Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4481 of the dispute

God is old, must die!

Just, how do God kills the ghost, and can't make people doubt it to themselves, but it is some difficulty.

The sword is unparalleled, thinking for a long time, and I haven't seen any good way.

"For, the matter needs to be brought from long, can't play, otherwise it will have a loss. Heads fire."

The sword has shaken his head without double.

At the same time, his heart is also slightly sighful.

Just now I am old to find him, not a bad thing, at least the current sword is unparalleled, there will be a pair of eyes in the dark, so that his act will become more cautious.


The candles in the corpse are constantly burning, and the cars are rising.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is beginning to study the virtue, and the way is the best.

When going to the corpse, the sword was knocked next to the side of the sword, looking for a book of Shen Shuo, a book about 'imperweissing', and analyzed the virtual power constructor in detail.

"Virtual, like the power, is an energy between the universe."

"From essentially, there is no difference between the imperiality and the power, but it is a media means of showing the Universities. It is because the rules of the rules of the two universe are different, causing their particles, atoms, electrons, protons. Sort, there are different changes. "

"That is to say, I can figure out the structure of the strength or the deepestity of the imperweissing, the order of the particles, atom, electron, the proton, and re-enhance the group, and convert the power, transform into the power, or Force into the power! "

The sword has no double light, and thoughts quickly in my mind.

This is simple, but it is very difficult to operate.

Virtual or stunning the structure contained in the power, at least billion times, and they can remain the number of combination, but also infinite numbers.

This is like a number of ranks of arranging. To make him constantly re-combining, it is best to match a perfect number, it takes a heart, it is a task that is impossible to complete.

"Even if I am now the supreme, there is a lot of time between my eldest times, and I need an extremely long time to push a correct result."

The sword is not a double eyed, and it is beginning to think in your head.

First, we will take the lead in understanding, it is the structural component of the virtual force.

This requires a lot of heart and time to deduce, followed by all of them to disrupt these structural components, then match the structural components of the power.

Only after the structural composition of the power and the power can be tried to turn the power and began to transform into a virtual force.

"Give it to a deduction of a one, how long is it taken, now I have to go to waste. This time I can waste. This is the top of the universe of the universe. I want to have a similar book. The existence of the pavilion, I am not as good as going to the Tibetan Book, find a book about this, etc.

The sword is unbounded in the eyes, and I scored a sigh of breath and stood up.

Next, the sword has no double strolls out of the corpse, and goes up towards the stone mountain.

Under Shiyan Mountain, a nature enchanting sexy, a cool silk wearing, the enchanting woman with a cat ear, is from the corpse.

", finally broke through Samsung!"

This enchanting woman stretched a lazy waist, stretched with the body, a pair of white straight long legs in the silk, if there is a hidden color, plus the lazy color on the face, appearance, and delusional.


Suddenly, a strong wind, the sword is unparalleled, it appears in front of her.

"Hello, ask where the Tibetan book is?"

The sword is unparalleled as a polite courtesy.

The enchanting woman heard the words, a pair of beautiful turns, looked at the sword and was unparalleled, said: "Hey, who are you, how can I have seen you in this Shiyan Mountain?"

The sword is unparalleled with a pair: "Girl, Shi Yan Mountain, who came yesterday, you don't know me, it is normal."


This enchanting woman was quite a playful blinking, and immediately took a head, called: "Ah, I know! You are not recently entered, there is a super-qualified fog double?"

"you know me?"

The sword is unparalleled to pick the eyebrows.

The enchanting woman suddenly took the mouth and said: "No, recently I am closed, I have heard the corpse, some people say what we refine the gods, come to a talented talented genius, and have a long and old love, I can't get close it. "

"Is this this?" The sword was unparalleled and smiled. "That is really embarrassed."

I heard the sword is unparalleled. Sorry, the enchanting woman seems to be a little more than a little, put a hand: "Okay, this is not your business."

After that, the enchanting woman is turned, saying: "Hey, fog double, you just said that you have to go to the Tibetan pair?"

"Yes." The sword nodded.

"Hey, fog double, this girl is kind to remind you, now it is best not to go to the Tibetan Course."

"Well? Why?"

The sword is unparalleled to pick eyebrows.

"Don't understand it? Also, the girl will mention you a few words."

The enchanting woman slashed the sword and unparalleled, "fog double, we are in the past, a total of six veins, the five major too old, the one, the one, the two, the sixth disciples, There is no sound on the surface, but in fact, it is self-fulfilling the party feather, and the battle is constant. "

"You are brought back from the gear, take care of the generos, and you will be attributed to this pulse."

"It's only a little special, because people are thin, almost unfair, and several disciples under the hand, they are all in other five pulses."

"Today's penta disciples are all gathered in the Collection Pavilion, discussing the sects of the Zongmen after discussing, if you go to the Tibetan Cabinet, you will inevitably be caught by the pilot disciples, forced you."

"If you are an ordinary disciple, you will naturally be attributed to the generos, you will not care, but you will now put together the names, the five-blue disciples will inevitably give you, no matter where you are attributable, It is bound to be compressed by another other four disciples. "

"So this girl advised you to avoid this limeling now, and go to the Tibetan Court for some days."

The enchanting woman said.

"Is the dispute between Zongmen?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the battle is shaking, bored.

"Thank you, what do you call?"

The enchanting woman laughed and said: "Hey, you don't have to be polite, you are better than me, call me nine Musk."

"Okay, I know."

The sword is unparalleled to nod, and then ask this nine scorpion to the TRC's specific address, foot, step, suddenly exploded.

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