Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4439 I am Ice Di, I am Ta Luo!

What is the ice?

At this moment, there were countless people who have already recovered, they are deadly staring at the huge mushroom cloud covered.

The sight is blocked by the mushroom cloud, the thick haze, even if they do their power, it is quiet, and there is no voices of the ice.

"Swordsman must be better!"

"Alliance invincible !!"

"Don't give up your best !!"

The sorrow is waiting for someone to see it, and it can't help but like the color, and the preparation is waved.

Other ways of watching the battle is a screen breathing, and the eyes do not dare.

Ice Supreme ... is there nothing?


Nine-day voids.

The sword is unparalleled to look down on the place where the Supreme is in the face, and the face is not imagined, and the brow gradually wrinkled.

In the cloudy mushroom cloud, he didn't feel the feelings of the ice, as usual, the average atmosphere was ignorant, and the life of this person has fallen.

But I don't know why, the sword is unparalleled, but I don't feel any relaxation, but I've pocked with a big horror between life and death!

His whole person is like being stared by a distant wild behemoth, and the sweat is vertical.

~ ~~ ~~~

At this time, a heartbeat beat is a signs in that mushroom cloud.

It seems that someone rang the ancient Tiantian Drum.


! !

Hey! ! !

This sound is getting bigger and bigger, getting bigger and bigger!

At last--!

Roar! ! !

The thick mushroom cloud that is covered with a round of miles, it is torn away!

Ice Supreme Sunday!

His robe fragments, hair dispersion, both of the eyebrows have a blood.

Even the doubles behind the double crystals were all crushed.

However, his whole person is full of breath of extremely dangerous violent stun!

His bloody face, knocking on frost, as wearing a mask, condense half of the side face.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can force this seat to this point, this seat has to be said, I am smash you."

The ice is so hoarse, not like human, as if there are two iron pieces in the throat.

"It's just a pity that you have killed Yu Ding, but I can't kill me."

The sword is unparalleled, and the Mo Luo Shenjian is united silently in his hand, and vigilance has increased to the extreme.

far away.

Originally, I have begun to cheer and marry, etc., the smile on the face gradually solidifies.

"This is not dead?"

"Ice is the supreme is a half-step invincible, where is it so easy to fall."

"The sword is unparalleled, there is trouble."

Others, it is exclaimed.


"Well, the sword is unparalleled, the game is over."

The ice is looking at the sword. The sword is unparalleled, and the corner of the mouth evokes a strange curvature.

next moment!

" , !"

Boom ~! ! !

Even, the ice is soaring that the whole person has skyrockery, the whole person is like inflatable, and it quickly expands.

One feet ... ten pieces ... Baizhang ... thousand pieces ....

...... 100,000 feet! ! !

Just a short number of interest, the ice is the earth, and the ice giant is turned into a hundred thousand feet!

His whole person changed, as if heaven and earth crowned him, and there was an emperor crown on his head.

He is covered with a thick ice crystal, as if wearing a heavy armor!

In his hand, a handle is formed by ice crystals, and the broad-incomparable ice sword is condensed in him!

He holds this ice sword, as if it is to hold an iceberg in his hand.

At his feet, the sword is unparalleled.

In an instant, countless people were shocked and the eyes were obsolete.

"What is this legend ?!!"

"I can feel that now I am supreme, I'm trying ten times more than just at least!"

"No wonder, one is too imperial, willing to give the position to Ice Supreme, rest assured to leave, it is because the ice is so killing such a killer !!"

"I also said that Ice Supreme declare the universe, saying that I have to kill swords without being too conceited, and now I am at your own risk. It is a definite confidence !!"

And the head of the sorrow, but also the heart of death.

How can it be?


Between the moment, the ice is respected!

He moved this, directly stepped on the foot, step on tens of thousands of feet, and stepped down toward the sword!

"The sword is unparalleled, this honestone is far from what you can imagine!"

Ice is sucking, and it is a madness!

Under this feet, the whole world seems to be heavy, inch crashes!

The sword is unparalleled and deep, and the sound is said:

"Dawn! Hey!"


The sword is unparalleled to break the sword, and the royal sword is going, and the thorns are stabbed on the ice.

This sword can be god!


There are countless ice crystals, but it is the ice crystal covered by the ice to respect the skin.


The sword is unparalleled, and nearly 10,000 Sen Blue Sword will condense in his hands and then again.


No, still useless!

Everything is useless!

"Hey, can be lacked."

The ice is smiling, and the giant foot is free to sweep, and the sword of the Shiwazhangong will be unparalleled.


The sword is unparalleled, and a god blood is spit out by him.

"Come again!"

The sword is unhealthy in the eyes, the golden light is put, and the royal sword will be honored to kill the ice!

Toojo, the fourth style, four seasons!

In the empty, the swordsmanizes the spring rain, fall in the world!

However, it is still invincible, destroying the four seasons of the four seasons, but it is only possible to cut the ice-like ice crystals, causing a short injury!

"Stupid struggle."

The ice is full of smile, and the ice sword is stunned!

In an instant, the whole world has been filled with this sword!

The mighty gas machine, so that the cosm is boiling, as if you have to reopen chaos, create a new world!

Four seasons of swords, directly crushed!

Boom ~! !

Subsequently, this sword fell on the sword without double, and he fate!

Under this sword, even if the sword is unparalleled with chaotic hegemony, it also crashes directly.

"The sword is unparalleled, the world is not only a genius, nor only one person, has extraordinary magics."

The ice is full of rising.

"The god of the seat is that you will repair thousands of years, you can't catch up, do you understand?"

After a few words.

The sword is no borders.

He took a deep breath, stood up from the ground, watching a coupon in the horses, the expression suddenly calm down.

"Ice, you are really winning?"

The ice is a slight push, and it is interested in seeing the sword. The taste said: "Oh? The sword is unparalleled, you still have any means, this seat is a follower."

"it is good."

Answer him, is a quiet voice of the sword.

next moment.

The sword is unhappy, closed, close your eyes, and hugs the world.

Black hair, gradually floating.

A flat and slow voice, a word, from his mouth.

"Ta Luo Jian Dian · Fifth, Tome."

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