Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4488, starting, wind

Boom ~! ! !

If the waves are like tide, the sword is unparalleled, as if the big river river that is not turbulent, rolling down towards the barrier card across the first supreme and medium supreme.

One wave of one wave.


Suddenly, the sword is unparalleled, and the eyes flashed a gods, and the gods skyrocket.

A hillful gas, from the sword unparalleled.

An extremely horrible breath, with the sword is unparalleled, and the holiday has risen!

At this moment, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, once again producing a leap!

Just one interest time, this breath is instantially recovered by the sword, and the sword is unparalleled to take a sigh of relief, standing from the stone bed, and smiles.

"Medium supreme, become!"

He can feel obvious, whether it is your own strength, or the strength of the flesh, it is strong than before, it is strong!

If this is an underlying attribute, in addition, the sword is more obvious, and the degree of fit of the heaven and earth avenue, and the understanding of the gods, it has become clear.

It seems that the leaves of an imperformal bar are taken, the sword is unparalleled, and it is rare to become a lot.

Even between the faint, the sword is not born in the heart of the art.

"I am stronger!"

The sword has no eyes flashing in a touch of understanding. Now he is confident. If you meet the Supreme and the World War, you will absolutely a lot of easiness, it will not be forced to catch the elbow.

It can be said that as long as there is no such thing as a noble, his sword is unparalleled in the supreme disrespect, it is invincible!

In other words, even in this great refining, as long as this is the gender of the Shenzong, even if the five major too old, the sword is universally in the hands, and it is not afraid!

"Now it is time to improve the strength of the lower."

The sword is unparalleled, and the spin is originally revealing the virtual realm of Samsung, and the moment is doubled, soaring to six stars.

Sixth, that is, invincible domain.

"Now, I only need to condense the goddess of the Emperor, if I can refine the goddess of Tara, I will join hands with the god of Tara, and I am big. Where is it? "

The sword is unparalleled, and it is beginning to think about it.

Now he just breaks the middle supreme. If there is no machine, it is necessary to reach a step, reach the high supreme, no hundreds of thousands of years, and even hundreds of thousands of years of hardships are impossible.

Therefore, now in front of him, the fastest way to enhance strength is to refine the goddess of the Emperor!

After all, now the two universe seems to be calm, and it is really dark, and the wind is desirable, no one knows the battle between the two universe, when will I break out.

Once the war broke out, it can be said that such a antity, it will fall, there is no minimum of higher the power, and there is no qualification.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled to take advantage of the buffering period before the oversteen of the war, and the strength will reach a peak!

Only in this way, he can have a power of self-insurance in this battle.


After the sword is unparalleled, after the thoughts turned, he took a sigh of relief, and continued to sit down and started to refine the goddess of the Emperor.

A vain, from the sword unhappy, then like a necklace, piercing the body of Ta Luo Zun, like a small fire, not refining the Extreme.


Shimi Mountain at the foot.

Many of them were alarmed, then walked out of the disciple of the corpse, looked at the top of the mountains and hills that gradually recovered, and the face gained their eyes.

"After breaking through?"

"It seems that the fog is very smooth."

"I don't know what the fog is now in what realm. Once he has improved breakthrough, he wants him to have the night."

"Hahaha, I have already expected it, the fog is in a big disciple, and the battle is famous!"

Many disciples are not too big, and smile and discuss.

In addition, in the seven corpses in the top of Shiyan Mountain, the chief disciple is black and wings, Zhengheng Venus, Xuanyang Quartet and others, the face is gloomy.

They know that this time I introduce the disciple, I am afraid that I will have a branch.

At the same time, in the temple in the temple in the far away from Shi Yan Mountain.

The chief disciple of the Zongwei, Shen Sheng, Yan Dan, who is going to sit on the knee, and the eyelid jumped.

"The virtual force fluctuations produced by this breakthrough ..."

"Is the father of the father, the super qualifications that let me try the way to kill,?"

"Interesting, it seems that this time the disciple is bigger, there is a meaningful opponent."

The knee is sitting in the darkness of Yan Dan, and the corner of the mouth slowly pulled up the radians.

"Fog double? Super and other qualifications? Hahahaha, finally someone can make me loudly!"

Boom ~!

A shares belongs to an eight-star breath, spreading from Yan Dan.

Rotating, this stock is getting stronger and stronger, and it is embarrassed to hit the traces of the ruler!

One time, because the sword has a unparalleled breakthrough, it was originally a lot of affairs in the five-pulse disciple, and it became slightly.

Among the disciples of refining the gods, the discussion of the two words of 'fog double', starting with this starting.


The time is slow, between blinking, ten years.

In this decade, this will be more lonely, it has become more lonely, almost rarely see that there is a disciple of refining the gods.

Everyone has a sigh of relief, closes in their own corpse, and hopes to be more and more in one hundred feet, or study the killer of the bottom of the pressure box.

What is, it is desirable that I am more than one's disciples in the upcoming paradise.

This is related to their practice resources, position promotion, and so on.

Finally, on a decade later, with the order of the Lord of the Lord, the Zongmen was unique.

For a while, the entire refining Shenzong boiled, countless disciples who haven't closed, from the dark corpse.

Some of them are eager to try, some wins are in the grip, obviously in the closed customs of this time, there is something to gain, and more is full of face, and the heart is uneasy.

At the same time, in the same day of the news of the disciples, a message that the same explosion-explosive eyeball is over.

In this decade, it is known as the unique situation of the five-pulse disciples, killing from the half road, the most optimistic black horse fog, refused to participate in this paradise disciple!

Time, countless look forward to the sword is unparalleled, the disciple of the strength of the strength, the eyes, the thrilling eye is the fall.

The fog is double, I actually refused the big proportion of this contest? !

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