Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4480 Trial

Month star is thin, and the corpse is connected.

After a while, the sword was unparalleled to spread the power, and found that no one was nearby, and the right hand pulled down from the waist to the will sign.

This token, not only covering the power of the power on his body, but also communicates with the universe to communicate with the Zhishen and report.


I saw the token, and the same ripples as a circle water mirror were suddenly ignited, and they heard the sound of a slightly worrying sound.

"The sword is unparalleled, how is your situation?"

Rotary, the lens is over, the "Zhishen's face appears in the water mirror.

There is no change in appearance, just in both eyes, more tired.

Don't want to guess, this time, the god must be integrated.

"After returning to the spirit, I have already officially entered the refining god."

The sword is unparalleled and retired after a few steps.

"Oh? You enter the genre?"

The Zhen gods, the face flashed slightly smile, said: "Before the ram to respect the old man back to the news, say you to participate in the selection of the articles, the result is exposed, he can't take a step, The old man thought you had already fled. "

The sword is unparalleled, not from the bitter laugh, shake his head: "This is a long."

Immediately, the sword was unparalleled with a trombone: "" The Nine people, that look, the ram is good? "

The gods in the water mirror nodded, replied: "Yes, the old man has been with the ram supreme, and the two people have no more, and there are no things that have escaped the chasing the god. "

"Ice Supreme? Escape the chasing?"

The sword is unparalleled, and this guy does not come to participate in the selection of the Shenzong, and he talks about the chasing chasing.

Shake the head, the sword is unparalleled to explain these, but asked in the Zhen Sheng: "" "" Aunt, Nairo Supreme? "

"Ling Yu Supreme ..."

The Zhishen was silent, and she said: "The old man tried to contact him many times, but unfortunately did not respond, I was afraid that I have been subjected to the secret of the Shenzong."


The sword is unparalleled in the heart, and the impression of Lingyu Supreme gives him is not bad. If you can't think of it, you can't escape the magic of the refining.

The sword has no double heart guess, I am afraid that I can use it for a long time, I can see Lingyu Supreme God.

It's just that he has already brought to Ta Luo Zun. If you go to lead Lingyu Supreme, it's a person who is an universe, it is inevitable that it will be suspected.

After a while, the sword was unparalleled with the nearest situation with the Zhenhe and the dish.

When the Zhen He heard that the sword was unparalleled to see Ta Luo Soup, he suddenly flashed an angry color.

"Mix! The old man is still suspicion, even if it is not the opponent of the emperor, it should not be so fast, do not leave a little margin, it is, I didn't expect it to be treated as a goddess, sell it. Refining Shenzong! "

And when the Zhen God heard the god corpse of Tara, it has been taken away from the sword unparalleled, and his face is slightly slow, and it is satisfactory and gratifying.

Subsequently, the two talked a few sentences, and the universe of the sword was unparalleled. Let's take care of the gods. Be sure to protect yourself. This is the most important thing, followed by letting the sword are unparalleled to protect themselves. In the case, try to inquire about the virtual universe for the battle deployment of their universe, and those who have the universe before the universe.

Also, they are through the void forbidden, which crack nodes are prohibited, and the local universe enters.

After that, the sword is unparalleled to end the call with the Zhen Zhen.



In Shi Yanshan, a voice of the gods wanted to the moon, as the night gradually became profound, the frequency became more and more, and then dawn, and gradually stopped.

The next morning.


There is a strong knock on the corpse door where the sword is unparalleled.


The sword is unparalleled, and the right hand is paid, and a prohibition is swayed, and the opening:

"Please come."

Shortly after the voice came, I saw a trace of the knife head and walked outside the corpse.

"Fog double, how are you so cautious? This is in the refining god, and does it still need to be arranged?"

A sound like a laughter sounded.

The knife head is rumored, and it means that the sword is unparalleled.

"God is old."

The sword is unparalleled, and he is toned to him.

This person is exile for the god of the gods, want to kill him.

"Shen Square suddenly visited, is there anything?"

The sword is unparalleled.

He can feel a touch of hostility in this goddess.

"Fog double, can you come to visit this seat?"

Shen Square is old, and the sword is unparalleled, and the mouth is slightly evacuated.

"This time I came to find you, I want to see how you are, I'm, and I will tell you a message."

"what news?"

The sword is unparalleled.

The Shen Saxi is flashing, and then the opening of a word: "Fog double, remember the few people with you? One of them, has been seized."

When I said this sentence, Shen Saxi is dead, staring at the sword, I want to see any abnormalities from the sword unparalleled face.

However, he disappointed him.

The sword is very calm, there is no one bit of waves, "Oh, what is the relationship with me?"

Shen Square did not speak, but deeply saw the sword unparalleled, until half-awaited, he smiled and smiled: "There is nothing to do, this seat is just to know you."

"But unfortunately, the man did not have a half-division other news before dying, and finally simply self-explosion."

The goddess is old while shaking his head, like being embarrassed.

The sword is unparalleled, but it looks at the old name.

"Okay, fog double, since you are fine, the seat will go first."

"Oh, right, I almost forgot, this is forgot to congratulations, refine our first god corpse. Hey, this strong insussion in the goddess, even the five majority of the old and the old and the hosts have no way." You can make this smoothly, it is really strange. "

Shake the head, the goddess, the old man leaving the corpse.

Until the goddess is old after a long time.

! ! !

The sword is unparalleled, and the face is the bed. It is a quiet and light face.

How did he guess can't guess, this goddess is to visit him, but in fact, but want to grab his horse foot, special to test one or two.

This person, did not believe in his swords, and did not believe in the results of the trial of the stone.

"This person must die, otherwise my risk is too big!"

The sword is unparalleled, looking at the back of Shenquan, and flashing in the middle of the eyes.

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