Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4506, Life


Ice Supreme and Sword are unparalleled, and the previous sprint is in the past.

The ice is supreme, but it is not anxious to be a double shot.

Although he can't get rid of the bones of the sword, he can't wait to have a meat, but he is not a stupid person. He has not been impulsive to dizzy. He understands that it is more important than the most important thing in front of it now. The ground of Feng Shen, see if the team sent by the Zhenon, is still survived.

If it is still alive, he will naturally have a changing.

Even if you fall, you will have the squad of the Qiankun ring, and you will remain here.

That can be invincible.

Don't be your heart.

Thinking of this, the ice is faster.

" , ice wings!"

He drinks low, suddenly countless frost is condensed back, form a pair of narrow ice crystal wings.


One of the wings is a fan, suddenly the Supreme speed has skyrocketed, he is backward in the sword where the sword is unparalleled, and the electro-optical flames are directly exceeded the sword, and I will go forward.


The sword is unparalleled, the ice sued by him, could not help but squint.

He will not know what this ice is awkward.

"Dragon Blood Secrets, Enlightenment!"

The sword is unparalleled and low, the next moment, his very fast speed, rising a large speed, directly and have crossed his ice to respect!

The two people are extremely fast, you chase me between them, and disappeared in the original place and brushed over the deeper.

This has suffered hard to chase the ram supreme.

"These two guys, how speed is so fast."

The ram is so helpless.

He has already released the breath, the sword is unparalleled, and the Supreme, the existence of his existence is that it is ignored to him.

"Hey, let's go."

Shake the head, the ram is full of respect, and it will be pressed.


Fifty-one prohibitions.

Seventy-eight bans.

Eighty-five prohibitions.

Ninety-seven bans.

In an instant, the sword is unparalleled and the ice supreme is transwardted, and the noctition of dozens of prohibitions are shot towards the gods.

Half-column incense time.

A barrier like an eggs appeared in front of the two.

It seems that a round bowl is buckled down, and it is emitted with a faint mysterious light to put two people outside.

This is the last ban!

Breaking through this ban, it is the real seal of God. It is the place where the Lord of the Life, the owner of the godberg!

The sword is unparalleled first, he can feel that a share is from the origin and the same life, from the ninth nine-nine ban.

This is familiar with him, he only feels in a person.

That is ... Xuan Yi!

Feel this familiarity, the sword has no doubles that have been extended, and the stagnation of hard students has been in half.

"Is it a teacher?"

At this moment, the sword was unparalleled earlyly practiced ancient well-unparalleled mood, it was actually a bit of a bitter.

At first he didn't have doubts, the mysterious Mozi, will not be possible to be the palace of the life of the godberg.

But he didn't dare to ask, afraid of the result to disappoint himself.

Subsequently, in the Universe Wancha Celetes, the Zhen He mentioned him to his master.

Although there is still no exact news, but the sword is unparalleled, it is a little, it is his own master, it should be the same level of the Zhen Zhen.

And the gods of the godberg, although the same mystery is strong, it is obviously not a level of the Zhen Zhen.

If Xuan Yi is the life of the godberg, the Zhenon will not be so deep, and it is straightforward.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled, and the mysterious will be the idea of ​​life.

But at this moment, the sword is unparalleled to feel familiar with the last barrier, this thought is shaken!

The breath inside, with him, this is absolutely not allowed!

"The sword is unparalleled, this seat will take a step!"

Ice Supreme Note that the face of the face is unparalleled, disdainful, with a step, and entered this last ban.


With a sound, the ice is awkward as if it falls into the water, and the body is directly passed through the top ninety-nine banned, enters the land of the god!

"Whether it is not, just see you."

After a moment, the sword was unparalleled with a sigh of relief, and the eyes flashed a persistence, no longer hesitated, step into this barrier.


A black hit, as if it is a warm sea, a heating flow, there is no double body in the sword.

The power of this banned, in the face of the people of the universe, is the most horrible Thunder resort, but in the face of the people of the universe, it is a pair of soft hands.



The darkness in front of you gradually dispels, countless stars, and there is an eye in the eyes of the sword.

Next, it seems that the world is suddenly space, the sword is unparalleled, and it is easy to jump from this best.

"this is......"

The sword is unparalleled, I saw myself standing on a mountain.

A thin figure is facing yourself.

"What about Ice to Zun?"

There is no double brow, and he did not see the Supreme Mage.

Just just puzzled, the sword is unparalleled, and the thoughts will be taken to see this dry back.

This back shadow hair is gray, the whole body is smashed, like a skinny bone, the skin of the skin, put on the bones, gives people a peer to the dead wood, oil exhaust the feel.

The time before the sword is unparalleled with the origin, it is from this back.


The sword is unparalleled, and I tried to ask.

This back is not talking.

A shares have blown from the mountains, and they have a somewhat broken green coat, revealing the body of thin bones.

Until half a half.

When I heard a sluggish voice, I came from this dry back.

"I ask you, what is the situation in the honey?"

In this case, the sword didn't have a double, and the identity of this dry back is naturally the legend of the life of the hometown, standing in the most peak of the universe.

He ... is not a mysterious one.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled, some joy, and some lost.

A squat, sword, no double single knee, deeply sucking a sigh of relief, respectfully, said:

"Life, the brother of the gods, the sword is unparalleled, see the palace master!"

"After returning to the main people, now the life of the godberg is hurt by the disciples, the vitality is big, and it is recuperating."

The sword is unparalleled, and what he knows is now the treasure honest, slowly.

The thin back is not talking, but the quiet listening, it seems not to move, there is nothing to respond.

Until the sword is unparalleled, the thinness is so quiet, and he slowly said:

"The sword is unparalleled, don't call my palace master, you have to call me ... Teacher!"

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