Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4477 Black iron hanging

The sword is unparalleled, and the top is closed.

In the top of the mountains, a mysterious broth is black, and the mysterious pattern is covered by four chains, and it is quietly suspended in half empty.

"I am waiting for you!"

A road like a thunderous roar, sounded in the sword.

Hanging in the sword is not a double line, the sword is constantly emitting, and the sound is shaking.

If the sword is unparalleled, it has already been completely controlled to live the Toyo Shenjian. I am afraid that this is the Siro Sword already shot out.

At this moment, although the sword is unlucky, this is not unveiled, but in his heart, it basically understands who this is in this.

Only him will cause the vibration of Ta Luo Shenjun!

Just, did he die in the hands of the emperor? How will the body here?

The sword is not a double brow, and the eyes are constantly flashing.

The head is old and the foot is very void. Looking far away, the look of the face is constantly converge, turning into a dignified.

"Fog double, stop, this goddess is not suitable for you."

The long and old expression of the dragonfly is dignified, and Shen Sheng said.

Back to his sword is unparalleled, he has picked his eyebrows, pressed the shouts in this, turned to see the long old man asked:

"The dragon is old, what is this?"

The head of the dragon, I watched the sword, I was unparalleled, and I said: "This goddess is not our universe."

"Not our universe?"

The sword has no double heart, faintly understand, perhaps this moment, is the best time to detect the news.

So, the sword is unresolved: "I didn't understand what I didn't understand."

The dragon is old, and the eyes are not awkward. Capsule.

"Fog double, some things, this seat should not tell you, but you will be amazing, you can achieve the horizontal energy of the universe, knowing these things, this is the problem today, this day is abolished with you today. Tell. "

The sword is unparalleled, he knows that the topic is coming.

I saw the long and old voice, the eyes were looking at the distance, said: "Fog double, our universe is not only, the void is banned, and there are many cave worlds.

These cave worlds have a self-contained world, but in general, these holes world are small, which is much less than one star field.

However, in which few nodes in the void ban, it is a real hoe, a real universe!

This universe is that civilization is, or in the overall power, it is just a weakness than us, this universe, we collect it as the universe! "

"Shen Li universe?"

The sword is unparalleled, this power is the universe, and it should be his local universe.

"Yes, this Shenli is rich in the universe, there is no boundless, and the sky is out of the world, and the universe is in the universe.

The head of the dragon is nodded, and the eyes are turned to the chain chain, and hanging in the middle of the empty, continue to say:

"This god corpse is coming from the universe of the void secret opposite."

"This person clearly has only four traces of realm, but if it is the strength, it is enough to kill the six traces of the world!

I heard that this person is opposite the universe of the universe, the first swords of the ancient times, is the invincible existence of the universe of the universe, suppressing the 19th floor!

To put it, this person's fall is also an accident. When the emperor led the mortality to go to the opposite, the universe of the opposite is, it has encountered this person during the way of arriving in the universe.

Although this person is powerful, it is not a first star, so after a battle, this person is falling in the hands of the emperor after a battle.

We refine the gender of Shen Zong, and bought this person from the hands of the emperor.

This goddess is high, the strong battle is far from our trace, the name is more than planned. Originally, the main owner will bought him, and I want to try to refine it, becoming the god corpse of us. However, this person's obsession is too much, even if he is afraid of death, he will not be reduced half points. The main owner is old and old, and I will refine this goddess. I can't refine it.

Therefore, this goddess has been in the next here. "

The head of the dragon is slow, then the eyes are twisted, and I have seen the sword and swear: "So, the fog is double, give up this goddess, don't ask for useless."

The sword is unparalleled, and the light flashes.

It turns out that!

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled in your mind.

If you want to achieve the Errottomizes, it is equal to letting Tara Supreme, reincarnate to resurrect in another way!

At the time, even if I fails to detect the universe of the universe, I can bring Ta Luo to the local universe. Once the battle is burst, it is also a strong main force!

The most important thing is that he got all the inheritance of Tara Supreme. In order to certain extent, Tara Supreme is just a half of his semi-master.

How to bear the heart, see the corpse of Ta Luo, placed in the heaven, to choose the refining!

Can't bear!

I took a deep breath, and the sword flashed in the eyes of a piece of decisive, and I said to the long and old, I said: "The dragon is old, I have done a decision, I will refine this people of the universe!"


The dragon is old and hesitor, and suddenly it is.

Dare to take a lip tongue, say so much, all white said?

"It's amazing! It's good, foggy double, this seat is going to see, this is a goddess that is unrecognized by the two majority of our five major times, how can you refine it!"

Ethers are afraid of temper, and at this moment is also angry.

A sleeve, the dragon is long, righteous, no longer talk.

The sword laughed without a double, and then took a deep breath, and put it out on the dark coffin.


If you leave a stone with a calm lake, turn the circle ripple.


The root of the iron chain ringed on the dark squat, and suddenly began to unclear.

The spin is that it is seen that the thick paint black, full of mysterious patterned coffin covers, and moves next to it.

~ ~~.

It is difficult to listen to the sound of the ear.

The vertical coffin cover is completely transformed.

next moment.

The sword is unparalleled, and the condense looks toward the.

I saw it, a green shirt shadow, closed eyes, hands five fingers cross, quietly put in the waist position!

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