At this moment, it is next to Blue San, the first born, wearing a golden robe, a young man who is face, is it Longqing or who?

"Sword is unparalleled!"

Dragon Qing at the same time, also noticed that the sword was unparalleled, and suddenly he had skyrocket, and the murderous.

Next to him, there are two dragons, all of which are four generations of dragons.

However, the strength of these two people is much different from Dragon Qing.

"He is the sword is unparalleled?"

"Is him? First wait for a district, let us Dragon is so big, do you have a few times?"

The two dragons glared at the eyes, and they were flashing in the eyes.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you very."

The sword has no double looks to the Longqing, and the mouth is pulled into the arc.

Compared with the ice supreme, he has a hate of this Longqing, but also far away!

He, was chased by Long Qing crazy, but also almost falling in his hand!

That foot is another feet, constantly stepping on him to destroy!

Of course, if it is not because of this person, he will not got to know the hegemony of the ancestors.

"Good. The sword is unparalleled, this seat is originally thought to kill you, at least 10 million years later, I can't think of you, I also participated in this expedition!"

Long Qing looked at the sword and unparalleled, and the eyes were flashing, and the face floated on his face.

"The sword is unparalleled, wait until the domain battlefield, we have fun."

After that, Dragon's eyes reversed, and then look at the nine robbery of the sword. The sound of the sword is: "There is also your nine robbery, when the universe is over, it is what you ask me what is right. Is it? Oh, these books have been remembering, waiting until the outside world, how do you see how you play with you? "

The nine robbery king express is indifferent, and he will not lift his skin.


Suddenly, Dragon Heart was anger, and the forehead blue gluten was jumped.

The sword is unparalleled, and the nine robbey kings seems to be indifferent, he is whisper, but once the exit is voiced, it is able to hit the pain.

Blue San did not help but frown, open mouth: "All, you are the elite of our universe, is the middle of our cracking riots, can you get an enemy is not destroyed, just get rid of it?"

Donned, Blue Su Sao said: "All, now the enemy is currently, I hope that you will put down the sun into the day. I will blame me to report the day, telling the gods. "

At this point, although everyone did not speak, but the face is still the color of the.

Blue Su, but the highest respected repair, if it is not behind the neighborhood, I have already been killed by a slap.

Blue Su, I have to have a bitter laugh, but I have to shake my head: "Okay, wait, almost we have to start, you are the first batch of travel to the domain battlefield, I have to come back to turn the second batch."

Everyone nodded and no longer speaking.

Subsequently, there were continued to continue, and some people continue to come from the universe.

The sword is unparalleled, and many acquaintances have encountered many acquaintances, such as the Jiuxing Son of the Jiuxing Holy Land, the magic monarch of the magic.

And a higher supreme in the Temple of Daewoo.

Two wars, life gang palace lost heavy, Daxu Temple is not so good, almost the strong realm, all are dead.

At this moment, a higher supreme is also a rare.

The high-rise of this Daxian Temple is still high, and he has seen the sword. Suddenly there is no pair. When you see the cat, you will be busy, and you will be afraid that the sword is nothing to find him.

Today's sword is unparalleled, two and a half steps are invincible. It has already been named outside, not the time to compare.

Three months later.

Blue San looked at the people, nodded, opening: "Okay, the first batch of candidates have been all arrived, we can start."

I saw this tricks at this moment, and the zero zero scattered stood at eleven supreme.

This eleven is very powerful, in addition to the sword is unparalleled, the first supreme and the nine robbery is outside the medium supreme, the rest is the lowest, and it is also higher to supreme.

next moment.

I saw Blue Soviet, and there was a four-handed white flag.

"go with."

He drunk low, suddenly fetched white small banner shot into the sky and formed a rollover.


During the void, the time is placed, and a beam is transheng and translates each other.

Rumble ~!

Then, the boundless void is torn, a whirlpool is formed, the vortex is central, and a golden beam falls, and a diameter is formed in the ferry.

"Let's go."

Blue San turned back, the sword, the unparalleled and other people said, then step, took the lead in incident in the high air vortex.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is a good luck, turning into a stream, incident in the whirl.


After a while, the whirlpool is closed, and the sky is refreshing.

The figure of the sword is unparalleled, has disappeared.


Time swim, white gap.

Translience between the past, the past.

In this hundred years, Blue Sap will lead the sword and unparalleled and other people. All the way to the universe channel, wear the shuttle star, and rush toward the outside battlefield.

They are extremely fast, often just a body shape, disappearing in the universe channel, etc., it is already outside several star farmers.

Gradually, they completely stayed from the center of the universe and arrived at the universe.

call out!

On a desolate planet, the blue Soviet, the sword is unparalleled, the nine robbery, Longqing and other eleven supreme figure jumped from the void.

"Well? Is it here?"

Everyone gave a universe channel and suddenly viewed around.

I saw this star inch, and the power was extremely thin, and it was a void storm everywhere.

In this star, there is a hurricane zone, and a black hazy is like the swordsman, and there is a slashing and screaming.

In the contest, you can also see this hurricane, there is a strong and energetic starry giant beast, and the eyes continue to shoot red.

Blue Su looked up and looked back and said: "Everywhere, passing through this nine-story wind zone, the front is the station of our universe outside the domain battlefield, where the universe channel is not used, but also rely on our own strength. "

The voice falls, everyone is nodded.

These starry sky beasts look at the ultimate dominance, even if they are strong, but they are strong to achieve their supreme, and the present is high, naturally, it will not be placed in the eyes of everyone.

In the crowd, only the last dragon Qing, first looked at the hurricane in front of him, and then looked at the back of the sword and the nine robbery, licking his lips, flashing a little cold smirk smile .

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