Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4524 is kneeling!

The heavenly word No. 1 of the Wine Winehouse.

Everyone raised a cup of drinks, seeing the picture of the sea, but she couldn't cover a cold breath.

"This is right."

Sheng Zi, the Son of the sky looked at the sword and the nine musk, all of which were drinking a cup, and a smile was awkward on his face.

"The mortal people said that I am waiting for the fairy, the head next to the cockroach is the first to be personal, this holy is a child, not shaking, unlikely the mountain beauty, and the cup of wine. This time this Son first said Clear, no one can run the virtual force, ablation this wine, must be accompanied by the Shengzi to drunk three thousand six hundred, how? "

At this point, the chief disciple of the Pluto Palace responsible for accompanying, even busy attached: "The Holy Son is right! This time the son of the son is not easy to come to us, we must accompany you. "

"Well, you are a small child, but it is up."

The Sheng Si, the Son of Tian Yao, smiled and touched the top of the Yin Mountain, as if it was touched the puppy who sold the tail, and then reached out of the wine glass again, and lifted it to the nine musk:

"Come, Jiu Musk, and then accompany the Sundia."

Nine, this is already a pretty face, and suddenly flashes a touch of hesitation.

This god wine is made of a hundred brewing fruit. It is specially used to give it to the trace, and she is not a star, and it has long been a bit unreasonable.

If you want to refuse, but Jiuk see the seemingly smile, in fact, it is a cold and Yao Sheng Si, can't help but shake.

She has figured out the identity of this young man in front of him.

Sheng Yao Shengdi, Sheng Si!

The first day of the universe of the world!

The sky is one of the most immortal treasures of the universe. It is more than one, the six trace of the holy land is more than one, although the Shenzong is also one of the top forces, but it is poor than the sky. Not a star half.

This is not the most critical, the most important thing is that the spirit of the refining god will soon be unloaded, and the sword is unparalleled to become a new one of the refining Shenzong.

Once she is sinned by the Sundia, she is equal to the sin of the sky.

At that time, don't say how Tian Yao holy land will go to the ground, I am afraid that in the universe, I will have a generous refining attitude of the sword without palace.


When you think of this, the ninekin silver teeth bite, raise the wine cup and drink.

Suddenly, a flame is like burning in her body, and the nine musk feels that the body is boiling, the head is dizzy, it is difficult to suffer.

"This is right."

The Sheng Zi, which is very happy, and raise it again.

"I can't think of the nine-song girl. It is really good, come, come, give this sacred face, then a cup."

Seeing, nine thoms finally couldn't help, the face was slightly changed, but the pretty face was still squeezed, so loudly: "Sheng Zi adult, I really can't drink."

"Can you drink?"

When I heard this, the son of the sky slowed down, and the smile on his face converges, the sound became clear: "Nine Musk, it seems that you didn't give this sage?"

Nine, the smile on the face is stiff.

"The Singer, I don't mean this ....."

She just had to explain, and the Son of Tianyao interrupted her explanation and continued to open: "Nine Musk, this glass of wine, you don't think about yourself, you must think about your own Zongmen, Let's consider your master fog? "

I heard this, the nine-Imme of the body.

This naked threat has not been revealed.

Jiukou looked at the side of the side, the sword of the silent, and couldn't help but laugh.

At the end of the end, regardless of the Shenzong, still outside, she is a piece of chess in the hands of the big people.

"I drink."

The trembling reach out, the nine-welled wine glasses, ready to drink.

Seeing, the Shengzi's face on the son of the sky is tempered, and I have nodded, and the face next to it, the face is also unpleasant and smile.

What is going to do with the Sundia of Tianyao, and his heart is of course very clear.


at this time.

The nine-welled wine glasses, ready to drink the right hand, was caught by a big hand, strong power, from this pair of bones, let her move.

Jiu Mei's lifted head and look, only see the side face of the sword unparalleled angle, and a cold color.

next moment.

Icy and low sound, from the sword without having a double mouth.

"Your face?"

"You have this kind of garbage, I am playing ten, you are also fitted in front of the fog?"

In this case, the audience is surprised.

The patriottest mountain, the face is full of colors.

He didn't think that this is from the foggy of refining Shenzong, which is so arrogant? !

He knows that the sacred sacred in front of him, is it?

Bold! "

Switch, he slammed the table, he wanted to teach the Tianyao Son to teach this unreasonable thing, in the case of inviting the work, showing some.

However, it hasn't waited for him to have a movement, and the sword has skyrocketing three inches, and it has appeared to him.

boom! ! !

In an instant, only a big horror between life and death, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is like two, and the endless gods are sword, and they are injected into his body. Kill him thousands of times.


Yin Mountain, a butt fell, a cold rushed from the back of the ridge, such as a felling ice.

At another look, he has been wet by cold sweat throughout the back.

And the Son of Tianyao, I originally with a smile, smile slammed.

Rotary, the face of the Son of the sky, is gloomy to the extreme.

"Fog double, even the main owners of you, don't dare to talk to this holy, are you looking for death?"

"I apologize, give you this woman, you can give you the words, you can just now, you are young, drunk, not with you."

After that, the Son of Tianyao wants to get up and stand up, and the high-stroke of the sword is unparalleled.

However, he just got up and his body was still straight.

"I am squatting?"

The sword is unparalleled, the chaotic hegemony is protected, and the right hand suddenly reached, and the head is taken on the head of the Shengzi.

" !!!"

boom! ! !

Endless power, from the sword unparalleled.

The Sheng Si, which only felt like a million mountains, the whole person slammed to the ground, kneeling the floor directly out of the spider web.

For today's swords, there is no one, as long as you don't enter the invincible, no one is he is a enemy!

This sky is the sacred, but the three traces are not as good as the big family, the big Jiao Ming, who is the red whale, dare to let go of him?

"Little Lord!!"

"Holy Son" !! "

Two old slaves behind the door, there is a look at the extreme, just like the sword without double killing, see the sword is unparalleled.



A void crack, split from the sword without double, the whole body shrouded in the big black robe, the god corpse of the big black robe, directly reached, while moving toward these two old slaves.

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