Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4523, Tianyao Son


The gate of the temple of the temple, is pushed away from the inside, and a young man who looks handsome, white, and the hand holds a folding fan, with two congratulations, from the main hall.

He first looked at the sword and unparalleled and shook his head. The spin was not angry and fell on the nine musk behind the sword. When the eyes suddenly lit, the eyes were flashing.

He narrowed his eyes, it was like a heart, but did not say anything, but wip the shoulders from the ninekk and swords.

"The Sheng Zi of the sky is slow."

This martial arts disciple, respectfully served this youth man, then look at the sword is unparalleled, reach out and make a posture, laugh, said:

"Fog is double, let's go, the palace master is waiting for you."

There is no double point of the sword, walking in the road, Jiu Yue must keep up, I saw the martial arts disciple stepped out, stop her, said: "The girl stopped. My family is only letting the fog One person in the double, I have not informed it, but also let others go in. "

Nine, can not help but appear.

She didn't want to stop this, I don't know why, I just saw her eyes, let her feel the uneasiness, the kind of eyes, she also saw it on Yan Dan's face.

"Nine, you are waiting for me, there is something here, no one can hurt you."

The sword is unparalleled to see the nine , faintly open, and the spin will step out, enter this hall.

Jiu Musi heard the sword unparalleled words, he is a little peace of mind, no longer saying.


The wooden door of the hall is again closed.

The sword is unhealthy, and Yushu is standing.

The room is slightly dark, a whole body is covered with a gray-white bandage, just revealing the old man with a right eye, sitting on a coffee table.

This person is the palace owner of the temple.

"Fog double right? Come, sit."

He stretched his hand towards a few faces of the coffee, indicating that the sword was not double.

"it is good."

The sword nodded, sitting opposite the Mode of Miko Palace.

"Fog double, probably thing, Badwood guy has already told this palace, saying that you are the landlord of the gods."

The main gang of the temple is flat, reached out to the sword, there is no double pouring a cup of tea, continue to open: "We meditate on the situation of the gods, I want to tell you, although we have recently hanged, but not As for the point where the old dead is not coming, we have the same source of the same root, and there are ancestral training. Once is the closest person. "

"So, when the big banquet is started, the Palace Lord will personally go to you to refining the gods and witness your Dragonfly Dictionary."

"it is good."

The sword is unparalleled, there is no more to say anything, and the tea cup reached out and gently.

The two talked about a few words, and the palace palace was swaying, making a tiredness: "Well, fog double, the palace master knows that you are in the foundation, the official business is busy, there are not many stay, The primary of the next day, the main land, you will take the gods, and then you will be carefully. "

I heard this, the sword is unparalleled, and I don't know if this is the palace master.

"That Master, you have a good life, step down first."

After that, the sword is unparalleled to put down the tea cup, get up and stand up, go outside the door.

The temple of the palace, looked at the back of the sword, and the nose was sent a cold, and shook his head disdain.

Push the wooden door, walk from a dim, but the sword is a wrinkled.

Nine musk, disappeared.

"Foggy, your maid, was invited to God's wine to be gathered by the Shengzi of Tianyao."

The martial arts disciple is in the outside, and I am busy gotting.

"Tian Yao Si Zi? Go to God's Wine?"

The sword is unparalleled, and I can't help but let the brow.

What kind of nine-thy is, he is aware of a bit of a bit, but it is a personal talents who know the gods, and it is impossible to suddenly follow others in the middle.

And this sky, he also heard that it was the first day of the universe that the universe was recognized. The practice is still not enough, but it has already asked the three traces of virtuality, the background is the most universe The Sheng Yao, a strong road, which can be called the sky, and the atmosphere is shipped in a person.

On the status of the universe, even if the sword is unparalleled in the Shenli universe, even if it is too much.

"take me to."

The sword is unparalleled, and the opening said.


The martial arts disciple saw the coldness in the sword, and he couldn't help but jump, and he was busy with the sword without a pair of god wine.

For him, the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

Just on the way, he couldn't help but move toward the sword.

Big arrogance is the Son of Tianyao, you have a good time, you have to do a smooth and water, and give your maid to the sacred sacred son, just able to finish the Since the sky.

This is all, although the disciple of the episode did not understand, but roughly the meaning of this.

He did not notice that the brow in the sword is getting colder.


After a while, under the leadership of this mortal coward's disciple, the god wine came.

The god wine is a place of entertainment built in the construction of the Nikcheon. It has collected all kinds of various gods in the universe, often in the cultivation of the painting, more than three or five friends, and go to this god wine Relax relax.

Practice the practice, next to the repair first is personal.

Entering the god wine, this martial arts disciple with swords unparalleled in a box.

The open box door, the sword is not moving in.

A wine table is sitting three people.

They are the sacred hills of Tianyao, nine musk, responsible for the midair, and two old slaves standing down behind the Saints.

Seeing the sword unparalleled, the nine ,... . . .

"You can be a new renovation of the neighborhood."

The sacred sacred sacred sacred.

The sword is unparalleled. I nodded: "It is me."

The Sheng Zi, the sacred sacred, reached out: "Come, sit, foggy double, drink a few cups together."

After the fog, after the fog, the Mountain of the Mingyin next to the sacred sacred hills was responsible for giving him a glass of wine.

Sheng Zi raised the wine glass, lifted the sword, unparalleled, squatting his eyes: "Fog double, this is your maid called Jiuku? This Son called her to drink a few glasses, you should not mind ? "

The sword is unparalleled to look at him, and there is no reply.

The sword is unparalleled, can't help but let the Saint of the sky raise the hand cup.

However, he did not get angry, but continued:

"Come, everyone will drink one together."

Under this words, the loud mountain responsible for the accompanying is busy, and the nine-threatened sword is unparalleled. Just talking, the sword has no double, gives her a slightly.

Rotary, the sword is unparalleled to drink this glass of wine.

Put down the wine glasses, the sword is quietly looked at the first day of the famous universe, the sacred sacred.

He has to see what tricks will be played.

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