

A long hair in the vast star of the vast star.

All people didn't speak along the way, keep silent.

This overcome, but the win is too fierce, too tragic.

The sword has no double-sided no expression, the same is silent, the nine-star Son is dead before death, constantly playing back in his mind.

He is not particularly familiar with Jiuxing Son, but it is just the six-year forces to siege, the Jiuxi Son has brought the disciple of Jiuxing, and he can remember the life.

" ....."

The sword is unmarkled, and the eyes are quickly flashing in the eyes.


After a while.

The big camp is stationed in the outside battlefield outside the domain.

In addition to today's sixth team of left-behind, the eight team captains, the team leader, is a team member, standing at the door of the Great Camp, welcoming everyone.

Obviously, they already know the battle out of the domain battlefield.

This is also the first time in the sword, I see the nine team members.

Everyone walks into the base camp, and nodded toward the eight team members.

When the sword is unparalleled, when he is about to step into the base camp, it is a meal.

"It's him?"

The sword is not a sidebrow, looks toward the second team.

The captain of the second team, Hed is that it is too embarrassing the temple and he has had a deficiency of the emperor!

If you can't think of it, he is actually the second team of this field!

"Oh? This guy is coming?"

It's too virtual and emperor, I also saw the sword and the brow couldn't help but pick it up.

Every time, the god will take a group of supreme came to the domain battlefield within the universe. If he is not seeing the sword today, he really doesn't know that the sword is unparalleled.

Next to the emperor, the Extreme Supreme has been injured, and wear the white robes of the deputy team. He also saw the sword unparalleled, and he was shock.

"The sword is unparalleled! It is a sword unparalleled guy !!!"

Immediately, he lowered his head, the corner of his mouth opened a sick smile in Masteas.

"Very good! The sword is unparalleled, I can't think of you, I have come to the outside battlefield, huh, hure, it is time!"

His chest is dramatically undulating, and the mouth is laughing, but it didn't make a little voice.

The sword has been swept away from the ice to the face, and the mouth is also pulled up.

Very good, your own enemy is outside this domain!

The hatred between them has already reached the point where it is not dead, unless there is a fall between them, otherwise, this hatred will continue.


The sword is not lifted, continue to go forward.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are really a big, the virtual god is living."

A harsh voice, in the sword where there is no double him a person's ear.

The sword did not look at it, I saw Longqing, who was wearing the third team, deputy team leader, is booting, and talking.

I have no double back, Long Yong shook his head and smiled: "But it seems that it is ready to let you die in my hand."

"Is it?"

The sword is unparalleled to see him, and then he will not care again, step forward.

Time is still long, these enemies, he naturally will solve it.

Walk into the main hall.

The Zhen Zhen is already sitting on the master, holding a headless monster and eight beads that will condense.

He swept from everyone's face, and immediately waved, and a warm color of the light, suddenly waved from the Zhitu, sprinkled on everyone.

In an instant, the original body has many injuries, the injury is fast recovery, the weakness of the exhaustion, and the recovery speed is accelerating.

"I am waiting, I am!"

Suddenly, everyone arched.


The god is nodded, opening: "This time you have worked hard."

The spin is that the right hand of the Aechi once again, and the small beads in his hands will rise from his palms.


The next moment, the headless monsters and eight will move, the wind is rising, standing in the main hall.

"The dead old thing !!!"


Suddenly, the headless monsters and eight people will be fierce on their faces, and they must shout to kill.

Just, now I am here, what is the spray?

call out.

I saw that the expression of the Zhen Zhen is light, and it is a bomb, and the road suddenly shot from him, turned into a cage, and stopped the headless monsters and eight people.

In the cage, the headless monster collided with a few times, and found that it could not shake this cage. After turning to the Zhen Zhen, reach out of the tongue and lick the lips, laugh:

"The Zhen, you have left us now, nothing more, want to know the news of the gods' adult?"

Zhixin did not speak.

The headless monster shakes his head, said: "I tell you how? I can't take it, the gods will solve the seal, the big army will take this universe! When it is, not only you want to die, the whole hall is all people I can't escape! Your whole universe's billionaire will become our slave, hahahaha! "

Speaking here, the headless monsters laughed, and the face was full of madness, where is it half of fear.

"court death!"

The Zhen's face is in the face, and the head is ejected. When the headless monster suddenly abuses, just a few interest hours, the pixel god!

Next, the Zhenbian flexed the bomb, eight people killed one by one.

In front of the Zhen Zhen, no matter what the headless monster is good, it is still that eight parts will be, there is no difference. As the sword is unparalleled, it faces the paint black arm, there is no resistance.


A stuffy sound came out, very fast, eight people will die, only the gloomy three snakes are left.

When I was about to kill him in the Zhen, the three snakes suddenly opened: "I can tell you the things of God, and even our universe is deployed, but I have a condition."

The Zhen Shenni wrinkled, faint: "What conditions?"

When you hear this, the three-head snake is lifted with a disabled smile, and the green pupil rotates.

Next moment, his eyes fell on the sword unparalleled.

"I want to fight with this person, life and death, you will see you!"

In this case, the audience is surprised.


Everyone's eyes are to look at the sword.

Zhen Shen looked at the sword and unparalleled.

However, the three snakes, but they shrugged and shook their heads: "That is really regret. Come, kill me."

"What do you not?"

The Zhen Shennhen snorted, and he turned his temper and killing him.

at this time.

"Hey, a battle? I should."

The sword has no two steps, and there is no expression.

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