(The first to come!)


After this sound is fried, the people are eager to lift their heads, and they will look at it.

I saw it quickly to the extreme, with a white maturity that was captured in my eyes, with a very fast speed, instantly crossed their eyes.


Everyone only felt a flower in front of him, and this maturity appeared above their head.

That is a man who must be white.

After him, a blossom bloom bloom.

"Zhen Shen people!"

"The Nine is coming !!"

"We have saved !!!"

In an instant, everyone has a meadow.

That is the ecstatic ecstasy after robbery.

The sword has no double pupil, and suddenly prepares the self-explosive of the , collecting the Qiankun ring.

! ! !

I saw that after the earth appeared, the void crack was suddenly passed out of the violent sound.

"Delicious God, you have passed."

There is no expression in the neighborhood, reach out of your fingers, go to the palm of the destruction of the earth.

This point is very common.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, the whole body is condensed in both eyes, nor did it see what this means is there.

However, this means, gently arrived at the palm of the dark palm, but it is a big palm of the calamation, and no longer inch!


A cold voice sounded from the nepper mouth.

next moment!

boom! ! !

In an instant, countless bright Guanghua burst, the avenue direct derivation of substances, turns on the fairy wheel, in this finger point, more reincarnation, the fairy flying crane, the real dragon, the phoenix boady!

During the room, endless Xianghui fell, countless star winding, the avenue is a huge yin and yang gossip, and sometimes the flowing rolling Huangquan, which seems to be concreted in this finger!


A fierce huge roar, spread from the other side to the other side.

Then, he saw this palm of electric shock, starting with a very fast speed.


In an instant, eight parts headed by the headless monsters, they were directly used by this finger, exploding into countless meat.

That huge arm, slammed, and scratched eight pieces of broken meat in your hand, and crackled into the cracks in the void.


After a few-word time, this pile of broken meat is condensed together, and it has been re-made a headless monster and eight.


"We will come back !!"

"The guy of the screaming, sword, this time you are good, you will not be so lucky next time."

The headless monsters and eight will be very breath, but even if so, there is still no half-fifting color, but the face is challenging to the Zhen Zhen.

The three snakes are fascinating, but also the cruel look, the sword is unparalleled, and the corner is pulled out of the cold.


It's just a time, the dark arm, wrapped in a headless monster and eight, and retracted the void crack.

Everyone looked at each other, and the hearts were in the heart of the rest of the lifetime, but more, still a rich wrist.

"Want to come? Want to go?"

It is always a gentleness of the Zhenon, this blind, there is no one in the face, like a cold ice.

I saw him shaking, the whole person disappeared again, actually a step, rushed into the void crack!

"Zhen Shen people!"

In an instant, there are countless people in mind.

No one thought that the Zhen Hua will actually rush into the void crack!

"Don't worry, since the neighborhood dare to go to the opposite universe, there is naturally to be a grasp."

Black source sweeping everyone and sinking.

The Supreme, the Supreme, I also took a deep sucking, slowly said: "The owner of the arm has just been the strongest of the universe. Since he dares to slaughter us, the gods will naturally have to slaughter them in the past. "

"Everyone is not waiting for it, it will wait."

Everyone he said, not to look at each other, and then nodded, no longer talk.

To be honest, the battle with eight will have already shown an overwhelming situation, however, the appearance of the huge arm is instantaneous, and the situation will reverse the situation.

This is like two children fight, but adults suddenly intervene.

In the hearts of everyone, the people are retiring, a layer of haze.

Ok, the city is coming.


! !

Inside the void crack, there is a huge burst.

After the half of the pillar, the Zhishen rushed out from the inside.

In his hand, the headless monster and eight parts will be met.

His face is slightly pale, the compatibility between the two universe is too large, the higher the repair, the stronger this compatibility, the more it will be rejected by different universe.

Even if he is, you can't stay in the universe of the universe for too long, you can only quit.

"The gods of the Zhen Zhen come back!"

"Aneech people, are you okay?"

Everyone has opened, and it is busy forward.

"The old man wo."

The Union shakes the head, and immediately looks to the headless monsters and eight parts of the secret motley seal.

In the hands of the Zhenon, the headless monsters and eight people who have been difficult to deal with, it is simply like a baby.


It is cold, directly to the gods, directly squeezing the eight and the headless monsters, and instantly squeezes into a pigeon egg-like bead.

"If you kill people, I want to go? Is the old man allowed?"

The spirit of the earth shook his head, and looked at the black source supreme and others, the opening: "The sixth team left the void crack, others go back with the old man."

Everyone looked at the eight people who were arrested by the Zhen Zhen and only felt that there was a touch of turbidity and gave a lot.


So everyone should be.


Under the leadership of the Zhen Zhen, everyone has made streams and draped towards the big camp.

There is no expression on the sword where there is no expression, but the heart is like a heavy stone, it is extremely heavy.

The fierce battlefield outside the domain is far beyond his imagination.

You must know that in the depths of the universe, the supreme can be suppressed, and there are several stars, almost no things, can threaten the supreme life.

But on this field of battlefield, the supreme is like a mustard, and it will fall.

Just now, the number of people who fell to the Supreme, the number of people who got up, and the number of hands were far more than the number of hands.


A big hand is laid on a sword.

The sword is unparalleled and looks at him, and the black source is looking at him.

"Okay, this is the first battle you came to the battlefield outside the domain. It's easy to fall, it's too sparse, it's too sparse, even if it is me, maybe it is fallen."

The big hand patted it on the shoulder.

Black source is full of smiles, and said, "You have a good performance, go back."


The sword is unparalleled with a sigh of relief, and the footsteps will be turned on, and it will be rushing to Tianjian and quickly saving the big camp.

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