
Boom ~!

In an instant, this stars fierce!

Rotary, the two long traces in the left shoulder of the whiteness have a countless red light, and the energy is spill from him. It has a red light ball between his palms.


In this red light ball, it seems that the void is squeezed and started crazy.

A strange thing is very different, and the breath is filled with a completely different power, representing destruction.


Next moment, whiteness smashed, and the death of death is unparalleled, and the hands are pushed forward!

Roar--! ! !

In an instant, this red light ball, like a destroyed land, destroying the world's bombs, jumped through countless space, straight towards the sword without double hit!

The power of this hit, exceeds hundreds of times the energy before this person, even enough to threaten half-step invincible supreme! ! !

"Is this a malopement? No wonder is in the same realm, the virtansee is more powerful than our monks."

The sword is unparalleled, staring at this horror red ball that is approaching him, and the interest on his face has become thick.

Immediately, the sword didn't have a move to make a crazy move.

He slowly reached out and grabbed this horror red ball.

"Unparalleled to the Supreme!"

The honor of farten in the distance is noted that this scene, suddenly the face changed, and he wanted: "Unparalleled to respect, escape!"

Other eight people will pay attention to this scene, first, it seems to be a bit surprised to deal with the first-class supreme, which is even forced to use the false explosion, and the face is bruising.

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are squint, continue to reach out toward the horrible red ball.

It's almost not on the right hand, the sword is unparalleled, and it touched this horror ball.

boom! ! !

A violent twisted power, suddenly opened in the sword!

Card ~!

The sword is unparalleled, the arm, which is directly inch.

"Is this the power of the virtual?"

The sword is unbolded, and it is fine to feel the power in the terrorist red ball.

That is with the power of the sacred, very different power.


In this horror ball, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is not open when the sword is unbroken.


In an instant, chaotic hegemony is murved to the limit. The whole body skin surface has a root like a twisted tree root, in his eyebrow position, the purple 'Sichuan' word, it is also instantly become a demon Dazzling.

Countless swords, burst on the sword without double!

In an instant, it was still ruined, and the invincible horror ball, the instant is one inch broken.

Countless power is derived on the sword without double-fried arm, rewritten as his arm.

The sword is unparalleled to see the whiteness, the opening: "This is indeed very strong, but unfortunately, you are too weak."

After saying, the Ta Luo Shenjian reclined in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled as the god sword of the sheath, and the breath is full of sharpness.

He can feel that the Mo Luo Shenjian in his hand can't help but want to move, prepare blood.

"Okay, go to death."

The sword is unhappy in the middle of Mo Luo Shenjun, and go to the whiteness!

"No! How can I die in my low-like universe?"

That whiteness is very much, it is turned to rush toward the void crack.

"Want to escape?"

The sword is unparalleled.

"Talent Magong, life shock!"


In an instant, a power from the highest level of life is falling.

Under this stress, the entire starry sky is a stagnation, and time and space seems to be at this moment.

That whiteness was a voice that was running. When he stopped, he turned his death and looked at the sword. It was a thing that made him shocked. The eyes were smashed, and the voice: "You, you, How can there be a life athm of 'he' ?! "

"Well? 'He' the breath?"

The sword is unparalleled, I can't help but wrinkle, I have already returned.

When he passed to the whiteness, he bowed his head and glanced down his cold and asked: "Who do you say?"

"You don't know him?"

White Daxie wrote that it seems to be an accidental sword. I don't know who he said, and then laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha, your body, there is a 'He' 's breath, humble guy, you are dead! They will come to you!"

"what are you talking about?"

The sword is unpaired, he can feel that this person in front of me, there is no way to open the river, this person must know what.

"Do you want to know?"

At this moment, there was no fear of death, but in the eyes of the eyes.

"Hemmon and poor guys, you and 'he', you will die, no matter where you escape, the group of mad people will find you, you will die!"

! ! !

The voice falls, the body of white is blown away!

At this moment, he didn't choose to be self-explosion!

The horrible power is blown, and the heavens, the sword is not doubles, and the shock waves formed by the whiteness are swayed.

"What is this person say?"

The sword has no double sword, and the face is cloudy.

The words before the whiteness are dead, just like a curse, constantly retreat in his mind.

"Who is he? Who is the group to kill my madman?"

Sword is unbounded in the eyes and scorching thoughts.

He is not a stupid person, soon aware that whiteness will suddenly say this, after he released the talent, life shocked.

Moreover, the sword is unparalleled, and this person said the first sentence, revealing the four words of the 'life atmosphere.

"Is life atmosphere?"

The sword is unmainted, you can say that his special life, all his master is created with a self-employment.

"So ..... Just now this person is saying 'he', is it a teacher?"

"The madman in his mouth, is it a person who was in the nine big star, chasing the Master?"

In the faint approving, the sword is unparalleled in the endless darkness, with an invisible line, which is manipulated everything.

And the owner of this line is his master.

He can now be 100% checked, his mysterious masters, absolutely and virtual universe, with thousands of rickets.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, each step of his master is a meaning.

He began to doubt, is it to meet the first time with Xuan Yi, it seems unintentional, and is the fact that is already a good plan?

In addition, the sword is not double still has a problem most concerned, then if it is really his own master, what is the role in this big way?

"For, I am now, the most important thing is to improve the strength!"

After I took a deep breath, the sword was unparalleled, but the eyes were reversed, and I saw it toward the battlefield.

As the sword is unparalleled, the fighting of others is the same.

PS: Two chapters in the afternoon, there will be updated at night

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