Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4453 Battle Ba


"Hahahaha! Go to death and die!"

Headless monster Zhang mad smile, a red shock wave, constantly stepping from his palms, these red-red shock waves are like a bomb, constantly fried, fried whole star shock, zoido.

Fortunately, this battle happened in this domain battlefield, otherwise, if it is deep in the universe, with the horror of this person, I am only afraid of the depths of the entire universe, and they will be destroyed once.


Zero Supreme Half Half stepping on a meteorite, the chest is dramatic, and the rod in his hand uses the three-generation dragon to die, the dragon gang, the dragon soul refining, this moment has been broken. Two cuts.

"Captain, what should I do now? How long have we n't held it!"

The vice team of the eighth team, Qingguang, Supreme.

Zero True looks back, and the face is difficult to get to the extreme.

The eighth team has almost all the whole army. In addition to the deputy team leader, the brightener is only alive, only two players are left, and these two people are seriously injured, the body is in the edge of the collapse, and will fall, there is no The combat power can be said.

I took a deep breath, and Zero Wood sustains the sinking: "Is there a message to pass on the side?"

Qingguang is nodded, quickly repayment: "The captain, the god people said that he has already sent sixth, seventh team, on the way."

"Is there two guys in Xixi and Black Source?" Zero to respect the face slightly, then she took a deep breath, and the murder of the murder was sparkling: "Replenishment with a few fragrant, and must be all the monsters Funeral is here! "

Boom ~!

"Supreme Shen", one thing of the country! "

In an instant, Zero Supreme hands crossed, countless black chains spread out to the center, forming an eternal kingdom!

"come in!"

Zero to respect the right hand, and suddenly the five screamed's headless monsters, and grabbed the gods.


And the captain of Qingguang Supreme, same murder violent, showing the supreme god of destruction of the earth, and the eight will be bombed!



Black source is the first, walking in the forefront, swords, no double, etc., the supreme follows, constantly moving the movement, jumping in the void.

Jossimo semi-column.


Black source is awkward, stepping on the sky, sprinting, stagnating!

"The front is the void crack, you are careful."

He took a deep breath and looked around.

At this point, I can't help but feel cold.

I only saw that there was no longer ahead, and I have already turned a piece of Shura, as a vertical crack.

There are countless blood floats in the void, and there is a gentle fluctuating after the supreme flee, a geeks who have three snakes, are biting a supreme bites in their mouths, chewing the bite.

This supreme is not dead, and the eyes are scattered, and the eyes are desperate.

In the other side.

The head of the headless monster grabs the head of the zero-wood, and it is like a small chicken, constantly being bombarded in the air.

"Weak weak !! You are too weak !!"

The headless monster is pulling, and the zero-like to tear the zero, like the slope is usually lost.


I haven't waited for Zero Supreme God to re-group resurrection, and the headless monsters have been going to step, lift the giant foot, and slammed into the body of Zero Supreme.

" !!!"

Black source is supreme, and suddenly fall into anger.


He stepped on his right foot, turned into a torn earth, and the dark knife of the sun and the moon, go straight!

This knife, the knife is more than 100,000 miles, cross the Jane River to sweep the day!


In an instant, this knife is obliquely in the right leg of the headless monster!

The knife of a half-month arc spread, as tears, this headless monster's whole right leg, instantly cut down!


Suddenly, this headless monster is awkward and rushed into a few steps.

"Zero, you can't you?"

Black source is respected, and the zero-friendly supreme supported by the body has been restructured.

"Black source, this guy is difficult to deal with."

Zero-like to respect the gas, the expression is dignified.

"Come again."

The face of the headless monster is flashing, and the eyes are flashing, constantly doing in black source to respect.


I saw that he was cut down the right leg wound, and there were countless tentacles, and immediately flashed, and these tentacles condensed into huge right legs.

Injury, instant recovery, such as the beginning.

"let's go."

This headless monster snorted and turned to reap into the void crack.

After him, eight parts will be bruised, but also shake his head.

"Kill people still want to go?"

A cold voice sounded in the void.

Then, he saw a young woman wearing a white robe, a thin, step by step from the void, dark, cut off the headless monster.

Behind the white robe, embroidered with the black line with the top of the 'sixth team' three words.

The sixth team captain, and the supreme resisted.

After him, more than ten team members came to walk back.

Jiuxing Son, joined the sixth team, he nodded in the sword, and his voice shouted.

The sword is unparalleled, and I know that this is an urgent moment, not a chatty moment, and the sound of the sound, let him live well.


The face of the headless monster chest reversed, looking back at the Xi Xi supreme glance,

"Interesting, I am really interesting."

next moment!

He raised his head, and Zhang was angry and said:

"Eight parts will, eat them !!!"

boom! ! !

Countless energy condenses in his pair of palms, å see in his paternal position, actually growing a huge mouth.

This mouth is open, and a red-colored light wave shell is instantly condensed, and it is embarrassed to the black source!


Black source is in the middle of the big knife, and the shells who have been smashed, the cold channel: "The seventh team, kill!"


The seventh team screamed, all kinds of Shi Tong, will kill it towards the eight!


Eight parts will be, there are three snakes, but they have the monsters of the people, and they suddenly spit their tribute to whisper: "There is food to send the door."

He squinted, his face was full of greedy looks, and the green pupil reversed, and his eyes were constantly swept from everyone's face.

Finally, his eyes fell on the sword.

"Interesting, such a weak little guy dares to come to us?"


He stepped on his right foot, and suddenly made a vivid shadow, and went toward the sword!

PS: It is a bit in a hurry to go out. Today is a more, tomorrow will be idle. If there is no accident, try to update a few chapters, put today and the update owed before.

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