Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4485 Refining God


After the sword is unparalleled, after the fierce, the old man is quickly plundered.

There is a place where the Lord of the Lord of Shenzong is.

According to the observation of swords and unparalleled more than ten days, he also figured out some of the strengths of the refining god.

Refining God Zongzong Lord, the six traces of the name, the words of the universe are the universe, the invincible supreme!

Under the Basic Wilderness of the Lord, there are five too old, this five too long lives, the minimum, it also reaches four traces!

Under these five times, there is nearly 20 ordinary traces of ordinary traces.

This is the strength of the refining attic.

If you compare the universe, you are almost almost the same as life, but it is truly, but it is better than the hometown of life.

Because all people who refining the gods, everyone has a goddess with their own strength. Under the conversion, it is equal to the name of the discrimination of the Shenzong traces!

And, the sword is unparalleled, this big refining god, in which it is absolutely absolutely more favorable.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is constantly comparing the Shenzong universe.

Once the two universes are fully fighting, this will be refining the gods, I am afraid it is a difficult bone.

Under the leader of the dragon, the speed of the two is fast, not long, strengthening the highest peak of the artifact.

A palace like countless Baisen skeleton, appearing in the eyes of swords and unsuspendes.

There are countless humored ghosts, floating in the void, like firefly, lightning.

"Fog double, the big people are in the inside, let go in this seat."

The dragonfly is old and looking back to the sword.

"it is good."

The sword nodded, when he embarked on the door of this palace, he could faintly feel that in the middle of the eyes, there was a pair of eyes hidden in the dark.

If you haven't guess wrong, this pair of eyes want to come to the genus of this.

If you have not converted the power into a virtual force, or the sword will be quite worried, but he has now figured out the essence of the power and the power, and the conversion is successful. If he is confident, it is a pair of flavor, and it is absolutely I can't see his identity!


Two paint black iron doors in the main hall are automatically opened, and the dragonfly is long and the sword is unparalleled.

The most advanced purpose is to stand on the two sides of the main hall, and the old age, where the goddess is old.

He saw the sword unparalleled into the main hall, and his mouth suddenly puffed a smile.

At the top of the hall, one wearing a very long black robe, the corner is scattered on the ground, the eyebrows have vertical majesty middle-aged people sitting on the host.

Don't guess it, this person must be the main owner of this big refining, Eight Wildness!

"The main, foggy doubles."

The dragonflies are old towards him arched, and the spin is in the middle of the two sides, and it is classified.

"Disciples fog double, see the principal of the people!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the head is low and the head is clear.

"Looking up at me."

A low sighful voice, from the main mouth of the refining.


The sword is unparalleled to look up.

I saw him looking at him, and there was no expression on a face, can't see any emotions.

A shares like the pressure of the sea, slamming from him, like the mountains, and pressing the sword.

The sword is unparalleled.

"Fog double, this is the main thing to say, when you come to participate in our selection of disciples, it is in the middle and three people."

Refining Shenzong Lord is indifferent.


There is no double point of the sword, he knows that this refining god will take him.

Or say this, this refining god, did not fully believe his identity.

The sword is unparalleled without twisting, sweeping his eyes, I saw the goddess, and I laughed to see him.

The eyes of the two do not help them together.

In an instant, the sword is unparalleled, I understand, I am afraid that this goddess is old, what is going on behind.

"Then you know the identity of these three people?"

Refining God is again issued again.

Pressing the momentum of the sword and no double body, suddenly heavier.


The sword is unparalleled with a sigh of breath, and you will pay attention.

"Oh? It's really unknown, or pretend I don't know?"

The main mouth of the Shenzong Zongzong hook, asked.

"The universal adult, what do you have, may wish to say!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is true that I really look at the Lord of the Lord.

In the face of the fascinating god of refining gods, the soul of the hegemony, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no half of the decline.

The Lord of the Lord, the pupil is not shrinking.

"Your little guy, it is quite courageous."

The sorrow of the gods shook his head and continued to speak: "The fog is double, then this host is now, this is now doubting that you have the three kinds of trails who want to enter the gods, you can let this Use search soul? "

When it comes to this sentence, the gods of the Shenzong's main in the eyes have skyrocketed three inches and stare at the sword.

The goddess is old, and the face is even more colored.

The sword is unparalleled, not from the heart.

Search, the Shenli universe is also, it is directly through the Dafa Forces, enters the soul of the gods.

"Why not dare?"

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, but the mouth is a laughter.

He knows that he is absolutely can't have a half-time.

Once there is half-point hesitation, it will only increase the doubts of God, increase the risk of exposure.

He can only gamble!

He gambled the gods, will not show him a search spirit!

This technique is forced to peek into the sky, which is extremely harmful to the survived person, which can be said to be ruined to the King, and it is not too late to discover the future.

And now, it is the super qualification of the ancient ancient times. This will never give down the fruit trend because of a must-have speculation, forcibly destroying this good seed.

Sure enough, this words have fallen, and they have not waited for the god of the gods. I will see the old step, and my face has a big road:

"The big people, this is not ah!"

"Fog double is the super-qualified qualification of us to refining Shen Zong, and refines our first god corpse, the future is not limited. If it is forcibly used the soul, it is equal to breaking his promotion! "

Refining Shen Zong Zongwen sullenly, said: "The hard is old, the higher the talent, the harm is also bigger, the three people who appear outside the mountain gate, what is the identity you should know more than this, if this is this The fog is in the same place, and the three people come from the same place, then our universe is a thousand years of disclosure, this is broken, this responsibility, can you get together? "

After that, refining God is cold and sword is unparalleled, the opening:

"Fog double, this matter is serious, you must not have a risks of one thousandth, and you will be ruthless."

The voice falls, countless imaginary power, which is crabbed in the Shenzong master.

, !

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