Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4526, Master

Exterior of God.

Small dust.

It is enough to destroy the stars, smash the stars, like the violent huge behem, bombard, but not waiting to spread, but everything is in the martial arts, it is stopped.

"Fog, fog double, the sky is still asked, people are unable to live, you are looking for death."

The Sheng Zi trembled from the ground, at this moment, his hair was scattered, his eyes were blisters, and there was half-half of the sacred sacred son.

However, his model wolf, a grandeur, unable to describe the strength, but started to condense on him.

A smog, like a thick red light, started to condense in his chest, its spilled breath, directly annihilated the week and the stars, turned into chaos.

The meditation from the Watched War, the heart is full of aversion.

"No! It is a buffer!"

"The Sheng Zi, which has been lost, it is desirable!"

"Block? What to stop? Hurry to end the palace! Only the palace owner can solve it!"

At a time, the gods of the gods were panicked.

"Is it possible?"

The sword is unparalleled.

He has been to the virtual universe. When he seems that most of the universe of the universe is similar to the power of the universe. There is not much difference. The only thing can be worth mentioning. Some have anhenotype, ambulance.

Vulnerabade, one instant can burst into the strength of the whole body, it is the power of the universe, the biggest kill!

"Sorry, I also have."


next moment.

The sword is unparalleled to raise the arm, spread the five fingers, and head towards the direction of the sky.

In his hand, the gas is started to rotate, like the gyroscope, the speed of rotation is getting faster and faster, faster!

boom! ! !

Finally, a small black vortex like a black hole is unparalleled in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, all of which are boiling, then crazy, gather together, gradually form a black horror ball of fist size!

"Black malopement?"

"There is still black ?!"

"The virtual explosion is divided into seven products, the lowest is white, the second products are golden, the three products are purple ..... black is a few products? How did I have never heard of it ?!"

"I don't know! But this black false burst is more horrible! It is better than the Sheng Zi, which is better! The sacred sacred sacred sacred !!!"

Many disciples of many martyrdom looked at this scene and suddenly said.

"Is it black?"

The sword has no double light flashed.

When the sword was unparalleled to swallow the vulnerability, I woke up the virtual explosion, just awakened for so long, he was still used for the first time.

As for the power, the sword is still quite expected.

"Go to death !!!"

At this moment, the Sheng Si of the Tianyao first broke out!

The red ball in his chest position, like a shell, !

In an instant, the gas is spilled, the earth is crackled, and the top of the marty is like a buckled bowl, and suddenly the bangs rang.


It's like a broken mirror, this blocking all the martial arts in the palace of Weiner, makes an unhappy break.

A silk gas is overflowed from the mask, and the whole temptation will be trembled directly.

Just when the sword is unparalleled.


A voice sounded outside the hundred miles, followed by, he saw a voice that was covered with bandages, step down on it, as in the void, the pen stopped in the middle of the sword unparalleled and the sky.


A bandage fry, revealing dry and thin, gray palm.

At the right hand of the marty, the right hand of the martyrdom, and directly grabbed the son of the sky, destroying all horror balls.


Like the ball from the ball, the fumes of the Sacred Siszing, falling into the palm of the Master, a rapid rotation, splashing countless sparks.

However, the palm of the master is like a nine-day iron water, and the power of this malon is out of the ball. It still can't hurt the slightest. The speed of the last rotation gradually slowed down, was arrested by the Master Destroy.

A Six trace of virtual respective breath, spread from the main body of the temple.

Under this breath, whether it is the Saint Son of the sky, or the sword is unparalleled, it is like an ants.

Six traces, or invincible supreme, with other grades of dishes, the gap is too big, not a level!

The sword has no doubles, and the light moves slightly, and the power of the fumes to be sent by the palm of your hand.

"The main, you have to stop me for this kid ?!"

However, the Sist of Tianyao still does not give up, the eyes are turning, and the death is staring at the Lord of the Miyin.


The Mingyin Palace sighs sighs, he is a male master, six trace levels, and naturally do not need too much.

But the representative of Tianyao Son is not just one of himself, or behind the sky behind the sky!

Tian Yao Holy Land, the universe is one of the immortal traditions, the historical heritage of its existence, almost crowning the whole virtual universe, even if it will be merged with the gods and the mystery, it is estimated that the opponents of the sky.

The sacred sacred sacred sacred, and the potential is amazing, and the future will be able to sit in peace and even more stronger.

If he is not helpless, he is really unwilling to insert this water.

It's just that he can't come out, I am afraid that the whole temptation is to be smashed.

"Son, give this palace master, this is uncovering this matter?"

The main point of the Hero Palace said.

Sheng Zi did not speak, but his face became gloomy.

Although he is arrogant, it is not a brain idiot.

I have a high talent, and I still stand in the sky, I still look at this, I am very polite to my attitude, but the sky is clear, I have nothing to do, I have no difference in a six trace. Go to the front!

After the main end of the Herong Palace, he was looking at the sword. The face became some iron blueway: "The fog is double, the guy is so teaches you to do things? I see you want to drag the artifact Wanted! "

The sword is unparalleled, but it doesn't matter to shrug.

"The fog is double, the Bad Nats is not going, and you can also protect you a bit, but the riée is when you leave, if you truly practice the gods, if you do this, you will give the gods in the morning and evening, bring a disaster!"

The monk saw a sword unparalleled, and said.

This sentence, he is from your heart.

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