Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4456 Step by step

(The third is over!)

On the battlefield.

Eight parts headed by the headless monsters, under the oppression of the sixth and seventh teams, can only be refunded later.

The headless monster wanted to escape a few times, and he was blamed by Black Sono Supreme and Yuxi.

A knife shape that torn the heavens and the earth broke the empty space, and the sun and the moon were swatched.

Under the black source of the Supreme and the Supreme of the Xiuxi, the headless monsters gradually been forced to the corner, and they went without traffic.

"White is the waste, it was killed!"

The headless monster pays attention to this scene of the sword, and a heavy cold snort, and immediately look at the three snakes, and the sound is low:

"Different Chinese, we have killed the guy of the sword before retreat."

It is facing the three sorts of the top team top to respect the three snakes, heard a nod, three snakes at the same time, as with the hairdress, spray hundreds of light balls, and forced these two people.

Rotate, he steps, rushed to the sword.

"Hey, you can kill white, it seems that I am small to see you."

The green pupil in the eyes of the three snakes reversed, and there is a rid of the mouth.

The sword is unparalleled to look at this person, and the face is lifting.

On the left side of this person, the four long marks are like three scars, reflecting the scarlet light.

The strength of these three snakes is far more than that of the whiteness!

Even the three snakes stared, there is a horror in which I have become a prey, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Eat you!"

! !

Three snakes have been turned, and the figure is instantly disappeared.

When I appeared again, I had already appeared in the sword without double, the huge snake mouth opened, and bite it!

"Speed ​​fast!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the Naro Shenjian suddenly cut out.

A whispering sound of a horrible place is like a horrible, and I am going to bite the giant mouth in the three snake!


Like a bomb blows in the three snake mouth, these three snakes are in this sword, but there is no more painful color, but they will bite it directly. In the belly.

"No wonder can kill white, your sword is powerful, has reached three traces."

The three-headed snake yin is a low laugh, and the words are turned:

"If I haven't guess, you must be the Tianjiao level of this universe?"

The sword is unparalleled, but the whole body is so powerful, and it is ready to go.

"Hey, you are really boring."

The three snakes saw that the sword was unparalleled. He did not take care of him. He couldn't help but joined it. He immediately contracted into the line, and he had an exhaustion from him!

"Okay, let me eat you!"

Boom ~!

The vain of the three snakes once again broke out, the figure was swept, and Zhang opened enough to swallow the giant mouth of the sun and moon, and went to the sword without biting!

"Ta Luo Sword, second style, break!"

The sword is unparalleled and the sound is cold, and the directization is a golden light, and the three snakes are fast!

This sword, Feng Rui arrived at the extreme, enough to cut off the Galaxy, unhappy!

Boom ~!

The two hit together, the power of the Ta Luo Shenjun directly broke out, in the middle, the snake head in the middle of the three snake, from the snake mouth, until the snake, was flashed by a gold wire, cut into two halves !

This time, the three snakes couldn't help but won a little bit of pain.

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is condensed behind. This sword has brought the three snakes in half, but he didn't have a little bit of color, and more giggling on his face.

"Ta Luo Sword, third style, dusk!"


In an instant, the dusk sword was unparalleled by the sword, and the sword was unparalleled. A huge pocket appeared at the foot of the sword. Then expanded!

A huge suction, from the pit center, just in an instant, will pull the three snakes!


The five fingers of the sword are unparalleled!

In an instant, a world is squeezed, suddenly explosing from the pit, the force of the collision, the pound is extreme, enough to block a top supreme, all instantly block a meat sauce!

At this moment, I was still in the roar three snake, and my face was suddenly frightened.

In this pit, he is like a huge stone that is caught in a huge stone grinding disc, and the body is crushed thousand of hundred times!

In the distance, the headless monsters that have been forced to the road have noticed this scene, and the face is difficult to see the extreme.

For the first time, his eyes look at the sword unparalleled, and the eyes will pay attention.

The black source is supreme and the Supreme Supreme, and the sword has also seen the screen of the three snakes, and everything is flashing.

"Black source, it seems that you have a enchanting under your hand."

Tunxi Supreme Smile.

Under the joining hands of the two, the headless monsters have been touched out, and now it is only strong, so he is also very rare to relax.

"The enchanting can't talk, just the talent is better than others, but also needs to experience."

There is no emotional change on the black source to the face, but the heart is also surprised for the fighting power of the sword.

"is it?"

Xiuxi is like a smile and smiles, I'm looking at the supreme look, I said: "Black source, do you want to transfer him to my sixth team?"


Black source was unsitious, and he was ridiculous: "Don't say this, first kill this headless monster."

Tiki is nodded, and his eyes look again to the headless monsters, and the face is steep.

Six trace monsters, even if he is guarding thousands of chaotic people outside the field, just have seen several times.

This is a big fish, absolutely can't let go!

", one gasification three clear."

call out!

In an instant, three of the same figures like the Xixi Supreme, from his body.


the other side.

"Van !!!"

Three-head snakes, feel the horror extrusion in dusk, no longer hesitate, and use it to accompany the concomitantity, the buffer!

In an instant, located in the three sides of the three sides, the heads of the left and right sides, directly exploded.

After the two snakes, it turned into a pure vainable energy and walked toward the head.


The three snakes are open to open their mouths, and they have a thick light wave in a bucket.

This horror wave is powerful to the extreme, just a moment of appearance, and pierced the dusk pitting and pulled out a long lacquer black trail in the void.

This horror wave, after piercing the dusk, it will be moved toward the sword!


The sword is unparalleled with a sigh of relief, clenching the Mo Luo Shenjian in his hand, the war is spark, flashing to the extreme!

"Give me !!!"

The sword is unparalleled, which is more than tens of thousands of power than ordinary supreme power, and is in his hands.


In an instant, Ta Luo Shenjun turned into the sky, and he took advantage of the sun and moon, and the horror of the sky throughout the sky!

Under the sword, the Ta Luo Shenjian crazy tremble, issued a voice like a Buddha, and the sound of the gods.

boom! ! !

Of this, this sword pen is on the fumes of the willow! !

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