Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4505 people dead lamp

It has been broken through the margin, which is headed by the disciples of the disciples, is so sword where the sword is unparalleled.

The dusty looks at the sword, the throat is rolled, and the spit is constantly swallowed.


I have to go out! !

The chief disciple of refining Shenzong, the selection of the selected Shenzong owner selected, and it was so late to be killed in the sword!

This fog double, what strength is it?

In the eyes of the dust, the thighs were trembled.

next moment.

He saw the sword unparalleled eyes and fell on his body.

This couldn't help him can't stand, and I was cold in my heart.

"I ... I didn't see anything."

Couting dust, swallow, trembling, blotting out.

The sword is unparalleled light slight flashing, looking at the appearance of dust, it is a lot of dumbs.

Is he afraid of killing people?

Shake the head, the sword is unparalleled, there is no tube, the footsteps, suddenly the same cannonball, slamming the center of the gods.

far away.

He has had a disciple from the horizon of the horizon in the ground of Feng Shen, and pays attention to this scene, and suddenly the pupil is shrinking.

"Yan Dan guy, actually died in the same door?"

In the eyes of Tianmen, I flashed a touch of agitation. I immediately saw a Tianmen disciple next to it. I asked: "Shengxuan, I have been closed, I don't know the foreign matter, when I am refining God, when I have this one Disciple? Who is that person? "

The disciples next to Tianmen heard the words, loud reputation: "Master, you don't know, I heard that this time the introduction of Shenzong's entrance disciple is selected, there is a great enchanting enchanting, arouseing fog. It is this person who wants to come. "

"Fog double?"

The Tianmen presented the eyebrows and smiled: "This person is a bit of something, and it is much stronger than Yan Danna."

After that, the Tianmen was shaken, and then paid a moment, then Shen said: "Refining Shenzong is not equal to us, now Yan Dan is dead, I am afraid that this person is very likely to become the main story of the gods, we If you have a chance later, it is best to kill this group of people.


This disciple is busy.

the other side.

I was so respecting this scene, and the corner of his mouth evoiled.

"This sword is unparalleled is really a disaster star, where is it."


Next moment, his right foot was a pedestal, and suddenly made a sword, and went straight to the sword.

The last head of the crowd.

The ram is so touching the nose, and the mouth is smirk.

"These two people are not the Lord that will be stopped."

Shake and shake his head, he also flew, turned into a stream of stream, flying in front.


Feng Shen's ground.

The sickle, who is sitting in the silent disk, seems to be induced, brow, wrinkle, face micro-change.

Rotary, he turned his right hand, an ancient lamp was held in his hand.

On this ancient lamp, the weak candlelight is shaking, followed by a blink of an eye, the flame on the ancient lamp, slammed.

Seeing this scene, the old face of Shenquan fiercely changed, standing up, and the eyes were dead, and they screamed.

"Yan Dan Wu !!!"

I saw that Shenquan had fallen into an irritation, and there were countless green jumped on the forehead, and the five official face was distorted.

"Who killed my children ?!!"

Shenqi is old and roaring, and he wants to crack the extreme.

An extremely terrible breath, spread from him.

The god lantern, binding Yan Dan's own life, the more the breath of Yan Dan, the more powerful, the candlelight on this god, the more weakened, the more weakened, this god The light on the lamp, the more bleak it naturally.

Just now, he saw the lights on the gods on your own eyes.

People die as light.

Nowadays, the lamp is destroyed, and it naturally represents Yan Dan.


An anger that cannot be described in any speech, a few close to the gods!

Yan Dan is dead!

His only son Yan Dan, sent a hopes, in the future, I have to go to the Scholars of Shen Zongzong's Lord's son, which is dead.


A sulf is out, but the Shenqi old anger is attacking, can't help the vomiting.

His full of bluefield, spin is a gray, the lips have lost blood color, and it is very dry.

Shenquan old eyes, a scarlet, dead staring at the land of the god, is a little trembling.

"Who is killing my? This is the poor billy, you will kill you, but you have to slaughter you in this world. All friends and family!"

Shen Saxi is happy, the eyes are flashing, and the face is extremely.

His hearts have a confidence.

Killing the people of Yan Dan, it is very likely that this is in the eyes of them, regardless of the sword of the prey!

"Fog double ... must be fog double !!"

Shen Saxi is staring at the ground of Feng Shen, and the eyes are struggling. He can't wait to enter the gods. If he saw the anti-anti-anti-aperture of the circle, face I have a touch of fear.

After a while, Shen Saxi was deeply sucking, and the knee sat down.

"Fog double, you better pray that you die inside, otherwise you will be alive, this seat must peeled you to cramp, show all the best torture means, let you regret it in this world!"

God is constantly rushing to the color of the old eyes.


Inside the land of God.

After the sword is unparalleled, after many Tianjiao, suddenly the breath is no longer reserved, directly transforming the viability into the power.

Boom ~~! ! !

Medium-supreme repair, instantly spread, straight risks, causing thousands of thunder!

One shaft and this ninety-nine banned with the source of the source, filled the four parties, the power of horrible ban, suddenly like milk swing to see parents, send a fluster, directly blunt the sword is unparalleled, let It passes.

After the sword is not two.

The ice is half-step, and the invincible supreme is just a horror refinement of one line. The same festival has skyrocketed, and it will rise!

One of the two days later, like two meteor Tianhe, directly into the deep layer of Feng Shen!

"Medium supreme? This guy, even breaks!"

Ice Supreme Feel the dimension of the sword without double body, not from the pupil.

"However, your sword is unparalleled, my ice is there without a mechanical means ?!"

The ice is supreme, and it looks at a kit that hangs in his waist.

In this tip, it is too embarrassing!

This is also his dare to challenge the sword.

Boom ~!

He stepped foot, and his sword appeared in his hands, and suddenly went to the sword!

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