Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4486, Tai Sheng, old scorpion


At this moment, Thousands of though flashed in the sword unparalleled brain.

He is absolutely impossible to let this refining Shen Zong's main idea, once let him show, he is from the universe of the universe, he will expose.

Although he is now transforming the power into a virtual force, but the soul of the soul is directly entering the time of the long river, retrospectively retrospective memory.

This is what the sword is unparalleled, and something is absolutely unable to change.

It's better to quickly retreat now!

For a while, the sword is not moving on the face, but the heart is beginning to retreat.

If the two talents of the 'primitive universe' and 'life shock' Go out.

And he also has the bottom sign of 'Shen Li Decomposition', you can confuse the sky.

Just, in this way, all the doors who are equal to the sword are unparalleled, all of the gods, the gods of Tara, will not take away.

"Fog double, come on."

Just when the refining god is about to prepare the soul.

The five major elders are old, and the lights are slight, and suddenly, the sound of the sound: "The main owner, the foggy is true, this fog is a rare seedllar, with his talent, will be inevitable later It will become the existence of the flat sitting and waiting for the soul. If he is in a person who has a place with the three people, if it is not, it is equal to our man's hand to kill a big energy. .

In this matter, please ask the host. "

Originally, the sword that has been violent is unparalleled. Women will not be picked up with the eyebrows, and look at this mall.

I saw that the long old man was slightly nodd, and the eyes flashed only the sword without both parties.


The sword is unparalleled, not from one of the hearts.

"Yeah! Negotians can test whether foggy is from the three people, and more can be distinguished, why must I use search soul?"

The dragonflies said.

The Lord of the Lord, the Lord, the eyes, the eyes could not be turned into a slight color.

It seems to be thinking, after a moment, the spirit of the Shenzong nodded: "It is also, then you will say it."

"Fog double, this way, you will release your virtue, let this host look."

In this case, there is no expression on the face of others, and the goddess is a moment of laughing.

He called, since the sword has not really used the impact from entering the Shenzong.

Included in the Collection Pavilion, conflicts with the four vesses of disciples, with the horizontal bear, use it is also the force of the flesh.

This can be estimated, this fog is definitely what can't or dare not use the virtual power.

However, after a smile, the smile on the old face of Shenquan, instantly solidified it on his face.

"How, how would this?"

I saw the main temple, the sword was unparalleled, and the black spheres of the vainful black ball in his hand were in his hand.

Among them, it is pure to the extreme.

The sword is unparalleled. Looks to the Lord of the Lord.

In an instant, I'm sinking, and the old face is flashing in the old face, and the sound of the sword is too late, and the eye is a touch of color. It seems quite a horrified, and the sword has no double release.

"It's impossible! It is absolutely impossible! What is wrong with this middle!"

At this moment, Shen Saxi was surprised.

He is dead, staring at the sword, and his face is full of gloomy.

The sword has no double expression, looks at him, opening: "Shen Square is old, the disciple does not know where you are sin, from me, you are still targeting me. Disciples remember, seem to be with you Too much intersection? This search spirit, I am afraid that you recommend it to the principal. God is old, the disciples are now very curious, is it where the disciples are sin, or I am inadvertent, what is it? Benefits, let you hate me? "

This words fall, other elders, it seems that I think about what I think, narrow my eyes, and look down on the eyes of Shenquan, becoming complicated.

They couldn't help but think of the old people, and now they are the chief disciple of the Zongli, and now the first day of recognized Shenzong.

Before the sword is unparalleled in the future, Shen Saxi has also proposed three times in the main hall, let his son, let his son, to make a supplement with the next host of the Shenzong.

At a time, all kinds of thoughts, from the many elders in the hall.

And once this thought begins rooting in my mind, then gradually sprouting, more and more growing, can't go.

"Fog double, you say hello ...!"

The grandeur suddenly changed.

He still wants to say anymore.


I looked at him coldly, and then I went to sword unparalleled, and there was no expression: "Fog double, you are a sect, there is no evidence, you must not fall into the old!"

I suddenly took a meal, and I was going to say:

"Fog double, this thing will be, but after the arrival, there is a task, you need you to do it, don't refuse! Do you understand?"


The sword nodded.

"Well, you will scatter this."

The land of the refining god is retracted back to the host, closes his eyes.

The five major elements of the hall are old, and they will return to each other after seeing each other.

"Fog double, let's go."

The head of the dragon is old, and the sword is not a pair of shoulders, smiling.

"it is good."

The sword is unparalleled with the hurry.

Suddenly, there is a quiet in the hall, and only one of the gods is not going.

He died stared at the back of the sword, and his eyes were extremely poisonous.

"Fog double, you are waiting! You don't have to be too early, this seat will grab your horse foot!"

The goddess is old, and the teeth bite is loud.


Refining the gods.

The sword is unparalleled with the dragonfly, flying in the air.

"Hey, God's hooks, more and more excessive!"

"He thought that he was a generic, even the disciple of this seat, dared to bullying ?!"

The face is long, and it is not good to see it.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Shen Square is old to his hair, and the test of refining God is in his expected accident.

It is a sudden speech that the spotted mountain is old, so that the sword is unparalleled.

In the middle, there is no difference in the sword, this is too old, I am afraid that it is not simple.

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