"Fog double, do you want to be born because of your greed, white burial."

The dragon is sigh.

In the face of swords, he is a heart, otherwise it will not take the sword to the sword without the sword, and bring it back to the genre, directly omitting countless cumbersome steps.

The refining gods in the eyes seems to be strong, dominating one party, the fact is already green, successive.

The sword is unparalleled in him, that is, the future can pick up the people of the Shenzong Liang.

Just when he continued to think, the sword has passed the half-mountain waist and continued to go toward the top of the mountain.

And, he is extremely near the top!

An embarrassment made from Xuan ice appears in front of the sword.

It is still not close to this embarrassment, and the sword is unparalleled, and there is a chill, in the chilly, mixed the silk.


The sword is not a double brow, and the eyes flashed from a hint.

Rotary, the sword is unparalleled, and press it on the coffin cover of this mysterious ice.

boom! ! !

, all the whole is a shock, a hevacity, rushing from the Xuan Ice!

This is like a cigarette, and the sky rushes out of the sky, and the huge black cloud swirls are formed together, if desired.

Just instant, the sword is unparalleled, the body should be repaired in this martial arts!

Wuli! ! !

Five traces, the corresponding is half-step invincible!

Even, because there is a virtual explosion this accompanying the existence of the wild, the five screamers are more than half-step, but also strong in front!

Suddenly, the dragonfly is long and the eyes are rolled.

"Naturallyasting, take the initiative!"

The fierce wind is full of light, and it is stunned.

At this moment, I originally set my mind no longer speak, let the sword are unparalleled, eat a fell, and hurry, hurry and blow up:

"Fog double, what do you still do? Don't you hurry this? I will tell you that this is very rare, once I miss this, it will be difficult!"

"Moreover, this is a five ladiens! This person is a brother of this person. It is no longer under the seat! If you can refine him, then you can become our refining Shenzong The upper person!

From now on, no one can bully you half a minute!

Nothing, the most important thing is that if you have the same five marks, you will completely refine the gods of this master, then represent the representative, you will have a true realm with you, the strongest helper! "

When it comes to the back, the gods of the gods have skyrocket, they are all crazy.

You know, his current goddess, but only four traces!

And, this goddess is rising to four traces, which is already the limit of this goddess!

And the sword is unparalleled, but it can directly accept the god corpse of a five laughter, as long as the sword can reach five traces, this goddess can also reach five traces!

Even, it is possible to reach six traces!

Despite the difficulty of promoting the promotion between the five traces and the six traces, it is like a fairy, the opportunity is very embarrassing, but it does not represent, there is no chance!

To be honest, see this scene, even if you don't even have someone else, I feel awkward!

In the mountains, the swords are unparalleled, and the mind is thoughing.

Have to say, I am so angry at a moment.

Five trace, half-step invincible supreme!

The strength of this realm is that the sword is unparalleled, but it is only 60% of the win.

"My strength is the first supreme, that is, a trace of aura, can go here, take five scutelis, I am afraid it is already the limit."

The sword is unparalleled, looking up, looking at the top of the mountains, only a few embarrassment, the breath is incomparable, he does not say to refine, the light is very difficult.

"Also, this is the goddess."

The sword is unparalleled to take a sigh of breath, slowly reach out, and plan to push the mysterious ice.

The veteran of the dragonfly saw this scene, Rao made him have seen a lot of big wind waves. At this moment, I can't help but look forward to flashing excited sparks.

He has been able to imagine that the sword is unparalleled with five trace gods, and then the appearance of the universe, even the species of the universe.

Just in the sword, there is no double is about to push the mysterious ice, this millennium!

The Sword of the Ta Luo Shen, which is hung in his waist, but it is stintage!

Next moment, a very old intimate voice sounded in his ear.

"I am waiting for you !!!"

boom! ! !

In an instant, the sword has no double-shaking, and it is open on the hand on the mysteries.

He, heard the call!

Call from the people of the hometown!

This call is from the top of the mountain!

I took a deep breath, and the sword didn't have a strong color in the eyes, and I didn't hesitate to walk through the top of the mountain!

"You you! Fog double, stop this seat!"

When the dragon is long, I am screaming, and I am rushing to jump.

"Fog double, what do you want to do?! Stop down!"

The sword is unparalpted, looking back to see the long and old, calm: "The dragon is old, this goddess is not what I want most. Let you be disappointed."

After that, the sword is unparalleled, and then step by step towards the top of the mountain.

"Madman! Fog double, are you crazy?"

When the dragon is long, wow, wow, watching the sword is unparalleled, there is no half-point hesitation and hesitation, not from the heart:

"Turkish, fog double, you are in violent heaven!"

After that, the dragonfly is long and the sword is not a double one, and it is not helpful to sigh, and the . '

Da da da.

~ .

The sword is unparalleled, step by step to the top of the mountain.

A huge pressure, exudation from the mountains of the mountain, such as the sea, a wave of big waves, a wave of big waves, tapping him, want to take him to the mountain.

These percentage, although these six traces are dead after death, there is no consciousness.

But still is not a sword where you can resist!

He feels that he seems to have hundreds of millions of Tongtian Mountain, step by step.

"Chaos"! "

The sword is unparalleled to take a sigh of breath, directly urging the chaotic hegemony!

Using the power, it will be rejected by this universe, and it will be greatly seen by the dragonfly, but the chaotic hegemony is the strength of the flesh, and this situation will not appear.


! !

Every step in the sword is step down, and it is a big pit in a square metal in the mountains.

"Come on, I am waiting for you ..."

"Come on, I am waiting for you ..."

"Come on!!! I am waiting for you !!!"


As the sword is unparalleled, the top of the mountain is getting closer and closer, the call is also more and more strong!

At the end, Her Kong has already turned like a rolling and thunder, and it felt in the sword unparalleled mind!

Finally, the sword has no doubles!

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