Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4442 is too virtual

Too virtue!

The opening of the Temple of Temple, truly kingdao to the universe of the universe!

Within the entire universe, it can be more than him, but the number of hands is not a family of old ancestors, is the master of the immortal holy land.

After he appeared, the entire noisy universe suddenly became dead.

Everyone is atmospheric, she does not dare to take too much God, and the head is low.

"The sword is unparalleled, this seat is nothing over, from now on, all of the past, how?"

Looking at the sword unparalleled, he said.

After finishing, he waved.

I have been gradually demanding the Supreme, which is actually quickly recovered with the speed visible to the naked eye.

The ice is the first to look at the sword. The sword is unparalleled, and immediately looks to the god of God, and it is full of fear.

"God Emperor ....."

He is squatting, just want to speak.

I just said that I have said that the emperor is cold and cold, and I am screaming: "Is it not enough to be angry? Rolling back, and then go to the domain battlefield with this seat."

The Emperor of the Emperor, just like the mouse, I saw the cat, I heard the body and trembled. After hateful, I watched the sword. I slept, and I turned into a stream of light. .

The sword is unparalleled to stand in the starry sky, watching this scene, it is difficult to see the pole.

He is very difficult to kill the ice today, but he didn't expect that this too virtual God killed it, saved the Supreme.

If you can't kill the ice is today, I am afraid that I want to kill the ice and the supreme.

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled and said: "God Emperor In your hometown of God. You are now pulling a past, and it's a bit too light. "


It is too emperor to hear a brow, as if it is a surprise sword, no double, does not follow his instructions, the sound becomes cold, drive: "The sword is unparalleled, are you this seat?"


The voice is falling, and a mountain is like a sea, from the Duality God to open!


The sword is unparalleled by this momentum, suddenly hits by the giant hammer, the whole person fell on the ground, and the body is almost broken!

This momentum is also fast, it is fast, just reclaimed the emperor.

He looked at the ground, his face became unparalleled, and the cold said: "The sword is unparalleled. If this seat is not looking at the face of the old elders, this is your life. "

The sword is unparalleled in the void, although the power of the gods has been returned, but there is an invisible, as if there is still a big mountain pressure on his back, so he can't stand up.

"Is this the invincible power?"

The sword has not even died in the fist, and the endless humiliation.

He thought that he broke through the supreme, did not say that it was able to rash the universe, and at least there was a power of self-insurance.

But until at this moment, he really faces invincible to respect, know how small it is.

In front of him, he is like the Supreme in front of the Benge ancestors, there is no resistance to the resistance.

The gap between half-step invincible, and the invincible supreme, it is too great.

The emperor looked at the sword and unparalleled, the mouth gradually pulled up and smirk, the opening: "The sword is unparalleled, this seat looks at your eyes, you don't seem to be dissatisfied?"

The sword is unparalleled without a back.

In front of the absolute strength, everything is pale.

The emperor shook his head and said: "The sword is unparalleled, if you don't accept, you can wait for you to recover, come to the outside battlefield, this site is waiting for you."

After saying, the emperor will leave.

Just, he just turned, it seems that I have thought about what I have, and I said: "The sword is unparalleled, look at the face of the Supreme Supreme, this seat is good to remind you, do not allow you to do it, your strength is not allowed to be In this universe horizontally!

This universe is more than what you imagined. You think that you have a talented, cross-border fighting, it is already enough to be arrogant, that is just that your eyes are too small, it is limited, only Seeing this sky.

In this universe, don't say anything in your sword, even if this is, it's just a dilution of the sea, the real strong and Tianjiao, you are now not eligible to see it. "

Speaking of this, Taifu God squinted, the corner of the mouth, the angle, the unfamiliar arc, lowered the sound to the decibel that only their two can hear, one word:

"The sword is unparalleled, you think that in the case of the invincible, the Tianjiao said that the arrogant is arrogant, how is it dead?"

In this case, the sword was unparalleled.

Too virtue shook his head, said: "Okay, sword is unparalleled, now there is no sleep to save, your life is not a lifetime, don't be because of your humble life, give The life behind you, there is a great disaster! "

After saying, Taifu God has a disgust and tasteful look at the sword, no more, one step disappears in the stars.

With the departure of the emperor, this battle finally came to an end.


"Swordsman win !!"

"Ice Supreme, no enemy sword is unparalleled !!!"

Suddenly, with the sword where there is no pair of embers, the people who are waiting, excited to cheer.

Other strong people who come to watch the battle are also a fearful color.

They have flocked up and smashed the swords in the middle, and they said.

However, the sword is not a bored but a little is very happy.

Is this a win?

The sword is unparalleled in the heart.

The last words, the last words, just like a heavy bomb, fried in his mind.

I really didn't see the real universe yet.

At this moment, he originally thought that the universe that touched the clear, suddenly became blurred, it seems to pull a mysterious veil.

Also ... what is so strong that is so powerful, how is it dead?

According to the reminders of Tara Supreme, it seems to be related to a person called 'Pola.

Who is this emperor?

Endless thoughts, the sword is unparalleled, but I can't think, I have to shook my head, silently said:

Weak weakness!

At the end, I am still too weak!

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