Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4441, a sword

Roar! !

At this moment, the ice is full of power, and the whole person is full of danger to the extreme.

Every step is stepped on, all of which stepped out of a pit in the void, issued a burst of the earth.

"Come on! The sword is unparalleled! I can't live, you also give me death !!!"

The ice is so crazy, and the eyes are full of madness.

He hated Ta Luo Supreme, and when he was clear and his same, it was more than him, and he went to the universe!

He hated the sword and unparalleled, the talent, the ancient times, clearly repairing it, but he can fight against him, forced him to fight!

Why is it unfair!

I have an elderly, and I have a sword!

Why didn't you be a pet?

! !

The ice is so fascinated, and the breath is inflated, just like the bomb that is about to explode, dangerous to the extreme!

"Not good! We have retreat!"

"Ice is desperate !!"

"This hit, Ice Supreme has been determined to die! He wants to pull the sword unparalleled with him!"

"Crazy is crazy, the ice is so awkward !!"

At this moment, there were countless people in the distance to fight, and they were angry to the extreme, and they quickly showed the crazy.

It is to know that this destruction of the Ice is the most powerful ban, not only destroying the enemy, but also destroy yourself!

The power of the moment, it is enough to pull them in destruction!

"Hahahaha, want to escape? Anyone coming today, you must die !!!"

The ice is the same, it is actually a laughter. The hands are fast, and they will directly show the sea, and they will be in the west of 100,000 miles.

Those who are retreating, suddenly hit a piece of intangible wall, retreating the action of escaping, moments!

Suddenly, many universers of the universe through the Xuanguang Mirror War, have their faces to the extreme.

The god of life, the sacred temple.

Blood wave supimity, the giant ax supreme and other people looked up, staring at the mirror, a quiet, quiet, and smell.

And after the ice is embarrassed, it is destroyed.

"Mix !!!"

Blood waves start up and stand up, and shoot three inch rings in the eyes!

"This Ice Supreme In order to kill the sword, there is no parallel, it has lost rational, not the consequence, when you really kill !!"

Other big suits, although not speaking, but also a gloomy water dripping.

This scene similar to life is constantly staged in the core of the universe.


Too embarrassing the temple, a screaming.

"No! Let us go !!"

"Ice Supreme, your goal is that swords are unparalleled, and we don't matter!"

"Yes! You are looking for swords."

Some people tried to evoke the Ice Supremeness.

"Ice, you do this, will put the whole Temple, it will pull into the land!"


Some people try to threaten the supreme.

However, the ice is supreme, but it is a laughing.

"Hahaha, are you afraid? If you don't give me a lot of money, then you will kill the sword with me !!"

In this case, all the people are all trembled.

Swiring, there are several people looking to the sword unparalleled, and it is the meaning of struggling in the eyes.

And the sword belonging to the center of the destruction center is unparalleled. At the beginning, the face is indifferent, there is no expression, not happy.

In the face of the upcoming ice, the sword is unparalleled, the star is around, and the words are quietly spit out.


In the next moment, the sword was unparalleled and slowly looked up, and he was held in his hand in his hand.

After him, the huge Taifu to respect the shadow is like the shadow of the sword, such as the shadow, and also raise his hand, make a sword action.

At this moment, the sword was unparalleled and the Suli Supreme two people were integrated.


Suddenly! ! !

A red swordsman, from the Ta Luo Shenjian!

Rumble ~~! !

Rolling thunder.

Unable to use any words, to describe this kind of sword to the extreme.

It seems that the universe is smashed from the mighty clearance, the hollow is like a painting!

The boundless sky night sky, it is directly torn out of a uniform mouth, and it has made a broken void long hole.

Like the birth of the dragon, it is like the Tianhe roll.

This sword, covering the day, the horizontal pressure!

This sword is enough to make the people who bow their heads and suppress everything!

After the sword, no matter whether it is the Supreme madness, or the audience of the people who want to give birth to or threatened, all abundance.

Everyone is all spending breathing, and staying at this starry sky, it is a sword.

This sword, Huanghuang is not visible.

puff! !

Next moment, this sword is like cutting tofu, and the pen is from the chest of the ice to the huge body.

Ice Supreme is still maintained in the world and strolled the action.

However, on his chest, it has a huge void that appears directly.

There is no god blood overflow, no dissipation, no ice crystal splash.

This sword, I didn't have everything that I was supreme!


The vast body of the ice is to the ground. He looked at the voids that gradually spread his chest. The mad expression slowly retired, and it did not dare to confuse.

"I ... lost?"


His gods are rapidly narrowed, returning to a normal state, covering ice crystals on the skin is also dissipated.

He can feel that at this moment, his magnificent and majestic power is quickly dissipating.

The world in front of the eyes quickly turned black, he saw the sword unparalleled after the sword, suddenly went to the extreme, located in the back of the Errotto, and it has collapsed inch.

If you shoot at this time, you will definitely kill the sword.

Just, he didn't have a chance.

Just when he thought herself, it was about to die.

In this world, there is a sigh of sigh.

"Ice, you let this seat down."

In the next moment, in this void, he saw a head of the crown, wearing a black gold nine roau, head wearing a purple golden crown, a face-oriented middle-aged middle-aged, bathing in the Thunder, step by step from the void.

Too virtue! ! !

The real dedication in the scene of the temple is also the sky, invincible supreme!

In an instant, because the crisis is lifted, the heart is relieved, and there are exclaimed people!

"The sword is unparalleled, this matter will be made."

It's too virtual and fascinating, and it is faint to look forward to the body with Ta Luo Shenjian.

His words are very flat, but they are full of the power of being unquestionable!

"Cough ... cough"

The sword is unparalleled and coughing, while lifting the head, chairing the universe, standing in the peak position of the universe.

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