Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4501 Ram Supreme

at the same time.

Distinning the gods.

A starry heart.

A temperament is elegant, the face is clear, and the old people who are cautious are slowly spit out of a fertilizer.

"So long, the people who refining the gods chased me should be left."

This old man squinted and flashed in the eyes.

He is not someone else, it is in the disciple of refining, escaped from the born ram supreme!

That day, the disciples were selected. He saw that the identity was demolished, and the lead in escaped it, he was a big life, from several trace spheres to escape a life.

Subsequently, he drilled into this place to close the breath and closed it to the present.


A stream of stream, brushing from this star.

Rotary, the ram is a discussion sound from the mouth of the brush.

"I heard that, this ban on the gods is loose, and all the people have sent the inner arrogance and go to the land of Feng Shen."

"I heard that the land of God, hiding the secret!"

"Hey, . I faintly I heard that the place where the gods, the suppression is not our universe!"

"What? Not the people of our universe? Is there any other universe?"

"Little! I also listened to our Zongmen's ancestor, but the secret of Tianda, I don't say it."


One discussion sounded, hiding in the depths of the ram, could not help but pick the eyebrows.

"The land of the gods? Is it not the universe?"

The ram is devil, faintly agreeing, and feels that he seems to catch any secrets.

"It seems that this god I have to go."

"I don't know how many years have passed, and there is no such thing as the situation of swords."

The thoughts are flashing, and the ram is respected to the high altitude. When there is one person to fall, the right hand will break the soil, turned into a sudden warner, and grabbed the people of the order.

Boom ~!

The spotted cuisine is a seven-star quartan with elephant feet. It is still a huge hand shadow that suddenly breaks the sky, covering the sky, and has not yet been able to show a virtual resistance. Herd in hand.


The real-hearted ram is sunshable, and it will open the country and lose it in.

After a while.

The ram is coming out of the void, he has got a message he wanted.

"The land of God, the old man is coming!"

~! ! !

Next moment, his right foot is heavy, and the whole person took out and went out to the direction of the god.


In the universe of the universe.

With the ban on the land of the gods, many top sciences, all the Tianjiao sent to the gods, so, therefore, the universe has become extremely lively.

Among the horizons of the stars.

A head of the wings, a large bone bird with thousands of crowds, is running quickly.

Its speed is very fast, the figure is in front of it, it is hundreds of thousands of miles, the wings cut the void and make huge sound explosions.

The sword is unparalleled on the high platform at the back of the bone, because the speed is too fast, and the resulting spirit is rossed on the face.

This is sharp to the extreme. If an ordinary star ruler is purely resistant to the body, it is only afraid that the moment will be scraped from the bone.

However, this horrentious shaving bones, but only the hair of the sword is unparalleled, and even if there is a slight white mark on him.

The dust in the three people is not so easy to deal with this hurricane. I saw him only constantly running the power, forming a protective cover, and constantly resist the power.

He looked at the Yan Dan and swords of the high platform, and the sword was unparalleled. He couldn't help but shine, and his face was jealous.

Yan Dan can resist the bones of the bones, he is not surprised, after all, the current Yan Dan, has broken through the distinguishing between traces, traces and virtual levels if fairy.

And this sword is unparalleled, clear the realm and the difference between him, how to resist this hurricane is so free?

Cool dust does not help but think of the heart, she can showcase the style of the disciple, I am afraid that there is a major part of the reason, because this fog is not participating in the big better.

Yan Dan stood behind the sword, and the mouth continued to send cold.

He is hesitating, whether it will kill the sword now.

Just now, his father Shenqi has given him a letter. Shen Square has left the refining god. It is rushing towards them. It will not take long before it can be mixed.

God is old, but the three traces are repaired.

Yan Dan confident, with the power of his father Shen and his father, the two were unparalleled.

Thoughts after thinking.

"For, or wait until the land of the gods, then find the opportunity to kill this one."

Yan Dan's eyes flashed, and then she took a deep breath and dismissed the intention of the sword.

Standing in front of the high platform, back to Yan Dan's sword is unparalleled, naturally feeling the murder of Yan Dan.

Shake the head, the sword is unparalleled, continue to look at it.


It is nearly a year.

A lonely starry sky gradually became lively.

In addition to the huge bones of the sword, there is no two people who step on the sword, some of the thousands of transportation, the same from all sides.

For example, a golden huge gourd, sitting on a gourd, sitting in a black long dress, eyebrows with vertical youth, in the top of the gourd, insert a full flag, book 'Tianmen' two big characters.

"Oh? Tianmen's rabbit scorpion came?"

Yan Dan blinded, and he sent a cold.

And this group of Tianmen disciples, I also saw the Yan Dan three people standing on the huge bone bird, and the corner of his mouth tickled, where the leader of the leader, was even more sound:

"This is not on the Zongmen Exchange Competition. Is this a hand to defeat? It seems that it is true that no one is true, so that this role will enter the ground."

He shook his head while he said, full face

It is seen that the two obviously have a hatred.

The voice falls, Yan Dan's face, suddenly became gloomy.

"Xuankang, the good man does not mention the courage of the year, and if the winner is nothing, we have been doing a place this time!"

Yan Dan's face is very difficult to say.

"Hahaha, what is it difficult? This time you don't cry, call your old ghost father to save you!"

The team of this day is laughing, and then leaving the team.


Looking at the Tianmen team who is got to leave, the Yan Dan flashed in the eyes.

The eyes reversed, he saw that the sword was unparalleled to laugh and laughed. He couldn't help but angry to the extreme. , If there is anything, you don't have a half advantage! "

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