Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4458 Zhang Zhen


at the same time.

The big camp located in the outside battlefield.

The Zhenzhi is sitting on the master, close the mind.

Blue Soviet, two disciples of the blue, are guarded next to him, quietly.

Suddenly, the universehood is induced, and I opened my eyes.

"The god is born!"

He looked up and died to the void crack. The eyes in the eyes were directly shuttled with hundreds of millions of miles, and saw the huge paint black arm!

I heard this, I stood in the blue sashimi on both sides, two disciples, and suddenly rushed to the face.

The god, that is, there is a person who has been handing with the teacher!

"Xiao Su, Xiaoxi, you keep the big camp."

The Zhen Zhen face is heavy, only seeing his shoulders gently trembled, the whole disappeared in the main hall.

After the Zhen Hui, the blue Soviet, the blue, the two people can't help but look at it, and a heart is beginning to sink.


Outside the battlefield.

Rumble ~! ! !

The entire starry sky has been exploded, the headless monsters and the eight parts will stand in place, and they are dead, and they are constantly flashing with exciting sparks!

The second palm taken by the dark arm is already coming!

In an instant, the gas waves are turning, and there is no gas, the world seems to fall into the end, to be destroyed once.

The sword who is flying quickly and fled. I only felt that I saw it in front of him. When I looked up, I saw the generous palm, and it had covered the sky, replaced the vast sky.

"Do not!!!"

In an instant, the sword is unparalleled, and a life and death crisis has never been there. It is constantly fried in his body, like alarm bell, let him leave quickly!

Hey! ! !

Too many swords, instantly appeared in the sword.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled without any retains, and all the power is full, all out of turn!

! ! !

In an instant, swords are unparalleled directly into a white sword, and resist this palm.

However, it is useless, everything is useless!

This road is ruined, enough to get the universe of the cosmosphere, falling in this palm, just like a mosquito, hindering the slightest.

Ok, the sword is not a double intention to stop this sword, but the impact force generated in this Sword Mang, violent retreat, leaving this palm attack area.

"Ta Luo Xian Dian · Fifth, Too!"

Under the oppression of this life and death crisis, the sword is unparalleled, and it has been used to use the most powerful box of the most powerful box!

Boom ~!

In an instant, behind the swords, there is a legacy of Ta Luo Supreme.

This law is as big as the stars, but in front of the arm, but a finger size is small, it is small to the extreme.


The sword is unparalleled with the whole body to explode.

In an instant, he held the Jaro Shenjian, a sword, and the back is the same as the shadow, making the sword unparalleled action.

The swordsmanship rushed to the sky, this is the half-step invincible supreme ice, Yulo, just a sword, just a blink of the eye!

~! ! !

Ta Luo Yitian directly exploded in the black hand palm, forming a foot-sufficient mushroom cloud.

And this palm is still moving, and it is quick to fall.

The sword is unparalleled, and the whole world is filled with this palm.

Ok, the waves of Ta Luo Yi sword exploded, directly forming horrible shock waves spread, and the speed is fast to the pool, and then forward again!

Boom ~! ! !

Finally, this palm is down.

On this millennium, the sword is unparalleled to use all kinds of secrets that can improve the repair, and will rise to the extreme speed, once again rose a step!

It is embarrassing, in this palm, ‰ , a roll, escaping this palm.

The fingertips of the arm, the sword is unparalleled, and it is over.

The Jiuxing Son also included in this palm, and the sword was unparalleled, he didn't have this good luck, and the desperate roar can stop, was taken with a powder.

"Alliance ....."

At the end of his death, his eyes looked at the sword. The eyes were full of fear and eagerness. It seems to have a sword to save him.

"Nine stars -!"

The sword is unparalleled.

The Saint Son of Jiuxing is the core personnel of the swords, and is one of the highest followers in the starry ancient road.


However, there is no one in the sword, and there is no movement of the sword. With the hevity of the sky, it has formed a shock wave, and he flies him.

Suddenly, the sword is unparalleled as a broken sack, riding over a long parabolic in the air, falling in the distance.


The sword is unparalleled to stand up from the ground. When a blood suddenly can't rest, spit out from the mouth.

The sword is unparalleled to see the palm, and the face is sinking to the extreme.


And that palm, it has once again lifted.

In the palm, nearly ten supreme, it has been turned into a smoke, completely falling.


This is like a palm of the devil, slowly lifting, five fingertood black rich magic wraps.

The third palm is coming.

This palm is completely covered in all people.

Blackyuan Supreme and others looked at this palm, couldn't help but head.

More people's hearts, completely abandon the resistance.

The sword is unfolded and gloomy can drop the water. Just now, Mo Luo Yi, has completely drawn all the strengths on him.

Today, he, don't talk about this palm of this palm, it is not easy to connect now.

The distance, no hair, and eight will, look at this scene, and the face is suddenly a smile.

"The great virtual god adult, ending the life of this garbage."

Boom ~!

The chain of a black iron chain is binding, and the skin is dark, it is like a huge arm of the corpse, raising again, takes the third palm.

Everyone gave up.

In addition to the sword is unparalleled! !

"No! I will not die here! Never !!!"

The sword is unparalleled with a bite, and the eye is angry.

I saw him right away, and the chaos of Wuxu appeared in his hand.

He, to detail the chaos of Wuxu! ! !

He must directly control the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

All this is too crazy, too amazing! ! !

No one is imagined, the self-burst of ancestral ancestor will produce any effect!


The sword is unparalleled with a sigh of relief, and the ,,, , ,,

But just on time, this is unbearable, it is crazy and resolutely replaced!

Rumble ~! ! !

This palm is getting closer and closer.

Cover the sky, vast.

The huge breeze, the sword has no double full of black hair, the pressure of the giant capture, has made the sword unparalleled chaotic hegemony, and there is a spider web like a spider Crack.

"it's time!"

Just when the sword is unparalleled, it will be intended to detonate the chaos of Wuxu.


Like the chaotic fairy opening, a voices of the old, as if crossing the universe, experienced ancient muanhua, fiercely fried in Wanli Starry!

PS: Today is five more, make up three more, tomorrow will be updated as much as possible

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