Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4447 Xuanyang Ferry

"The sword is unparalleled, leading!"

Suddenly, the sword is not blended in the eyes, and the hands are heavy.

This time I went to the outside world battlefield, and he would have to be able to suppress the riots, and the second is also for yourself.

Regarding Master Zunyi, he has long been guess, with the strength of Xuan Yi, if Xuan is still in this universe, I am afraid that there is no one more news.

It is very likely that Xuanyi is outside the domain battlefield.

And, he should also go to explore the news about the emperor.

Finally, his strength is now in the bottleneck stage, even if it remains in the universe, there is no use, whether it is the Dafu Temple or Dragon, there is an invincible forces that are invincible, with his current strength, it is impossible to These two top forces caused something threat.

In this way, it is not as good as going to the domain battlefield to improve strength in the killing battle.

In addition, there is a little.

It is the ice supreme!

There is no double remember, and I said before I left, I will take the ice to the domain battlefield.

The sword is unparalleled to the sky, this life will be icy to the sea to the sea, otherwise it will be nine, vow to be people.

His sword is unparalleled, never talking.

"Blood wave supun, then?"

The nine robbery said next to it.

He saw the blood wave supreme arrangement of swords and unparalleled, but he did not mention himself, not wrinkled with brows.

Blood waves saw the nine robbery kings, not from the mouth of the mouth, the nine robbey kings is also a sexy, I am afraid that I will not let him go, can't stop, I have no choice buttons: "It's good, you are unparalleled with swords." Going together is. "

"Nine robbery king, leading!"

Suddenly, the nine robbery flashed slightly, and the hand opened.

"Well, since this is finalized, you will take it."

Blood waves, the eye, the face is full of tired, now the respected sleep, he is responsible for the huge god of life, and it is not too light.


Everyone returned.

When I walked to the door of the gods, I watched the sword and watched the sword. I smiled: "The sword is unparalleled, the power is not as good as you, but I can be more than the ratio, who is outside the battlefield outside the domain, who The disaster of the slaughter is more. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are not interested in the look, nodded: "Okay."

"Well, the sword is unparalleled, this is not close, you and I have two people go back to prepare, let it go together after a year."

The two have a few words, and they are scattered.

Going to the semi-semi-semi-mountain, the sword is unparalleled to expect, saying that it is as cold as frost, suddenly, cold as frost is not a tight.

However, in the cold, frost is not a person, although I am not reluctant in my heart, I have to be careful in my mouth.

The sword is unparalleled, not from the heart.

In the past few years, the two came to always gather, and there is almost less intimate opportunity.

"It's all, this last year, you will be born with the frost."

The sword is unhealthy to do decision.


one year later.

Life is outside the palace.

The sword is unparalleled with the nine robbery, say goodbye to the blood wave supreme and other people who come to send, and then drive the universe boat, and fly toward the Xuanyang Passport in Xuanyang Daddy.

On the deck of the universe.

The sword is unparalleled and the nine robbery is standing side by side. One person is wide and big black robe, the head wears a pocket hat, stop half the face, the other person is white, the eyebrows are indifferent, and the white hair is hanging.

These two people have a black white, but the two big days of the universe!

"The sword is unparalleled, the crawler crawling out in the field battlefield, almost no one is in the sustimacy, and they can release a strange light wave, not so easy to deal with."

The nine robbery started, faintly said.

Although he is proud, he is not hit, and a lot of news about the virtual universe has been collected in this year.

The more understanding, the more downs, the more anger!

The monk of the universe, the born cruelty of life, treats people in their universe, almost violently, and don't know how many universers are in each chaotic, and they are killed to death.

"Sproduonted radio?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are exposed in the eyes.

"Yes." The king of the king nodded, replied: "The monk of the universe, there is a companion of the magical trend, it is the strange optical wave, we will be this weighing, called - 'malope!' "

"It is because there is a" virtual universe "existence. Therefore, the general sense of universe is often better than the monks of our universe."

The sword didn't have a sink, but he didn't care, he wanted to come in the same realm, no matter how strong the monk of this virtual universe, the sword is unparalleled, it will be strong.

This is his confidence.

"In addition, there is a strong appearance of the universe of the universe, there are three six-arms, and there is a headless ax. In short, it seems to be a evil spirit, but it is very good to identify their identity."

"All the universers are in their shoulders, I don't know the following, but the supreme above, the first to beside the shoulders are a long marks, the medium-sized is two long marks, and this is pushed. If the dishes of the invincible, it is five long marks! "

The nine robbery continues to open.


The sword nodded.


While discussing, the two flew toward the Xuanyang big star, and the speed was not slow, it is like a meteor to rooking a general, across the horizon.


Stars flow, the Galaxy circles.

Between the decade, ten years.

"The sword is unparalleled, and the front is the mysterious big star field."

The nine robbery Wang smashed his eyes forward and said.

I saw the visibility of the vision, a wide starry star field formed by countless nebula and many planets, star, appeared in front of everyone.

"Well, let's go, they should arrive."

The sword nodded.

Rotary, the two came from the cosmic boat, collapsed from the universe boat, and walked towards the ferry in Xuanyang Daddy.

Xuanyang Ferry, is also a collection office of many universe channels, four pass, connects the universe wear and top forces.

The two men just walked to Xuanyang Ferry, and they saw Blue San and others, already on the knee.

"Well? Unparalleled to the respect? Take the Supreme? Life, this is the second place?"

I feel that the sword is unparalleled, and the blue saple slowly opened his eyes, and the eyes suddenly flashed slightly.

The sword is unparalleled and the nine robbery, but the most precious base card of the life, he thought that this life is the godberg, will not send two people.

"The sword has no double nine robbery kings, I have seen Blue Suner."

The sword is unparalleled and the nine robbery is from Blue Sovad, then the eyes are turned, and they are looking forward to several movements standing next to Blue Soviet.

I can't think of it, I can meet many 'acquaintances here.

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