
The screams of screams, from the top of this team of the gods, fierce the land!

"what happened?"

"What happened?!"

"What happened in front?"

Suddenly, everyone is sprinting the footsteps of the flying, and the face is shocked.

"It seems that someone triggers banned in front!"

Everyone is busy looking up, I saw a Tianjiao in the first one, eight-star quarta, being laser, like a knife cutting, directly, cut countless fragments!

The force of the annihilation of the banned aperture, directly put this Tianjiao's disciples, death can no longer die!


Seeing this scene, everyone in the scene took a breath, and the scalp was numb.

This person I fell, but I was not a famous junior. It is the prostitute of the emotion of the cosmic zone. It is also one of the famous Tianjiao in the universe. I can't think that there is such a silent death.

Time, I have a relaxed person in my heart, and my heart suddenly sinks, and my face has a sloppy and dignified.

At this time, they remembered that this place of gods is a six mark virtual honors, they don't dare to get into the dead!

The original is very fast, and suddenly it slows down.

Everyone is carefully explored, while the side is going forward, it is constantly in-depth.

After a while.


It is also a scream, a Tianjiao disciple, and die again in the force of the ban.

This makes everyone in the hearts of a cold. It has become extremely slow, and it is even more snorkered.

However, this is the case, still stopping the occurrence of death.

From this second disciple, death and falling, like a chain reaction, continuously starting!

A light circle exudes weak white mang, constantly sweeping from all directions, this road aperture speed is still not fast, but as everyone is going deep, speed suddenly gets getting faster!

This circle is white, just like a head of the head, the silent harvesting is the life of everyone!

For a while, the whole seal of the gods screamed, and everyone began to mourn the imperial power, constantly moving, avoiding this aperture white!

However, the lifting of the virtual force broke out, which was formed by a circle of a circle formed by the forces, and the speed of harvesting life became faster!


A circle of Bai Mang is obliquely.

The sword has no doubles, and it is easy to escape.

Yan Dan after the sword is not a relaxed, did not cause too much pressure to him.

It is difficult to cool, and it is very popular, and it is full of sweat.

Just in the second white mango, there is no double pen, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Fog double, today, it is your bones!"

"Vanity - !!!"

Occurrence, the sword has no double, Yan Dan smiled, the fierce light flashes, countless red-shaped virtual power condenses in his hands, forming a basketball-like red ball, squatting towards the sword!

He is waiting, it is this moment!

Now, this moment is finally here!

The previous step is enough to be the power of the horror ban on the god of Zhu Xian, the next step is that he is a must kill one!

He is confident, the sword is unparalleled, there is no way, the dead is coming!

In the distance, I always pay attention to this scene of the ice supreme, I can't help but pick the eyebrows, I will smile:

"The sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled. It seems that it is not only for this seat, even if you have just entered the refining god, there are Tongmen brothers who want to kill you, and the people do this, it is really Failure. "

Shake the head, Ice Supreme and I didn't hurry.

He learned that the sword is unparalleled, naturally, the scene in front of you can't make any threat to the sword.

It's still nothing to live in and the sword.

"Is it?"

Feeling a few barters behind, I quickly smashed the power of the fade, the sword was unbearable, and the full body is turned into the power, turned to look forward to Yan Dan.

He faces the white mango that is obliquely, or the fallen ball is not flashing, and the face is calm.

"Hahaha, this is prepared to die?"

Yan Dan saw, suddenly laughed.

That dustproof is also a pupil.

But at this moment, it is difficult to protect itself, and you can have no doubles for the sword.

He is not sighing slightly.


next moment!

Yan Dan's smile was stunned, and it was stiff.

The dust is equally eye-catching, and the face does not dare to confuse the color.

I saw that the force of killing countless Tianjiao, in the position of the sword, there is no double, and seems to be aware of the sword, unparalleled breath, actually a way of rotation, take the initiative to open the sword.

This is still not finished!

That is made by Yan Dan, destroying all of the fallen balls, which is actually swords without double, directly!

Follow it.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is gently grabbed.

boom! ! !

This virtual dish is round, directly crashes!

"How, how would this?"

Yan Dan is looked at the sword, the beloved, the beloved, the eyes are full of deight, almost a bleak dropped from the air.


The dust is also open, and the expression is shocking.

Fog double ... how to do it?

"You know, I just want to be quiet, but why do you want to die?"

The sword is not double-sided, and there is a bit of indifferent in the eyes, there is no emotion.

What I just did, as if I was a small thing for swords, just a short thing.


Yan Danroeded smear, between the time, and didn't know how to speak.

A big horror between life and death is like a wave of rolling temperament.

In the face of the sword, there is no dual indifference, Yan Dan is like a cold, and it is cold and cold.

A trace of virtual power, as if they have been banned, let him make a lot of simple struggles.

"The next generation is a bit."

Shake the head, the sword is unparalleled, a lot of greatness, no double finger from the sword.


A sudden sound, Yan Dan's head eyebrow position, suddenly pierced a finger thick blood cave!


Yan Dan's pupil gradually scattered, his face lost his body, and fell down.

The sharp swordsmanship, it is already in an instant, destroying his life.

Puff puff.

Next, the aperture formed by countless prohibition, and the Yan Dancheng became countless blocks.

One finger spike!

Looking at this scene with dust, a cold, straight from the back of the ridge.

Suddenly, the whole back of the dust is wetted by the cold sweat.

PS: When you come back, the update is late, forgive me!

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