Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4502, Enemy

Time is in a hurry, it is the last month.

On the way, the sword is unparalleled, and there are many major disciples from all sides.

These popularity, gimmick, repairing average, more than six-star, even strong, reaching the trace level.

However, the highest, that is, a trace, because it is repaired, facing the ban on the gods, the greater.

Many people have recognized Yan Dan, or friendly, or cold-eyed, seeing, refining Shenzong in the universe of the universe, still quite famous.

After a while, a huge star field appeared in front of everyone.

Feng Shen, arrived!

I saw the surrounding of this star field, countless warships or flying magic weapon traversed, from all over the top zone forces, there were strict, waiting for this to the world's weakness.

"Is this the place of Feng Shen?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are loud.

This god, said that it is a star field, in fact, it is not appropriate because it is composed of a diagnosis.

Ninety-nine ban!

Every ban, is like a grinding disc is like a loop, blocking everything, and the whole ninety-nine banned overlap is integrated, and suddenly formed a horror array of !

These ninety-nine banned, Xianhui filled, slightly reversed, directly, did not void, formed a 10 feet wide void zone, isolated everything!

This ninety-nine banned, blocked all the ways to go in, and the roads also cut out!

According to the drainage of the drain, this ninety-nine banned power, even if it is a six-scale virtuality, it is not dead, only halfway, while the six trace levels below the quarter, as long as step When you go in, you will instantly shape, and the body is deserted.

Its horror, thereby visible.

The sword is unparalleled, feeling this ninety-nine banned breath, but it is very familiar.

This is ... The taste of the power.

In addition, he also felt a special life of the source of the source of the source in this ninety-nine ban.

This let him be determined, arrange this to let the whole virtual universe have no more than 99 bankers, if he didn't guess the wrong, it was once the audio is all, has disappeared tens of thousands of chaotic life. Life Shenqong Palace owner!

At a time, the sword was unhousnian.

He began looking forward to the life of the godberg, and the two people met in this god.

The time is slow.

Everyone did not move, but began to wait for this ninety-nine ban, and then quickly admitted.

Gradually, there is constant disciple from the top of the top of the top, walk into this god.


Rumble ~~!

A white flag, long-standing huge boat, like a big whale, coming from the distance, vast, transverse stars.

On this huge boat, there is a laughing of a madness.

"Small rabbit scorpion, we are helpless!"

"Ji Whale is active, everyone is all rolled!"

"Hey, this god, our barefield help!"

Only this boat board, countless stars watched the disciples of the big gates, and smiled.

On this boat deck, the ice of the silver hair ice is standing, full of face.

After him, the original red whale is a big Jiao Mingzu, the knees, the long, where there is a half-time thief, but respect, as old servant.

Everyone looked at the random helper helier, all of which were pupil, and the face was slightly changed.

"The group of stars!"

"This group of stinky fish, how do you have them?"

"Damn! This group of bobbers come to seal God? Also, who is on the deck? Who is it? How to get a lot of whale, you stand behind it, if you offer the owner?"

The disciples of many holy sites have whispered.

Basin, the universe, the universe is too notorious, and they are not strong, but they have a group of teams, and there is a four-scale big family Lu Zhitui. It can be said that it is difficult to get pool.

Even if some traces are virtual, fall in them, if it is not well-behaved, it is necessary to drink it on the spot.

Why didn't they think that why they will appear here?

Moreover, look at that kind, it seems that the genus is helpless.

The silver hair ice of the deck is in the deck, and the momentum is like the Yue, and it is deeply effective.

It is estimated that it is more powerful than the original red whale, it is more powerful!

Thinking of this, everyone can't help but look at it, the heart is a sink.

If the person of this group of whales, after they enter the land of the gods, they will be robbed at the exit. It can be finished.

On the high platform of the bone bird.

The sword is unparalleled, and the people who are helping the red whale helper towards this group.

Those who stand on the deck is the first person, how can he not see?

This silver-haired young man is not the Supreme Supreme?

Ice Supreme, I also noticed that the sword standing on the back of the huge bone is unparalleled.

The hatred of the two, from the Shenli universe, the universe of the universe, has already reached the point where it is not dead.

At this moment, the enemy is facing, the eyes are gathered in C, and the fierce invisible curse!

The ice is gradually evacuated, and the lips are light, and the sword is unparalleled, spit out eight words.

The sword has no double-sided no expression, these eight words, he recognizes it.

The land of Feng Shen, finally fight!

The sword is unparalleled.

I have begun to enter the virtual universe. He also wants to temporarily put down the old hatred between the ice to the supreme. After all, the universe of the universe is in front of him, but there is a life and death, and what the old hatred is more than the universe.

But this ice is supreme, but it is the universe of this virtual, and the disciple of the refining Shen Zong selection is in the junky, hate does not set him to death!

It is creature that is cooked. His sword is unparalleled.

"It is also, then in this god, let the new hatred and solve the old hat!"

The sword is unhealthy muttered, and the eyes flashed a bicycle killing machine!

Ji whale helps boat.

"Ice, the kid of the refining Shenzong is foggy. This is not with adults, you need to be small now, will kill him."

Like the old servant standing in the niha to help the barefo, the barefo helpless, pay attention to the eyes of the Supreme and the sword, and the sound of the sound, suddenly the sound is cold.

"If you want to kill him?"

The ice is looking at Luo Ming at a glance, and shakes his head.

Switch, his eyes poured out of the irritation.

"This person must be killed by me, I want to peel the cramps, feel the biggest pain in this world!"

Low headed Luo Ming heard the words, and suddenly fell.

What huge hatred between these two people?

"Let's go, first enter the gods, this battle with this person, today is unavoidable, just in this god."

After a while, the ice is sucking a sigh of relief, and the expression gradually recovered calm and faint.

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