Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4466 to the universe of the virtual


For swords, he is now urgently needed to understand the opportunity to understand.

In his body, the vain curse left behind will have become more serious. Every time I will hang once, although there is a treasure to suppress every time, he can't stay in this domain. Battlefield, every time I am waiting for the Zhen Hui to help?

This is not extent, one day in the morning and evening will be a big disaster!

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled to find an opportunity to go deep into the virtue.

Now, this opportunity is coming!

There is no more than personally in-depth universe, but also to understand the opportunity to understand!

The Zhen is watching, and the performance of everyone is watching in the eyes, faintly open: "Are you afraid?"


Everyone see me, I see you, all are not sent.

At that time, the Holocatropolism, the life of the godberg, and the Zhen Zhen is just a half-step, the people who led are also invincible.

But this is the case, and there is still a person who is still alive.

Nowadays, everyone in the hall, the training is a big truncation than the life of the godberg, so that I have to go to life, what is it?

One time, everyone is hesitant.

"Zhen Zhen people, I am black source, willing to go!"

At this moment, the black source was supreme, and the sound said.

On the Lu, there are several captains, and they have taken the opening road from the crowd.

They are a team, and they must have a table rate.

The Zhishen saw the face that has been covered with cold frost. This is eased, and the opening said: "This time people go to the universe of the universe, we must not exceed the invincible Supreme, so nine captains don't think about thinking Going to the universe, and the Town of peace of mind outside the battlefield. "

The voice fell, the nine captains didn't help but look at each other, and immediately said: "" What is this? "

The Zi Shen wants to think, Shen Wi: "The magnetic field of the virtual universe is completely incompatible with the magnetic field of our universe, and the higher the people of our universe, the higher, but more easily rejected, the lower, the lower , The smaller the anti-reversal and pressure.

Therefore, you have no evil spirits, but it is not easy to carry out, but it is ordinary supreme past. It's not so conspicuous. It is more convenient to act. Anyway, you go to the universe of the universe, just secret investigation, no need Don't have much difference between hands and strength, and there is no difference. "

Everyone heard the words, this is still.

After the Zhen Hui said, he looked at some top supreme, and half-step invincible supreme, waiting to take the initiative to travel.

The sword standing at the end of the end is unparalleled, and the light flashes.

He knows that he is here!

"The Nine people, my sword is unpaired to go to the universe!"

The sword has no double step, and the sound said.

After he finished, it was still still a crowd, and suddenly, he was ready to move.

I saw that the ice is awesome in the eyes, and the same is from the crowd, the opening:

"Ionnead people! My ice is willing to go to the universe, for the universe life and death, my ice is willing to go to the fire, I will die!"

After finishing, he slightly sideways, and there was no pair of swords, and there was a clear laugh.

The Longqing, who is standing next to the third team captain, the same realize what, an intersection with Ice Supreme Eyes, and then opening:

"The people of the Zhenqi, I am also willing to go to the universe!"

In the main hall, the mutant suddenly got bigger.

The sword is unparalleled with the Supreme, the two of the two people have already spread throughout the universe. Nowadays, there is no double signing to the universe. These two people immediately follow, this two people are in mind, only need I can understand it slightly.

"Ice, Long Qing, I am afraid that you will go to the universe of the virtual universe, it is true?"

Also in the main hall, I have a clear laugh.

In this five thousand years, in addition to the sword, there is no double performance, the second, it is the nine robbery!

He is unparalleled with the sword. It also has an energy fighting of the cross-border battle. On a domain battle in the three thousand years, kills a four-scale gap, and it is promoted to the vice minister of the ninth team.

next moment.

The nine robbery is open, faint: "" The people of the Zhen Zhen, this time, the universe of the virtual, must have a position of my nine robbery! "

This words fall, the turmoil in the main hall is even more.

There is a place for someone else.

There is also no accident in the domain battlefield.

In these five thousand years, in addition to the captain of the leader, the most dazzling 'sword is unparalleled, the nine robbery king, the ice supreme, Longqing', has formed four factions.

The nine robbery is still like the eyes of the nose, nose, and the appearance of the universe of the virtual universe. He suddenly opened to the universe, why did they naturally understand.

It's still afraid of the sword unparalleled in the universe of the universe.

One time, there is constant people who belong to these four factions, and they have threatened to go to the universe.

The whole hall is noisy, chaotic.

Looking at the big temple, the face of the Zhen Zhen is coming, it is increasingly ugly.

At last.

! ! !

The god is heavy, and the cold channel: "It's enough! Are you going to go to the mountains?"


Suddenly, the audience is a cold, all of which are low, and it is no longer vocal.

The Zhen Zhizhi flashed, seeing everyone no longer voiced, and he tangled himself:

"This way, this time you go to the universe of the universe, and the old man came to the advice."

"Yes ~!"

Everyone went down and did not dare to work.

"Ling Yu Supreme!"

"Ram Supreme!"

"Ice Supreme!"

Zhen Zhen is swept away from everyone's face, and he will take a soldier.

"My Lingyu Rams, Ice!"

Three people suddenly came out from the crowd, and the arched hand should be.

The sword is unparalleled, the brow is not frowning.

This time, go to the universe, he must go!

Just when he intended to take the initiative to ask, the Zhenminto shouted, and finally fixed in the sword.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

"My sword is unparalleled!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it should be!

"You all of you, starting after three days, through the void crack, go to the virtual universe, explore the news!"

The sound of the soul, the big hand, and the four people who went to the universe of the universe!

"You all remember, this to explore the news, must do it carefully, can't expose the breath, otherwise, even the old man can't save you, you will die undoubtedly!"

Finally, the Zhen Zhen got deeply of the four people.

PS: Fever, not good, today is more!

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