Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4467 arrived in the universe


The sword is unparalleled, the spirit jade, the ram, and the ice are all waiting, the pupil is a narrow.

As the Zhen Zhen said, the crisis in the universe is four times. Once they expose the breath, it is the bombardering of the entire virtual universe.

Don't say that they are four, even if they are invincible, they are never live.

"Well, scatter it, I will be able to hide atmosphere, send you to your palace."

The Zhenkou said.

Subsequently, everyone was exhausted.

When I came out of the main hall, I was soared, and I smiled in the sword.

The threat of threats is overflowed.

The sword is unparalleled without him, but with the nine robbery, the two people, walking side by side.

"Alliance, you go, I am afraid that the guy of the ice is not good."

Overlord said something worried.

"In this universe, we are still not afraid of him. Once it goes to the universe, what is the situation in this, no one, the guy holding the same idea, in the virtual universe with you, At the time, it will be exposed. "

The sword is unparalleled, he is not smiling, looking at him, shook his head: "Reassure, he dares."

"Don't dare? Alliance, what is this?"

Overlord heard a word.

There is no answer between the sword, but the nine robbery of the next next to it, and acknowledges it.

"Because he is afraid of death."

Overlord looked at the sword and the nine robbey kings who smiled and smiled.

"Okay, don't worry, Ice Supreme doesn't have the courage to fight with the sword. However, he will certainly secretly apply a gimmick, this is not."

One side of the three said, while I walked out of the hall, stopped.

The nine robbery turned to look at the sword unparalleled, Shen Sheng said: "The sword is unparalleled, the extra words will not say more, in all, everything is careful."

"Okay, you are here, you are also careful of Long Qing's guy. This person has always been looking for a chance to retaliate. Now I will go, I am afraid that he will put the spear on your body."

The sword has no double sink.

"If you rely on him?"

I wiped a contempt on the face of the king.


The seventh team and the bamboo house.

After the black source is a few words, after a few words to the sword, he left the bamboo house.

He is naked, although not to the sword unparalleled universe universe, but since the Zhen Zhen has already decided, he will not be uncomfortable.

As he said, when you go to the domain battlefield, everyone should have, hang your head on the belt of the trousers, and go to death at any time.

Didn't you have long, the blue rumor opened the door of the bamboo house.

"Blue big man."

The sword nodded and nodded.

"The sword is unparalleled, don't you say? Don't call me blue adult, look too much, call me Xiaoxuan."

Blue smiling said.

"Hey ... well."

The sword is unparalleled and touched, this blue, it is afraid that it is more than dozens of chaotic era.

Two people have a few words, and they saw the blue right hand and saw a black lumbar. "The sword is unparalleled, this is the previous time for my teacher, you can cover it. Live the power of the power, this is the root that you go to the universe of the universe. "

"it is good."

The sword is unparalleled on the face, and I took this lumbar sign.

Suddenly, a soft ray, rushed from the waist, turned into an invisible mask, cover the sword without a double faint cage.

The sword is unparalleled, and suddenly disappears.

At the same time, there are some news about the virtual universe, in the sword unparalleled brain.

"The sword is unparalleled, although this waist can cover your feelings on your body, but the biggest feature of the virtual universe is unavailable." Blue Lonely.

"Intrava and burst?"

The sword is unparalleled.

"Not bad."

The blue is nod, replies: "Intrava and burst, one is their magical derivation, one is their realm derivation, this is not replaced and patterned.

Therefore, you have to go to the universe, be sure to control the battle, don't let people see your left shoulders, there is no crude. "


The sword nodded without a double thought.

Blue, replied: "Okay, then I will go first, take care."


Three days later.

The sword is unparalleled with the ice, the four people, under the lending of the Zhenon, came to the void crack.

"Four, if the old man does not guess, this opposite is the universe, should be a periphery, if you can, you must join this door to explore the message.

Also, the old man gives you the waist card, you will always come back from the virtual universe, if you are going, you must first pass the message. "

The gods were lifted, and they said.


The four people nodded, and then he would not hesitate to enter the void crack step by step.


The sword is unparalleled only, I feel dark, and then turn it around.

It seems that the whole world is full of rapidly.


As if crossing the endless time and space, the universe floods, the rotation is, and a bright light is constantly enlarged.


The sword has no double body, jumps out from a black hole.

"This is the universe of the virtual?"

The sword is unparalleled and looked around and looked around.

I saw a green green hill to enter the eye, and there is a spree in the ear.

One has four hoof horses, long people, hand-held monsters, is staying at them.

At his left shoulder, a long margin is extravagant.

A trace of ruler!


Next, this man's head horses the monsters, and he hits the sound.

"not good!"

Everyone saw it, and the heart is a sink.

This head horses the monsters, it is a virtual universe, responsible for guiding this void crack.

Just when everyone dared to have a move, the sword was unparalleled. He has already turned into a sword, and it sprindled the past!

The length of the sky is torn, almost a moment between the head, the monster of the head, shouting an enemy, the sword is unparalleled, and the whole person is cut off.

Then, the sword is unparalleled in the sword, and the big hand is vigilant. Zhen Tianmun is made by him, and this monster, suppress this monster in the town monument.

All this action is fast.

When the other three reacted, the sword had completed everything.

See this, the three people such as Lingyu, the ram, and the ice, and the three people are not allowed to see a look.

It's okay, it's okay, it's time to stop, otherwise I am afraid that the throat just shouted out, they exposed.

"The sword is unparalleled, I am willing to thank."

Ling Yu and the Ram Supreme surprised, the arch, I was grateful.

It's that the ice is supreme, and it is unsatisfactory, and there is no gratitude on your face.

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