Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4440 Mo Luo is coming!

"The sword is unparalleled ..... I have lost?"

The head is dominated by people, looking up at the voids and trembling, constantly being embodied in the sword of the ice, the heart of the sword, cold in the heart.

Others are also unfair, and the expression is complicated.

After a long time, they sighed a sigh of air:

"The sword is unparalleled, every magical is called the universe, but it is unfortunately, his practice is too short, and there is too much ice in the ground."

"I dare to be determined, the sword is unparalleled to practice a thousand years, maybe I can be the Supreme, I will not be a sword unparalleled opponent."

"There is not much time to give swords."

Countless people look at the eyes, and they are all silent.

The sword is unparalleled, how to see it.

And the disciple of the Temple Temple, looked at the world, the ice suede of the high million, all of which were excited, swing boxing:

"Ice God is invincible!"

"The sword is unparalleled antsite! Dare to fight with Ice God?"

"The beads of rice, also put the light?"

Too virtually on the sky, the ice is cold, like the height of the killing, is about to pronounce the death penalty of swords.

At this moment, even through the Xuanguang mirror, it is extremely distant universe, you will shook your head, ready to let the messenger to send gifts to the god of life.

The sword is unparalleled, you must die.

This scene, while staged at all corners of the universe.


"Ta Luo Jian Dian · Fifth · Toro!"

When the sword is unparalleled, the entire universe starry sky, and also makes a breeze!

More than swords are unparalleled with the stars of the ice, but the whole universe! ! !


The sky begins to tear, the wind is suddenly four, and there is no double as a sword until thousands of foots around, all of them are floating.

Nothing to watch the war in the distance, all monks who are swords into the road, whether it is to hang the Poly Sword in the waist, or lying quietly in the Qiankun ring.

At this moment, there is a huge clear!

Countless swords, straight to the nine!

It's like congratulations, the ancient sword God!

The foot turned on, the sword of the heavens and the earth, and there is a change in the breath.

His breath has become unfamiliar, becoming a sharp, becoming flying!


The ice crystal huge sword, the movement of the ice, is right, and the brow wrinkles.

Obviously, there is no change in the sword. It is still the first realm of the first first and other elements.

But I don't know why, in the sword, there is no double body, but I feel a breath that he is frightened!

"He is not sword!"

I am fascinated by him to the respect of him.

"Blocking him!"

Although I don't know what the sword arrives, I feel that the ice is in the heart, the sword is not dangerous!

"go to hell!!"

The ice is sucking, and the ice crystal huge sword in his hand is like the peak collapse, and you will open the sword!


This sword, the speed is very!

And the sword is unparalleled, just like stupid, close your eyes, waiting for this sword to fall.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of many ,

"Hahaha, I thought the sword was unparalleled. What is the big trick? It turned out to die?"


Even the ice is supreme, the heart is a slightly nervous heart, is also a loose.

Just in this sword, it is about to fall in the sword.

boom! ! !

The sword is unparalleled, suddenly open!

The two shocking gods have skyrocketing from his eyes!

There are countless fairy hovering, like welcoming the earth monarch falling to dust, countless starlights come from all over the four sides, the sword is unparalleled, shrouded in a starry starlight, and the whole person is full of god.

In the distance, the sword of the mood of the world, but also crazy trembling, even the respective sword owners lost their senses and could not recall.

"this is?!!!"

In the eyes of countless people, the swords are unparalleled, and there is a low sinking hoarse, but they are extremely sharp, and they are issued from the sword.

"I am Tara!"

! !

The sky is suddenly opened, and a golden beam falls from the air. In the sword where there is no double back, it has formed a blue shirt, the sword, and the cockroach is the virtual phase!

The ice crystal giant sword is cut off, directly smash!

"What? How can this?"

Ice Supreme Expression is sluggish.

This figure, he is familiar!

Not the ?

Before the three hundred chaos, Tara Supreme is in the top of the top to honor.

Not invincible, winning like invincible!

And his ice is supreme, the same year is the top to respect, take the sword.

At that time, he was trying the sword world, and he used many swords to make a stepping stone, and fell his own sword.

At that time, there were a day in the day, how would he let him go?

He and Ta Luo respected the universe of the universe, but he lost a mess.

Just ordinary one sword!

Ice is respected! !

Since then, Ta Luo Supreme has become the existence of Ice to respect.

He is unparalleled with swords, and there is no shortage of this factor in this factor.

"How is it possible? What is going on ?!"

The ice is awesome and dead, staring at the sword, and keeps low.

The breath of the sword has no double body, so that he is slightly sensing, it is a few suffocation, whispering, is not what he can compare!

In the distance, more people are stiff, such as lightning strikes, the thoughts are rolling in the mind, picking up astonishing waves!

"Ta Luo Supreme! This is the breath of Ta Luo to the Supreme!"

"Yes! Ta Luo is still not fallen, the old man has been fortunate to see him, I can be very calm, this is the breath of Tara to the Supreme!"

Have an old card, a deep breath, and weaved it.

There is also a tear of Tao Luo Zun, the old tears: "Yulo Dao friends, three hundred chaos before, it is partitioned to life and death, I thought this life will no longer see the day, I can't think of this again. Gather. "

Countless people have sigh.

But more people are confused, what is going on?

This answer, only the sword is unparalleled.

Nine days above.

The sword is not double-sided without expression, looking down at Ice Supreme, Cool Desert:

"Now, who is the antity?"

Powerful momentum and decompression, crazy cross-interlaced, pressing ice supreme gradually kneel down, squatting.

"No! Ta Luo is already dead !! You can't be Ta Luo Zun !! I don't believe it !!"

The ice is full of death, and the fist is tightened and the teeth bite.

next moment!

"The sword is unparalleled! Do you say that you are not too Luo, even if you are Tara Supreme, I will kill you, but also kill you !!"


In the supreme eyes, the meaning of madness is to stand in the shade of the sword.

In the right hand, he took the right hand to the empty shot, the whole person jumped, and kill the sword!

", destruction!!!

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