Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4454 White

(The first to come!)


It's just a time, the three snakes' monsters have already appeared in front of the sword, and Zhang is enough to swallow the sun and the snake mouth, and they are biting toward the sword!

There are countless steep stinks come.

"Four traces? Top Supreme?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the Naro Shenjian appeared in his hand.

The strength of these cuisine is far more than the corresponding realm, don't look at these three snakes, the monsters are just the top supages, but far more than ordinary top to respect the terrible!

Even if it is a sword, there is no double, and the heart is also afraid to drop lightly.


Just in the sword, there is no double, I am preparing to fight with these three snakes. The honor has been grabbing first, and the right foot is swept away, and the three snake heads that are not biting toward the sword. Fly together.

"The sword is unparalleled, your realm is weak, not his opponent, give him to me."

The honor of the sword was unparalleled, and the spin was dead and stared at the snake head. There were countless daughters on the face.

"it is good."

There is no double point of the sword, and there is no passing the guest.

It is critical at this moment, not when he is.

"Hey, are you eager to find it?"

The three snake head monster mouth opened the smile, and looked at the honorary, the cruelty in the eyes continues to swallow.

The honor is clear than him to be a high level, but he is not half a fear, and it is greedy in the opposite eye.

"White, the kid is handed over."

The three-headed snake is pale, and there is a young man with black eye shadow under the eyelid.

This person is the most weaker in eight parts, and is the most like human.

"it is good."

White Dae heard his words, the whole person revealed a numb, stiffness.


Countless black light waves are condensed in his hand and become a fine sword.

next moment!

The two flavors have exploded at the whiteness of the whiteness. His whole person rushed out, like a white lightning, and slammed the sword!

"Do you still use this?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the Toro Shen Jian is instantly!


The sword of Ta Luo Shen and the imperial crash hit together, and suddenly the handle was broken.


The sword has no double neck twisted, and the right fist is smashed out. If you drive a round of sun, countless golden light is uniform in the sword, and the heavy bombards on the cheeks of whiteness.

boom! ! !

In an instant, whiteness is like a hammer, and the body is flying, the whole head is directly exploded by this boxing!

"Duister, but so."

The sword is not double-sided, this whiteness is two traces, and the corresponding is medium supreme strength, even if his strength is far from moderate supreme, improves a grade, but it is not higher.

Higher Supreme, I have long been unparalleled in the eye.

"is it?"

Numerous thick tentacles poured from the white neck, just short moving time, he recovered as early.

"Oh? The speed of recovery is much better than us."

The sword flashed in the eyes of slightly smile, and the face was rare and interested.

"Come on, let me see, what is the power of your name."

"Ten thousand ... don't let me down!"

! ! !

The sword is unparalleled, and a shackles of sword pressure, with swords and swords, and suddenly spread!


The battle between the two parties, fell into the most intense state from the beginning!

Black Sate Supreme and Yuxi Supreme At the same time, the front and rear tearless monsters!

Two invincible Supreme join hands, but not one plus one is so simple!

Any of them has a horrible power of the universe, destroying a force!

At this moment, the two people have been playing with the explosion of the entire starry sky, just like to reshape the universe, open up the chaotic world!

I can't use any words, to describe the power of the two!

In their hands, the sun moon is just a fierce pills, and the gilly river of the horizontal sky is just the stream of the sky. They are free to raise their hands, and they can turn over the entire universe. Into, a slightly overflowed power, it is enough to block countless stars.

This no-headed monster is strong, and even says that in the face of any of these two people, he has a pressed strength, but in the two people, I will be retired after the festival is hit, can only be confused.

On the battlefield, a horrible magical air blown, a knife, the swordsmanship, if the people in the universe saw this scene, they will exclaim this is a battle!

With the joining the sixth team, the seventh team, the eight will be ruined, and suddenly have been contained, the situation is reversed!

Among them, in addition to the headless monsters, the most powerful thing is the body obesity, a mouth cracking into the monsters of the ears.

The teeth in his mouth are uneven, and the seven vertical is long, but the open mouth is biting, but it is directly to bite the supreme god of his spiers.

"Hahahaha, buffer !!"

A horrible purple light wave, like thunder, from his mouth, will play five supreme, all forced!

These eight will be strong, and although each of them faces the enemy of the self, it is suppressed by death, but it does not really fall to the step of life and death crisis, and even counterattack.

It can be said that this eight will be in anyone in the universe, it will be the heroes who dominated one side!



A nearly 10,000 blue swordsmanship, coacerd in the sword.

The sword is not double-sided without expression, and it will be squatted!

The whole volume is overwhelming.

boom! ! !

In an instant, the name called whiteness was again flying again.

"How can it be so strong?"

In the eyes of white, the pupil is mad, this is his first time, the opposite is the realm of the realm, but it can still crush his people!

His paramount is stiff, which is full of fear.


He once again plundered, and there were countless virtualizes in his hand, and under the shape of the body.


However, this sword is directly swimmed to the five fingers.

There are countless violent power, burst between swords and unparalleled five fingers, but they can't shake their swords.

"I heard that you have a companionship, called 'misappropriation', if you don't use it, you have no chance."

The sword is unparalleled and shakes his head.

He hit this person in his eyes, and he was indifferent.

"Well, then I am willing!"

White is struggling to stand up from the ground, hands in front of the face, whispered:

" - !!!"

[Note that there is a place in front of the previous place, the five trace of the half-step invincible supreme, the six traces are invincible, the headless monsters are six traces.

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