Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4449 Crossing

"Let's go."

Blue San looked back to them, and the rotation of the swong, turned into a stream, and took the lead in shot toward the wind.

The sword is unparalleled, followed, as a sharp knife, directly piercing this hurricane zone.


The hurricane zone, a black hurricane torn void, surrounded the horror sound explosion.

This black hurricane is enough to tear the following monks, directly to the fragment, even if they are all of them, they feel a hint.

It is good to be the middle-aged column in the universe, and the big people who dominated one party. Although these black hurdles can cause them to cause it, they are just so.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a strange body of the body, and the body is filled out. It was originally like a knife to cut his meat, and suddenly like a spring breeze, it became gentle.


Roar--! !

A starry beast, hidden in the hurricane, screaming.

These starry beas are consisting of a piece of meteorite, except for the ability of killing, there is almost no fear.

There is no need to pull the sword without a sword. If you have a punch, you will pull the power of the thousands of mountains.

Others are also the means of showing, between the gods, flying, and bombing, turning a head of the starry behemoth instantly.

Gradually, the sword is unparalleled, and gradually goes deep into the wind.

Blue San is in front, Shen Sheng open: "Be careful, not far from the front, it is the most dangerous place in the wind, there is a starry behemone, if it is just a head, it is not counting, but If it causes the beast, we will pose a threat to us.

Therefore, all the small lones are smashed, and they are disturbed, and they are expensive to exist. "

Everyone he got some point to nod, and the heart clearly understood.


Everyone's speed is not slow, so soon, they will go to the deep wind.

I saw a starry behemoth that had just been bigger than the big bigity, and she was sleeping in the hurricane.

A strong breath, from them, even if everyone is supreme, I feel a slight agglomeration.

Blueu walks in front, looking back more than a '' gesture, indicating that everyone should not sound.

And just in the sword, when I walked next to a starry beast.

! ! !

Suddenly, a black light wave, slammed in the final dragon, and slammed on the starry behemoth next to the sword.

Bang ~! ! !

In an instant, this starry beast king felt, countless black animal blood, falling on the sword.

Hey -!

Hey -!

In an instant, the whole hurricane is falling into a riots!

There are countless starry beasts awake, open their eyes, and die of swords.

They perceived the sword without double, killing the same kind of breath!

Time, countless heads of starry beasts, !

"Long Qing!"

Blue Soviet face is now overcast, look back to Longqing Road: "Long Qing, what are you? I just said it again, I don't have to disturb this starry beast. Do you have me in the ear?"

Others are also a brow.

"This is not deliberate, accidentally."

Longqing stalls, there is no fear.

If he is here, he naturally does not dare to let go. This Blue Su is not as good as the Zhenzi, and the strength is not as good as him. Although he is not willing, he can't talk about how much fear.


Ta Luo Shenjian instantly out of the sheath, the sharp sword pressure diffused, the sword was not double-sided, but the heart was ridiculous.

He has long guess the guy of Longqing, will be in the past.


A huge beast roaring the sword is unparalleled, and a sharp sharp sword is already awkward!

This sword, directly open the whole hurd wind, and the long-empty is directly torn to both sides.


I saw this head that had been equivalent to the Supreme Strength of the Star Strong Beast, directly from the head to the end, was smashed into two, countless blood dropped.

However, the sword of the sword is unparalleled, not but did not let the starry behemoths retreat, but it is more crazy toward the sword!

In just a few interest, the sword is unparalleled in the huge beast.

The nine robbery, Jiuxing Son, etc. All of us have to be pulled in. "

The voice falls, he looked coldly, and the eyes flashed a disgust.


I saw that the sword was flooded in the animal trend, the Ta Luo Shenjian continued to smoke, every sword, all the beasts taken away.

"Sure enough, the killing can help the power of the Naro Sword."

The beast coach, the sword is not a double light flashing, the corner of the mouth takes a smile.

Since he got the , he found that every killing, the power of the Ta Luo Shen sword will be strong, the vertical of the sword hips, will become more demon.

In particular, the stronger strength of the enemy killed, the greater the lifting of the Toro Shenjian.

For example, after the first killing of Yu Ding, he felt the power of the Toyo Shenjian, at which the code has skyrocketed!

Don't look like it is just a complement, but for today's swords, there is no double, it is already a huge improvement!

The most important thing is that there is a presence of Tara Sword Scab, and he doesn't have to worry about the impurity dirtyness of the Ta Luo Shen Sword will absorb too much, affecting quality.

Because only need to be placed in Tooje Jianji, these impurities will be clear.

Seeing this starry beast, swords were unparalleled, and I thought about how to trigger the beast and the squats, and improve the power of the Toro Shenjian.

I can't think of this dragon, and I sent this trend to his hand.

Just, the star of the starry behemoth near this area is limited.

Didn't have a few inquiry time, this starry beast is slaughtered, and the ordinary starry beast, there is no great role in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to the sword, and the expression is light from the center of the beast.

Longqing looked at the sword without double, not feeling boring, shaking his head: "What is the star of the beast, it is a wasteful, not used."

Blue Su to see the sword is unparalleled, and the heart is slightly relieved, and you will be alert to the cold and keep the dragon and open the eyes. Directly on the teacher, punish the family. "

After finishing, he snorted and led everyone, and went to the other side of this wind.

After a while.

The sword is unparalleled and other eleven supreme, safe through the wind belt.

A camp that was stationed in the void, appeared in front of everyone.

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