Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4525, single-handed

boom! ! !

The two fists in Ta Luo Shen, suddenly endless power bursts, the anticipatal is circulated in his hands, turned into a violent sword, and slammed the chest of these two venues.

These two Shengzi's comic servants, but how can they be the opponent of Ta Luo?

The tiger is still, even if it is now Too to respect the god corpse, just just the first to respect the realm, but is it to compete with it?


In an instant, these two old slaves have hit by two universe battleships. When the body suddenly hit the goddess door, fly out.

call out.

Two small black spots flicker in the air, but the two old slaves directly Too many boxes of god corpse, stabbed in the middle of the palace, even stabbed the entire cloudy field!


Suddenly, that was scared to sit on the place where the top of the mountain, looked at this scene, could not be stunned, the whole body tremble.

What did he saw it?

The sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred and born!

The two old servants of Tianyao Son, the god of the fog, slammed directly, and smashed the mound star field!

Is this too violent? !

Then, this sputum was sprupted.


I have to go out!

"Fog double, you are dead !!!"

The sword was unparalleled, and the Sheng Zi, who was pressed to the ground, the handsome five-official twisted to the extreme, and under the sound, it was actually desperate to all the virtual power in the body.

Time, the virtual force in the Sanzi, like the vortex of the high-speed rotation, crashed, and a share of the power of the stars, from his body explosion, it is like a wave, rolling, you have to die. Death hit the right hand on his head.


Feel the impact power from the hand, the sword is unparalleled.

This sky is the first day of the universe. Sure enough, there is still a few things. This impact is the power of power, it is no weaker than the four scutens.

If the sword is unparalleled, there is no breakthrough in the middle, and may have to take a wax at this moment.

"But unfortunately, now you are still not enough."

Cold snoring, swords are unparalleled, and the heads of the Shengzi, grabbing the head of the Shengzi, and smash the windows of the Shengzi's body directly, and lost it from the god wine.

Seeing this scene, nine could not help but feel a little: "Fog double, this person is the Son of Tianyao Holy Land, we do this, will you give you a disaster?"


The sword is unparalleled and shakes his head. Step step out, it has appeared outside the god wine, and the high-striking sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

The turmoil between the two people, suddenly attracted all the eyes of all the martial arts disciples inside and outside the god.

"What? The Sist of Tianyao is turned out?"

"Who is so bold? Do you dare to do it for the Shengzi in the sky ?!"

At a time, everyone has been horrified.

Switch, they saw a step from the Shenshu Court, the foot and the sword was unparalleled.

"It's him?!"

"The new sect of refining Shenzong?"

"This person, I remember not to break through the traceline, how did you smash it?"

"Who knows, it is estimated to be a sneak attack, after all, the Saint Son of our universe is arrogant, the existence of the realm is invincible, this fog is, it should be the opponent of the sky. "

Everyone said in the ear.

"Fog double, low despicable, etc., you will die !!!"

And in the god wine, the expression of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

The killing of is almost condensed, and it is turned in his eyes.

He is born, no matter whether it is a human homeland and background, or his own invincible air transport, and the talents of Zhen Zhibu, all of them have developed high-level mentality, and do not put anyone in their eyes.

When did he have been humiliated?

Another hate, constantly scouring in his body, short instant, the eyes of the Sheng Zi, the eyes of the sacred sacred, can't hate the sword without double the corpse!

Looking at it, the sacred sacred sacred shot, and there was no double kill toward the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the expression is indifferent, and it is lightly open: "The fog said, one hand, you will play you!"

next moment!

I saw that the sword was not born behind the left hand, and the right hand was condensed into a punch, and I went up toward the Sheng Si of the sky!

This punch, you can break the day, the mountain river is tipped!

There are no number of golden light, from the sword unparalleled right boxing, it is like driving a round of rolling big days, and it seems to drive a golden carriage, drive from the Sun Center, and hit the Singer of the sky!


Under this boxing, the whole void has emitted the sound as the mirror broken, set off a burst of ripple.

"Retreat !!"

Suddenly, it is watching the excitement of the excitement of the excitement, and the body has returned, and directly flunds out of the starry sky.

boom! ! !

This punch finally slammed the Saint Sanzi.


The Sist of Tianyao took a faster speed than a rushing, and the whole land was shocked.

But soon, in the sea, a mysterious mask is faintly about, releases the banned power, and the battle between the two, and compresses as much as possible.

Otherwise, in the sword, there is a lot of money, it is enough to put the sun, I am afraid that the remaining wave burst out is enough to let the whole mortal mandarin.


"Fog double, you should kill !!"

The sacred sacred son climbed from the ground, and the handsome face was full of twisted madness, and the eye has made a bloodthirsty red.

He once again killed the sword.


The sword is unparalleled, step down, suddenly moved like an instant, appearing in front of the Sundia of the sky, the right fist is smashed out, and the land around it is the land, and it has turned the sea.

! !

The sword is unparalleled with the shape of the road, and the voices of the avenue trembling are like a giant ax in the sky, and it is on the head of the Saint Tianyao.

"Sheng Zi, the sky? Today's fog, teach you how to be people."


Inside the palace main hall of the temple.

The Pantheel is sitting in the knee, and suddenly the eyelid jumped.

"Well? What happened?"

The eyes slowly opened, and the main lord looked up.


Just then, a disciple of a martyrdom ran quickly and flustered.

"The palace master! Big things are not good! The next sect of the gods, the fog of the main mist, and playing outside the god wine and the sacred sacred sacred!"


The main pupil of the epiglasia is slightly shrinking. The gods are flowing in the eyes, and the eyes are directly passed through the nine secluded empties, and I saw the scene of the Swordless San San.

"Mix !!"

Suddenly, the main eyes of the temple, the shoulders move slightly, the whole person has disappeared in the hall.

PS: The body is uncomfortable, today is more

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