Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4487 breaks through

"This god, getting more and more exciting, it seems that this seat is time to find a chance, take a hit and hit him."

The donkey is old and said.

The sword is unparalleled, thinking that there is too old and old scorpion, can't help but ask: "The long life is old, what is the old mountain, how is it?"


After the end of the dragon, I thought about it, I thought I thought about it, I said: "There is not much to know the old man, this is a lot of people, although we have a total of five major too old, but the mountains are never bone, and we are extremely Less deal less.

It is said that the qualifications of the , It is tens of thousands of chaotic disciplines, and there is no step. "

"It is also very small, but every time I shot is a Thunder, I am afraid that the repair is the strength, not under this seat."


The sword has flashed in a touch of thinking, I don't know why, there is a guess in his heart.

However, this guess is correct, it takes time to go to school.

One side flew in the air, so soon, I went to the top of Shiyan, belonging to the sword.

"The fog is double, there will be a lot of disciples in the Zong, you don't want to participate? If you participate, I will leave a quota."

The dragon is old and the old opens.

The sword is unparalleled, shook his head: "Can't let it, the disciples recently have a real understanding, I am afraid that I will break through, I have a mission later, I have to pay my disciple. The disciple wants to take this time, first repair In order to improve. "

"To break through?"

When the head of the dragon, the long-awaited eyes, when he was bright, and smiled and smiled: "It's good, then you broke through the realm. As for this disciple, it is nothing more than an opportunity to show, you have a chance to show you. Talent, why do you have to prove yourself? "

After saying, the dragonfly is old, he is afraid to smash the sword unparalleled practice, and after a few words, he smiled and left.

The sword is unparalleled to look at the long back, and I can't help but sigh.

Within this, he is still quite good for this 's life, but the two are born to host the hostile camp. I am afraid that I am in the outside battlefield, it is inevitable.

Shake your head, swords are unparalleled, and you will continue to enter the corpse.

Today, in the main hall, it is very thrilling, a little pool, I am afraid that I will hurt the life.

If the last juncture, the long lives suddenly suddenly speaking, I am afraid of him at the moment. It is not that the hand is being killed in this, it is now being pursued, and there is two people.

"Zhuo Mountain ... Tens of thousands of chaos, brought back from a remote place from a remote place ... very little shot ....."

The sword is sitting on the stone bed, and the light flashes, and constantly thinks about the long and old description of the Elder's elders.

After a while, the sword was unparalleled and shaken, even if he guess is true, he is absolutely unclear before giving him the signal in the spheres of the mountain.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled to slow down his eyes, no longer think, and turn to break through the medium supreme.


That, the sword is unparalleled, the whole body is full, as soiled, the boiling water is started to start crazy.

In his body, he issued a sound of bones like fried beans.


The sword is unparalleled. Suddenly, the body is like a huge vortex, swallowing a lot of virtual power, and then transforming, like a wave of rolling, towards the barrier barrier between the first-level supreme and medium-end!

-! ! !

A roar explosion, like a sunny day, blowing in the corpse!

In an instant, the whole stone rock mountain is a shake!

This is still the case where the sword is unparalleled, otherwise it will only be afraid that this will have a huge shock wave, and the whole stone rock is flying!

"How, what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Who is breaking ?!"

In the case of a manta, there is a manta, and countless is condensed with the gods, or the disciples who have been practiced are all changing, and they are slamming from the corpse in the corpse.

"The top of the mountain is the corpse of the mountain, some people are breakthrough!"

"I remember the seven corneses in the top of the mountain, all of the chief disciples are living, recently, have not heard which chief disciple to break through?"

"No, no, not the chief disciple, is foggy!"

"Fog double? Is that recently boiled in the Zone, is there a super qualification?"

"Yes! For some time, the fog is brought back to the past, and one of the seven corpses of the mountain!"

~! ! !

The sword is unparalleled in the corpse, and it is a shocking explosion!

, Shi Yan Mountain is shaking more dramatically.

"Hey ~ I remember that the fog double seems to have only Samsung or four-star strength? His breakthrough, why will it be so horrible?"

"Don't this are super qualifications? Even the breakthrough is different from us, it is necessary to be extraordinary?"

"Look at this, I am afraid not to break through a small realm!"

"Hey, I am afraid to wait until the fog is broken, the five chief disciples are not sitting!"

"I have heard that the sword is unparalleled in the Tibetan Cabinet and the Turkish Bear. Just a trick, he defeated the wrath! This matter is in me, it should be a good thing to pass the rumor, deliberately exaggerating his words, However, it can also be seen that the strength is only afraid of foggy, it is not weak, and how many chief disciples! "

"Hey, this time the disciple is quite wonderful, and I don't know if the foggy will participate, what is the name of the impact."

The sound of the loud louds, from the foot of Shiyan Mountain, many disciples who refine the Shenzong, quite surprised to the position of the mountain sword unparalleled, and the spin is discussed.

That is called nine musk, the body is extremely graceful, and the embossed woman is also in the same, she has grown a pair of beautiful eyes, watching the sword unparalleled position.

"This guy will come to refining the gods, will it break through?"


Rumble ~!

Into the position of the gods, a wind, rolling, crazy whistling, constantly there is Thunder flashing, refining the ghosts Sensen, bright as white.

The sword is sitting on the stone bed, and a strong breath is venting. In his body, a vast power, impact between the first-level supreme and medium-end, the final barrier!

If it is in the past, the sword is unparalleled, and it is also worried that the breath is disclosed, and the gender of the refining will be greatly perceived.

But now he will transform all the best in the power, even if it is this, it is not coming.

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