
With the unparalleled instructions of the sword, the Emperor of Ta Luo came out of the embarrassment, stepped on the sky, and fell behind the sword, like a shadow like a movie.

The sword is unparalleled to open his eyes, and look forward to the eyes of Tara, flashing.

"Fog double, you, do you really refine him?"

The donkey is full of eyes, and some are unbelievable.

"I have an estimate, it should be considered."

The sword is unparalleled with a slight smile, and the opening will drive.

The dragon is old, and I can't help but lose, I will send a bitter laugh, shook the head: "Is this a genius treatment? I will wait for the five majority of the old plus the neighborhood, the nephew can't refine the goddess, to your hand It is so relaxed to be refined. "

"Fog double, I will tell the main owner later. Let's take you back, I will return to your palace."

"it is good."

The sword is not a hyper point.

Subsequently, the sword was unparalleled to follow the trend of the squat, and went towards the palace.

Tara Zun is returned to the coffin, and there is no pair of swords.

On the way, there are many positive discies of the disciples of the discipline, lifting the eyes, lifting the eyes and the swords of the fierce, and the swords are unparalleled, and they are surprising.

The spin is a whispering discussion sound from the disciple of refining.

"I heard that this time I got a selection, I have a talent that I can refine Shen Zong to open the disciple of the ancestor. I took it away by the head of the squad, but this person?"

"I want to come, I'm really loved by him, I really loved it, I directly ignored a series of cumbersome steps, bringing him to pick up the gods."

"The coffin of this person has just been in the back of this person, should this person choose to pick it?"

"The coffin has not seen it, I don't know which god corpse inside."

A discussion sounded, everyone is somewhat curious.

At this time, a quarantine of the old disciples, looked at the swords behind the sword, and the eyes were shrinking, which seems to be discovered, and screamed sharply:

"This, this is the first in the top of the mountain!"

"The goddess in the embarrassment, even the majority of the people can't refine, which is it to be by this person?"

At this point, it is like a stone to arouse thousands of waves, almost all disciples, all of the eyes are flashing, do not dare to confuse the color, color is a sluggish!

I don't know if I don't know, the legend of the mountain?

So, the sword was unparalleled, the news of the first squat, the news of the corpse, and the full shock.

The sword has no two sides to step down the gods, and they are named!


The greatness of the Shenzong, far exceeds the sword.

It seems just a mountain peak, but in fact, it is huge than a few star fields.

It's good to be a long and sword, and there is no low. Under the leader of the donkey, it is very soon to go to the sword unparalleled palace.

There is a tall stone mountain.

The construction of the whole mountain is a bit similar to the hive, full of dense Ma Ma, the black potholes.

The head of the dragon, "" fog double, this is where we refine Shenzong ordinary disciples, also known as the corpse, the corpse is rich and the corpse, can help you practice and refine the gods, Warm God, there is also a great advantage. "

It seems to have induced the fierce wind and the sword, the unparalleled breath, many disciples who refine the Shenzong are from the corpse.

They pale, double eyelids, the whole person full of breath.

"See the Ethers of the Equity."

After these disciples saw that they were elders, they were greeted.

"You don't have to polite."

The drainage of the dragonfly nodded, and they went back.

Subsequently, the drainage of the dragonfly continued to say sharply towards the sword: "Let's take you to the top of the mountain, this seat remembers there.

After that, the dragonflies of the dragonfly, the sword is unparalleled, and the footsteps are stepping, and suddenly disappeared in the same place.

When still appear again, it has appeared on the top of the mountain.

There are not many corpses in the top of the mountain, and there is only nine, nor is it like a mountain and a mountainside position, but it is hidden in a piece, but every corpse is at least, and it is very unpredictable.

A rich corpse seems to be condensed, from the corpse, the sword is unparalleled, and it is a little bit uncomfortable, frowning.

The head is old, but it is satisfied, smiled: "Well, the sword is unparalleled, you go in. Remember to be a little, face the goddess, don't have any insults, you should respect, they will be In this world, the most trusted person, even if it is more than the people, there is also very much. "

"Finally, in these few days, you have a good rest, this seat is now going to report the situation, wait here, this seat will pick you up, go to see the landlord."

After the finish, the dragonflies are watched, and Shi is going.

The sword is unparalleled to take a breath, step by step toward the corpse.

The corpse seems to be simple. In fact, there is nothing in the sky. The sword is unparalleled, and it feels a strong vain and corpse. It has a big temple, palace, practice room, etc., and use it on the candlestick. The candles of the dragon grass, the candlelight will never go out, and the burning cars can help people in peace of mind.

The sword is unparalleled, but after charging the Emperor Extreme, the one inch begins to check this corpse and see if there is a similar monitoring.

After confirming everything, the sword is unheashed with a sigh of relief, dispensing in the door, isolated on his breath.


Night time.

A round of fascinating blood months is hung in the sky, there is a whispering of the gods in the corpse of Shi Yan Mountain.

One of the seven corpses in the top of Shiyan Mountain.

The sword is unparalleled in a stone bed, and it is stunned.

The candles made by the dragon and the confession have been melted, and a silky green smoke is raised.

To put it until now, he still has not completely figured it. How did he pass the test of the stone's test yesterday, reaching the absolute qualifications.

He remembers that at the time, the power of the trial of the stone, has begun to retreat, almost next step will send a warning sound when the ram of the rock is surpassing the cornerstone.

At that time, his neck's three snakes were blinded, and suddenly loosened.

Then, the detection of the detection of the triumphal stone was introduced into the seal of the three snakes.

"That is to say, I can pass the test, I have achieved the super qualifications of the articles, I have to thank the willow?"

The sword is unparalleled, and I can't help but have a lot.

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