the stars, making chaos boiling!

The large amount of powerful power, the chemical creation is a thousand hundred ice cold swords, and it is constantly eager to swim from the .


The sword is unparalleled in the eyes, not, but not afraid, but laugh, combine the power of the avenue, and the slings of the mountain in the sea, and the ice is in a piece!

Although the two realms are very different, because the sword is unparalleled is a superficial chaotic life, the power is also the first to respect the supreme respected, so although the total of the power is still a gap, it is not unable to be Chamber to fight.

Hey! ! !

The sword is unhappy in the sword, the sword is constantly colliding with the , or straight stab is either sloppy, tearing up a series of sparks!

Every time two handsome, the two times are like a thunder, and they are constantly making a breeze in the void.

When the sexy is usually so high in the high intensity, it is honest to the Mero Shenjian, and the sword does not know where to come, even if you come, even if you come. Under the overbearing attack of Luo Shenjian, he had a talest.

"The sword is unparalleled, do you have this strength?"

The ice is full of cold, and the hands holding the sword, and the sword is unparalleled.

next moment!

"Ta Luo Jian Dian · Second Fashion · Dawn!"

The sword is unparalleled low.


A golden light, the sword is unparalleled to break the sword, block everything, with the Wei Wei, killing the Essence!

The whole world, only the golden light remains.

Breaking the sword, now the famous stunt of the sword is unparalleled in the universe, enough to kill any strong people who are unprecedented, there is now known.

The pound of the sword torn the void, directly throughout the sky, pulling up a long white wave.

There are countless sounds, and it sounds.

However, the ice is facing this sword, but the face is not changed, the eyelids lift it slightly:

"God, mirror water month."

~ ~!

I saw that he did not move, and he was rolled out from him from him.

Sword is unparalleled in his back.


The sulf is coming, it is clear that I have been to the Swords of the Sword Mang, but I don't know when there is a sword, and a sword is stab!

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled, the same face is calm, it seems that it is expected that the first sword does not return to pick up!


Numerous sparks splashed, and the ice is retreats by this sword, slightly picking the eyebrows, shot:

"The reaction is very fast."


At this time, the 'Ice Supreme' who was swordless and dabed to break through the swordsman, and the only ice cubes are general, the holiday is broken!

"Just now, the Supreme, the sword is unparalleled.

"The Supreme, I'm going to put down the next circle before the sword is unparalleled, it has been directly built, it is a thing! If you change a person, think that the ice is really dead, relax, and only afraid Have a good way of Ice! "

"The sword is unparalleled! You didn't pay attention? The sword didn't have a sword. The sword was shot in the ice, the body was condensed before him!"

"That is to say, both are pre-registered! They directly predict each other's move!"

"Hey! Too horrible!"

Countless people amazed.

In the void, the sword is unparalleled and the ice is so cold.

"The sword is unparalleled, your sword is the source, I am afraid that I have already realized the seventh floor, I saw the idea of ​​kneewe."

The ice is asked.

The sword is unparalleled without denial.

Yes, in the trial space and the Emperor Supreme Hands, the sword is unparalleled in the swords, the good boat is high, soaring, the holiday has soared, has reached the seventh floor peak!

He looked at the Supreme, this person was definitely his enemy. If he didn't guess the wrong, this person was in the Campaign's source, and he was not under him. He was only afraid to achieve the seventh floor realm. !

In the early years, he heard that when the ice is still still returned, he tried to the sword, and he was able to fight with a sword. It is now looking at it. This rumor is not a counterfeiting.

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unhealthy. If it is just just the battle of the level, I am afraid that there is no more than 10,000 years, and there will be no results.

"So ....."

The sword is unparalleled and slow, and the word is open:

"Ta Luojian · Third style · Dusk!"

Call ~!

Between the heavens and the earth, suddenly venting.

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